Source code for singlecellmultiomics.utils.blockzip

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Bio import bgzf
import os

[docs]class BlockZip():
[docs] def verify(self): prev_contig = None prev_pos = None for line in self.bgzf_handle: if len(line) == 0: continue line_contig, line_pos, line_strand, rest = self.read_file_line(line) if prev_pos is not None and line_pos<prev_pos and line_contig==prev_contig: raise ValueError('Corrupted mapfile') prev_contig = line_contig prev_pos = line_pos
def __init__(self, path, mode='r', read_all=False): """ Store tabular information tied to genomic locations in a bgzipped file Args: path (str) : path to file mode (str) : mode, r: read, w: write read_all(bool) : when enabled all data is read from the file and the handles are closed """ self.path = path self.index_path = f'{path}.idx' self.prev_contig = None self.mode = mode self.index = {} self.cache = {} if self.mode == 'w': self.bgzf_handle = bgzf.BgzfWriter(self.path, 'w') self.index_handle = open(self.index_path, 'wt') elif self.mode == 'r': if not os.path.exists(self.path): raise ValueError(f'BGZIP index file missing at {self.path}') self.bgzf_handle = bgzf.BgzfReader(self.path, 'rt') if not os.path.exists(self.index_path): raise ValueError( f'BGZIP index file missing at {self.index_path}') self.index_handle = open(self.index_path, 'rt') for line in self.index_handle: contig, start = line.strip().split() self.index[contig] = int(start) if read_all: for line in self.bgzf_handle: if len(line) == 0: continue line_contig, line_pos, line_strand, rest = self.read_file_line(line) #print((line_pos, line_strand,rest)) if not line_contig in self.cache: self.cache[line_contig] = {} self.cache[line_contig][(line_pos, line_strand)] = rest cpos = line_pos self.bgzf_handle.close() self.bgzf_handle=None self.index_handle.close() self.index_handle=None else: raise ValueError('Mode can be r or w') def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.bgzf_handle.close() self.index_handle.close()
[docs] def write(self, contig, position, strand, data): """ Write information for location contig/postion/strand !! Write the contig data per contig, random mixing of contigs will result in a corrupted file Args: contig(str) postion(int) strand(bool) data(str) """ assert(self.mode == 'w') if self.prev_contig is None or self.prev_contig != contig: self.index_handle.write( f'{contig}\t{int(self.bgzf_handle.tell())}\n') self.bgzf_handle.write( f'{contig}\t{position}\t{"+-"[strand]}\t{data}\n') self.prev_contig = contig
[docs] def __iter__(self): "Get iterator going over all lines in the file" assert(self.mode == 'r') yield from iter(self.bgzf_handle)
[docs] def read_file_line(self, line): line_contig, line_pos, line_strand, rest = line.strip().split(None, 3) return line_contig, int(line_pos), line_strand == '-', rest
[docs] def __getitem__(self, contig_position_strand): """Obtain data at the supplied contig position and strand Args: contig_position_strand : tuple of ( contig(str) postion(int) strand(bool)) Returns: result (str) : data stored for the genomic location, returns None when no data is available """ contig, position, strand = contig_position_strand if contig not in self.cache and contig in self.index: self.read_contig_to_cache(contig) if contig in self.cache: return self.cache[contig].get((position, strand), None)
[docs] def read_contig_to_cache(self, contig, region_start=None, region_end=None): if contig not in self.index: return self.cache[contig] = {} # Seek to the start:[contig]) while True: try: line = self.bgzf_handle.readline() if len(line) == 0: break line_contig, line_pos, line_strand, rest = self.read_file_line( line) if line_contig != contig: break #print((line_pos, line_strand,rest)) if region_start is not None and line_pos<region_start: continue if region_end is not None and line_pos>region_end: break self.cache[contig][(line_pos, line_strand)] = rest except Exception as e: raise if line_contig != contig: break