Source code for singlecellmultiomics.tagtools.tagtools

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pysam
import collections
import pysamiterators.iterators as pysamIterators

complement = str.maketrans('ATCGN', 'TAGCN')

This module contains functions which use data encoded in bam or fastq tags

# For a mapped read pair it is very important to figure out which bases are actual genomic signal
# Al sequence behind and on top of the random primer cannot be trusted and should be masked out
# secondly all signal before the starting location of R1 cannot be trusted
# Due to dovetailing this cannot be detected before mapping
# This function returns a lower and higher bound of the locations within the fragment that can be trusted
# ASCII art: (H is primer sequence)
#           R1 H------------------------>
#   <------------------HH R2

# Output: (E is emitted)
#           R1 HEEEEEEE----------------->
#   <------------------HH R2

[docs]def getPairGenomicLocations(R1, R2, R1PrimerLength=4, R2PrimerLength=6): if R1 is None or R2 is None or R1.is_unmapped: # This is an annoying situation, we cannot determine what bases can be # trusted raise ValueError('Genomic locations cannot be determined') if R2.is_unmapped: # This is an annoying situation, we cannot determine what bases can be # trusted raise ValueError('Genomic locations cannot be determined') if R1.is_reverse == R2.is_reverse: # The fragment is not correctly mapped raise ValueError('Fragment incorrectly mapped') if not R1.is_reverse: # R1 is forward, R2 is reverse # R1 H------------------------> # <------------------HH R2 start = R1.reference_start + R1PrimerLength end = R2.reference_end - R2PrimerLength else: # R2 HH------------------------> # <------------------HH R1 start = R2.reference_start + R2PrimerLength end = R1.reference_end - R1PrimerLength if start >= end: raise ValueError('Fragment has no size') return start, end
# Get an identifier which identifies the reverse transcription reaction # (hexamerStart, hexamerBases)
[docs]def getRandomPrimerHash(R2, onStart=True, primerLength=6): if R2.query_sequence is None: return None, None # The read was not mapped if R2.is_unmapped: # Guess the orientation does not matter return None, R2.query_sequence[:primerLength] if R2.is_reverse: global complement return(R2.reference_end, R2.query_sequence[-primerLength:][::-1].translate(complement)) else: return(R2.reference_start, R2.query_sequence[:primerLength]) raise ValueError()
[docs]def getListAllPositions(l): positions = set() for read in l: if isinstance(read, list): for x in read: for start, end in x.get_blocks(): for x in range(start, end): positions.add(x) else: for start, end in read.get_blocks(): for x in range(start, end): positions.add(x) return positions
[docs]def getCoverageAllPositions(l): positions = collections.Counter() for read in l: for start, end in read.get_blocks(): for x in range(start, end): positions[x] += 1 return positions
[docs]def getMateDictSpanningCoordinates(md): surfaceStart = None surfaceEnd = None contig = None for fragmentId, reads in md.items(): for read in reads.values(): if contig is None and read.reference_name is not None: contig = read.reference_name if surfaceStart is None or read.reference_start < surfaceStart: surfaceStart = read.reference_start if surfaceEnd is None or read.reference_end > surfaceEnd: surfaceEnd = read.reference_end return contig, surfaceStart, surfaceEnd
[docs]def getUniqueRandomPrimers(readIter, primerLength=6): randomPrimers = set() for read in readIter: if read.is_read2: randomPrimers.add( getRandomPrimerHash( read, primerLength=primerLength)) return randomPrimers
# Obtain from how many sources the reads are derived # The sequencer, lane and tile are taken into account for this metric
[docs]def getSources(readIter): instruments = set() lanes = set() # instrument, flowcell, lane tiles = set() # instrument, lane, tile for read in readIter: instrument = read.get_tag('Is') flowcell = read.get_tag('Fc') lane = read.get_tag('La') tile = read.get_tag('Ti') instruments.add(instrument) lanes.add((instrument, flowcell, lane)) tiles.add((instrument, flowcell, lane, tile)) return instruments, lanes, tiles
[docs]def getCycleOffset(read): start = 0 if read.is_read1: start = read.get_tag('eB') if read.has_tag('eB') else 0 elif read.is_read2: start = read.get_tag('EB') if read.has_tag('EB') else 0 else: raise ValueError('Designed for single or mate pair only') return (start)
[docs]def getReadTotalCycles(read, cycleOffset=None): # The obvious part: totalCycles = read.infer_read_length() # Add trimmed cycles: if cycleOffset is None: cycleOffset = getCycleOffset(read) totalCycles += cycleOffset # @warn: end is not defined! return totalCycles
# This iterator is similar and a wrapper of the Pysam get_aligned_pairs function # The difference is that the cycle of the sequencer is emitted (distToFirstCycle) (int or float) # yields cycle, queryIndex, referencePos, (refbase) # The cycle of the sequencer is obtained by the index, the read orientation and the eB/EB tags # The second added feature is that a reference handle can be added which # will yield reference bases from the supplied fasta file. This feature is # neccesary when mapping to masked genomes
[docs]class ReadCycleIterator(): def __init__(self, read, matches_only=False, # transfered to pysam api with_seq=False, # emit reference bases emitFloats=False, # Emit as percentage of total cycles instead of absolute cycles reference=None, # obtain reference base from a reference (Should be type pysam # FastaFile) ): = read self.with_seq = with_seq self.matches_only = matches_only self.emitFloats = emitFloats self.start = getCycleOffset(read) self.len = getReadTotalCycles(read, cycleOffset=self.start) self.reference = reference def __repr__(self): return(f'{}, {self.len} cycles starting at {self.start}') def __iter__(self): if self.reference is None: self.iterator = iter( matches_only=self.matches_only, with_seq=self.with_seq)) else: self.iterator = iter( pysamIterators.ReferenceBackedGetAlignedPairs(, self.reference, matches_only=self.matches_only, with_seq=True)) return self def __next__(self): if self.with_seq: readIndex, referencePos, referenceBase = next(self.iterator) else: readIndex, referencePos = next(self.iterator) # Obtain cycle: if not cycle = readIndex + self.start else: cycle = self.len - readIndex - self.start - \ 1 # minus one as the index starts at 0 if self.emitFloats: if self.len == 0: cycle = 0 else: cycle /= self.len if self.with_seq: return cycle, readIndex, referencePos, referenceBase else: return cycle, readIndex, referencePos