Source code for singlecellmultiomics.molecule.molecule

from singlecellmultiomics.utils.sequtils import hamming_distance
import pysamiterators.iterators
import singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing
from singlecellmultiomics.fragment import Fragment
from array import array
import itertools
import numpy as np
from singlecellmultiomics.utils import style_str, prob_to_phred, phredscores_to_base_call, base_probabilities_to_likelihood, likelihood_to_prob
import textwrap
import singlecellmultiomics.alleleTools
import functools
import typing
import pysam
import pysamiterators
from singlecellmultiomics.utils import find_ranges, create_MD_tag
import pandas as pd
from uuid import uuid4
from cached_property import cached_property
from collections import Counter, defaultdict


# Variant validation function
[docs]def detect_alleles(molecules, contig, position, min_cell_obs=3, base_confidence_threshold=None, classifier=None): # [ alleles] """ Detect the alleles (variable bases) present at the selected location Args: molecules : generator to extract molecules from variant_location(tuple) : (contig, position) zero based location of the location to test min_cell_obs (int) : minimum amount of cells containing the allele to be emitted confidence_threshold(float) : minimum confidence of concensus base-call to be taken into account classifier (obj) : classifier used for consensus call, when no classifier is supplied a mayority vote is used """ observed_alleles = defaultdict(set) # cell -> { base_call , .. } for molecule in molecules: base_call = molecule.get_consensus_base(contig, position, classifier=classifier) # confidence = molecule.get_mean_base_quality(*variant_location, base_call) if base_call is not None: observed_alleles[base_call].add(molecule.sample) return [allele for allele, cells in observed_alleles.items() if len(cells) >= min_cell_obs]
[docs]def get_variant_phase(molecules, contig, position, variant_base, allele_resolver, phasing_ratio_threshold=None): # (location,base) -> [( location, base, idenfifier)] alleles = [variant_base] phases = defaultdict(Counter) # Allele_id -> variant->obs for molecule in molecules: # allele_obs = molecule.get_allele(return_allele_informative_base_dict=True,allele_resolver=allele_resolver) allele = list(molecule.get_allele(allele_resolver)) if allele is None or len(allele) > 1 or len(allele) == 0: continue allele = allele[0] base = molecule.get_consensus_base(contig, position) if base in alleles: phases[base][allele] += 1 else: pass if len(phases[variant_base]) == 0: raise ValueError("Phasing not established, no gSNVS available") phased_allele_id = phases[variant_base].most_common(1)[0][0] # Check if the phasing noise is below the threshold: if phasing_ratio_threshold is not None: correct = phases[variant_base].most_common(1)[0][1] total = sum(phases[variant_base].values()) phasing_ratio = correct / total if correct / total < phasing_ratio_threshold: raise ValueError(f'Phasing ratio not met. ({phasing_ratio}) < {phasing_ratio_threshold}') # Check if the other allele i return phased_allele_id
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1000) def might_be_variant(chrom, pos, variants, ref_base=None): """Returns True if a variant exists at the given coordinate""" if ref_base == 'N': return False try: for record in variants.fetch(chrom, pos, pos + 1): return True except ValueError as e: return False # Happens when the contig does not exists, return False return False
[docs]def consensii_default_vector(): """a numpy vector with 5 elements initialsed as zeros""" return np.zeros(5)
# 1: read1 2: read2
[docs]def molecule_to_random_primer_dict( molecule, primer_length=6, primer_read=2, max_N_distance=0): rp = defaultdict(list) # First add all reactions without a N in the sequence: for fragment in molecule: h_contig, hstart, hseq = fragment.get_random_primer_hash() if hseq is None: # This should really not happen with freshly demultiplexed data, it means we cannot extract the random primer sequence # which should be present as a tag (rS) in the record rp[None, None, None].append(fragment) elif 'N' not in hseq: rp[h_contig, hstart, hseq].append(fragment) # Try to match reactions with N with reactions without a N for fragment in molecule: h_contig, hstart, hseq = fragment.get_random_primer_hash() if hseq is not None and 'N' in hseq: # find nearest for other_contig, other_start, other_seq in rp: if other_contig != h_contig or other_start != hstart: continue if hseq.count('N') > max_N_distance: continue if 'N' in other_seq: continue if hamming_distance(hseq, other_seq) == 0: rp[other_contig, other_start, other_seq].append(fragment) return rp
[docs]class Molecule(): """Molecule class, contains one or more associated fragments Attributes: fragments (list): associated fragments spanStart (int): starting coordinate of molecule, None if not available spanEnd (int): ending coordinate of molecule, None if not available chromosome (str): mapping chromosome of molecule, None if not available cache_size (int): radius of molecule assignment cache reference (pysam.FastaFile) : reference file, used to obtain base contexts and correct aligned_pairs iteration when the MD tag is not correct strand (bool): mapping strand. True when strand is REVERSE False when strand is FORWARD None when strand is not determined """
[docs] def get_empty_clone(self, fragments=None): return type(self)(fragments, cache_size = self.cache_size, reference=self.reference, min_max_mapping_quality=self.min_max_mapping_quality, allele_assingment_method=self.allele_assingment_method, allele_resolver=self.allele_resolver, mapability_reader=self.mapability_reader, max_associated_fragments=self.max_associated_fragments, **self.kwargs)
def __init__(self, fragments: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable] = None, cache_size: int = 10_000, reference: typing.Union[pysam.FastaFile, pysamiterators.CachedFasta] = None, # When all fragments have a mapping quality below this value # the is_valid method will return False, min_max_mapping_quality: typing.Optional[int] = None, mapability_reader: typing.Optional[singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.MapabilityReader] = None, allele_resolver: typing.Optional[singlecellmultiomics.alleleTools.AlleleResolver] = None, max_associated_fragments=None, allele_assingment_method=1, # 0: all variants from the same allele, 1: likelihood **kwargs ): """Initialise Molecule Parameters ---------- fragments : list(singlecellmultiomics.fragment.Fragment) Fragment to assign to Molecule. More fragments can be added later min_max_mapping_quality : When all fragments have a mapping quality below this value the is_valid method will return False allele_resolver : alleleTools.AlleleResolver or None. Supply an allele resolver in order to assign an allele to the molecule mapability_reader : singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.MapabilityReader, supply a mapability_reader to set mapping_quality of 0 to molecules mapping to locations which are not mapping uniquely during in-silico library generation. cache_size (int): radius of molecule assignment cache max_associated_fragments(int) : Maximum amount of fragments associated to molecule. If more fragments are added using add_fragment() they are not added anymore to the molecule """ self.kwargs = kwargs self.reference = reference self.fragments = [] self.spanStart = None self.spanEnd = None self.chromosome = None self.cache_size = cache_size self.strand = None self.umi = None self.overflow_fragments = 0 self.umi_hamming_distance = None # when set, when comparing to a fragment the fragment to be added has # to match this hash self.fragment_match = None self.min_max_mapping_quality = min_max_mapping_quality self.umi_counter = Counter() # Observations of umis self.max_associated_fragments = max_associated_fragments if fragments is not None: if isinstance(fragments, list): for frag in fragments: self.add_fragment(frag) else: self.add_fragment(fragments) self.allele_resolver = allele_resolver self.mapability_reader = mapability_reader self.allele_assingment_method = allele_assingment_method self.methylation_call_dict = None self.finalised = False self.obtained_allele_likelihoods = None @cached_property def can_be_split_into_allele_molecules(self): l = self.allele_likelihoods if l is None or len(l)<=1: return False return True
[docs] def split_into_allele_molecules(self): """ Split this molecule into multiple molecules, associated to multiple alleles Returns: list_of_molecules: list """ # Perform allele based clustering allele_clustered_frags = {} for fragment in self: n = self.get_empty_clone(fragment) if n.allele not in allele_clustered_frags: allele_clustered_frags[n.allele] = [] allele_clustered_frags[n.allele].append(n) allele_clustered = {} for allele, assigned_molecules in allele_clustered_frags.items(): for i, m in enumerate(assigned_molecules): if i == 0: allele_clustered[allele] = m else: allele_clustered[allele].add_molecule(m) if len(allele_clustered)>1: for m in allele_clustered.values(): m.set_meta('cr', 'SplitUponAlleleClustering') return list(allele_clustered.values())
@cached_property def allele(self): if self.allele_resolver is None: return None if self.allele_assingment_method == 0: # Obtain allele if available if self.allele_resolver is not None: try: hits = self.get_allele(self.allele_resolver) # Only store when we have a unique single hit: if len(hits) == 1: self.allele = list(hits)[0] except ValueError as e: # This happens when a consensus can not be obtained pass elif self.allele_assingment_method == 1: al = Counter(self.allele_likelihoods) if al is None or len(al)<1: return None return al.most_common(1)[0][0] raise NotImplementedError(f'allele_assingment_method {self.allele_assingment_method} is not defined')
[docs] def __finalise__(self): """This function is called when all associated fragments have been gathered""" # Perfom allele assignment based on likelihood: # this is now only generated upon demand, see .allele method if self.mapability_reader is not None: self.update_mapability() self.finalised = True
[docs] def update_mapability(self, set_mq_zero=False): """ Update mapability of this molecule. mapping qualities are set to 0 if the mapability_reader returns False for site_is_mapable The mapability_reader can be set when initiating the molecule, or added later. Args: set_mq_zero(bool) : set mapping quality of associated reads to 0 when the mappability reader returns a bad verdict Tip: Use `` to create an index to feed to the mapability_reader """ mapable = None try: mapable = self.mapability_reader.site_is_mapable( *self.get_cut_site()) except TypeError: pass except Exception as e: raise if mapable is False: self.set_meta('mp', 'bad') if set_mq_zero: for read in self.iter_reads(): read.mapping_quality = 0 elif mapable is True: self.set_meta('mp', 'unique') else: self.set_meta('mp', 'unknown')
[docs] def calculate_consensus(self, consensus_model, molecular_identifier, out, **model_kwargs): """ Create consensus read for molecule Args: consensus_model molecular_identifier (str) : identier for this molecule, will be suffixed to the reference_id out(pysam.AlingmentFile) : target bam file **model_kwargs : arguments passed to the consensus model """ try: consensus_reads = self.deduplicate_to_single_CIGAR_spaced( out, f'c_{self.get_a_reference_id()}_{molecular_identifier}', consensus_model, NUC_RADIUS=model_kwargs['consensus_k_rad'] ) for consensus_read in consensus_reads: consensus_read.set_tag('RG', self[0].get_read_group()) consensus_read.set_tag('mi', molecular_identifier) out.write(consensus_read) except Exception as e: self.set_rejection_reason('CONSENSUS_FAILED', set_qcfail=True) self.write_pysam(out)
[docs] def get_a_reference_id(self): """ Obtain a reference id for a random associated mapped read """ for read in self.iter_reads(): if not read.is_unmapped: return read.reference_id return -1
[docs] def get_consensus_read(self, target_file, read_name, consensus=None, phred_scores=None, cigarstring=None, mdstring=None, start=None, supplementary=False ): """get pysam.AlignedSegment containing aggregated molecule information Args: target_file(pysam.AlignmentFile) : File to create the read for read_name(str) : name of the read to write Returns: read(pysam.AlignedSegment) """ if start is None: start = self.spanStart if consensus is None: try: # Obtain the consensus sequence consensus = self.get_consensus() except Exception as e: raise if isinstance(consensus, str): sequence = consensus else: sequence = ''.join( (consensus.get( (self.chromosome, ref_pos), 'N') for ref_pos in range( self.spanStart, self.spanEnd + 1))) if isinstance(phred_scores, dict): phred_score_array = list( phred_scores.get( (self.chromosome, ref_pos), 0) for ref_pos in range( self.spanStart, self.spanEnd + 1)) else: phred_score_array = phred_scores # Construct consensus - read cread = pysam.AlignedSegment(header=target_file.header) cread.reference_name = self.chromosome cread.reference_start = start cread.query_name = read_name cread.query_sequence = sequence cread.query_qualities = phred_score_array cread.is_supplementary = supplementary if cigarstring is not None: cread.cigarstring = cigarstring else: cread.cigarstring = f'{len(sequence)}M' cread.mapping_quality = self.get_max_mapping_qual() cread.is_reverse = self.strand if mdstring is not None: cread.set_tag('MD', mdstring) self.write_tags_to_psuedoreads((cread,)) return cread
""" method = 1 sequence = [] cigar = [] if method==0: prev_end = None for block_start,block_end in molecule.get_aligned_blocks(): if molecule.strand: print(block_end>block_start,block_start, block_end) if prev_end is not None: cigar.append(f'{block_start - prev_end}D') block_len = block_end-block_start+1 cigar.append(f'{block_len}M') for ref_pos in range(block_start,block_end+1): call = consensus.get((molecule.chromosome, ref_pos),'N') sequence.append(call) prev_end = block_end+1 cigarstring = ''.join(cigar) """ def get_feature_vector(self, window_size=90): """ Obtain a feature vector representation of the molecule Returns: feature_vector(np.array) """ return np.array([ self.get_strand(), self.has_valid_span(), self.get_umi_error_rate(), self.get_consensus_gc_ratio(), len(self.get_raw_barcode_sequences()), self.get_safely_aligned_length(), self.get_max_mapping_qual(), (self.alleles is None), self.contains_valid_fragment(), self.is_multimapped(), self.get_feature_window(window_size=window_size) ])
[docs] def get_tag_counter(self): """ Obtain a dictionary with tag -> value -> frequency Returns: tag_obs (defaultdict(Counter)): { tag(str) : { value(int/str): frequency:(int) } """ tags_obs = defaultdict(Counter) for tag, value in itertools.chain( *[r.tags for r in self.iter_reads()]): try: tags_obs[tag][value] += 1 except TypeError: # Dont count arrays for example pass return tags_obs
[docs] def write_tags(self): """ Write BAM tags to all reads associated to this molecule This function sets the following tags: - mI : most common umi - DA : allele - af : amount of associated fragments - rt : rt_reaction_index - rd : rt_duplicate_index - TR : Total RT reactions - ap : phasing information (if allele_resolver is set) - TF : total fragments - ms : size of the molecule (largest fragment) """ self.is_valid(set_rejection_reasons=True) if self.umi is not None: self.set_meta('mI', self.umi) if self.allele is not None: self.set_meta('DA', str(self.allele)) # Set total amount of associated fragments self.set_meta('TF', len(self.fragments) + self.overflow_fragments) try: self.set_meta('ms',self.estimated_max_length) except Exception as e: # There is no properly defined aligned length pass # associatedFragmentCount : self.set_meta('af', len(self)) for rc, frag in enumerate(self): frag.set_meta('RC', rc) if rc > 0: # Set duplicate bit for read in frag: if read is not None: read.is_duplicate = True # Write RT reaction tags (rt: rt reaction index, rd rt duplicate index) # This is only required for fragments which have defined random primers rt_reaction_index = None for rt_reaction_index, ( (contig, random_primer_start, random_primer_sequence), frags) in enumerate( self.get_rt_reactions().items()): for rt_duplicate_index, frag in enumerate(frags): frag.set_meta('rt', rt_reaction_index) frag.set_meta('rd', rt_duplicate_index) frag.set_meta('rp', random_primer_start) self.set_meta('TR', 0 if (rt_reaction_index is None) else rt_reaction_index + 1) if self.allele_resolver is not None: self.write_allele_phasing_information_tag()
[docs] def write_tags_to_psuedoreads(self, reads): """ Write molecule information to the supplied reads as BAM tags """ # write methylation tags to new reads if applicable: if self.methylation_call_dict is not None: self.set_methylation_call_tags( self.methylation_call_dict, reads=reads) for read in reads: read.set_tag('SM', self.sample) if hasattr(self, 'get_cut_site'): read.set_tag('DS', self.get_cut_site()[1]) if self.umi is not None: read.set_tag('RX', self.umi) bc = list(self.get_barcode_sequences())[0] read.set_tag('BC', bc) read.set_tag('MI', bc + self.umi) # Store total amount of RT reactions: read.set_tag('TR', len(self.get_rt_reactions())) read.set_tag('TF', len(self.fragments) + self.overflow_fragments) if self.allele is not None: read.set_tag('DA', self.allele) if self.allele_resolver is not None: self.write_allele_phasing_information_tag( self.allele_resolver, reads=reads)
[docs] def deduplicate_to_single( self, target_bam, read_name, classifier, reference=None): """ Deduplicate all reads associated to this molecule to a single pseudoread Args: target_bam (pysam.AlignmentFile) : file to associate the read with read_name (str) : name of the pseudoread classifier (sklearn classifier) : classifier for consensus prediction Returns: read (pysam.AlignedSegment) : Pseudo-read containing aggregated information """ # Set all associated reads to duplicate for read in self.iter_reads(): read.is_duplicate = True features = self.get_base_calling_feature_matrix(reference=reference) # We only use the proba: base_calling_probs = classifier.predict_proba(features) predicted_sequence = ['ACGT'[i] for i in np.argmax(base_calling_probs, 1)] phred_scores = np.rint(-10 * np.log10(np.clip(1 - base_calling_probs.max(1), 0.000000001, 0.999999))).astype( 'B') read = self.get_consensus_read( read_name=read_name, target_file=target_bam, consensus=''.join(predicted_sequence), phred_scores=phred_scores) read.is_read1 = True return read
[docs] def deduplicate_to_single_CIGAR_spaced( self, target_bam, read_name, classifier=None, max_N_span=300, reference=None, **feature_matrix_args ): """ Deduplicate all associated reads to a single pseudoread, when the span is larger than max_N_span the read is split up in multi-segments. Uncovered locations are spaced using N's in the CIGAR. Args: target_bam (pysam.AlignmentFile) : file to associate the read with read_name (str) : name of the pseudoread classifier (sklearn classifier) : classifier for consensus prediction Returns: reads( list [ pysam.AlignedSegment ] ) """ # Set all associated reads to duplicate for read in self.iter_reads(): read.is_duplicate = True if classifier is not None: features, reference_bases, CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end = self.get_base_calling_feature_matrix_spaced( True, reference=reference, **feature_matrix_args) base_calling_probs = classifier.predict_proba(features) predicted_sequence = ['ACGT'[i] for i in np.argmax(base_calling_probs, 1)] reference_sequence = ''.join( [base for chrom, pos, base in reference_bases]) # predicted_sequence[ features[:, [ x*8 for x in range(4) ] ].sum(1)==0 ] ='N' predicted_sequence = ''.join(predicted_sequence) phred_scores = np.rint( -10 * np.log10(np.clip(1 - base_calling_probs.max(1), 0.000000001, 0.999999) )).astype('B') reads = [] query_index_start = 0 query_index_end = 0 reference_position = alignment_start # pointer to current position reference_start = alignment_start # pointer to alignment start of current read supplementary = False partial_CIGAR = [] partial_MD = [] for operation, amount in CIGAR: if operation == 'M': # Consume query and reference query_index_end += amount reference_position += amount partial_CIGAR.append(f'{amount}{operation}') if operation == 'N': # Consume reference: reference_position += amount if amount > max_N_span: # Split up in supplementary alignment # Eject previous # reference_seq = consensus_read = self.get_consensus_read( read_name=read_name, target_file=target_bam, consensus=predicted_sequence[query_index_start:query_index_end], phred_scores=phred_scores[query_index_start:query_index_end], cigarstring=''.join(partial_CIGAR), mdstring=create_MD_tag( reference_sequence[query_index_start:query_index_end], predicted_sequence[query_index_start:query_index_end] ), start=reference_start, supplementary=supplementary ) reads.append(consensus_read) if not supplementary: consensus_read.is_read1 = True supplementary = True # Start new: query_index_start = query_index_end reference_start = reference_position partial_CIGAR = [] else: partial_CIGAR.append(f'{amount}{operation}') reads.append(self.get_consensus_read( read_name=read_name, target_file=target_bam, consensus=''.join(predicted_sequence[query_index_start:query_index_end]), phred_scores=phred_scores[query_index_start:query_index_end], cigarstring=''.join(partial_CIGAR), mdstring=create_MD_tag( reference_sequence[query_index_start:query_index_end], predicted_sequence[query_index_start:query_index_end] ), start=reference_start, supplementary=supplementary )) # Write last index tag to last read .. if supplementary: reads[-1].is_read2 = True # Write NH tag (the amount of records with the same query read): for read in reads: read.set_tag('NH', len(reads)) return reads
[docs] def extract_stretch_from_dict(self, base_call_dict, alignment_start, alignment_end): base_calling_probs = np.array( [base_call_dict.get((self.chromosome, pos), ('N', 0))[1] for pos in range(alignment_start, alignment_end)]) predicted_sequence = [base_call_dict.get((self.chromosome, pos), ('N', 0))[0] for pos in range(alignment_start, alignment_end)] predicted_sequence = ''.join(predicted_sequence) phred_scores = np.rint( -10 * np.log10(np.clip(1 - base_calling_probs, 0.000000001, 0.999999999) )).astype('B') return predicted_sequence, phred_scores
[docs] def get_base_confidence_dict(self): """ Get dictionary containing base calls per position and the corresponding confidences Returns: obs (dict) : (contig (str), position (int) ) : base (str) : prob correct (list) """ # Convert (contig, position) -> (base_call) into: # (contig, position) -> (base_call, confidence) obs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for read in self.iter_reads(): for qpos, rpos in read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True): qbase = read.seq[qpos] qqual = read.query_qualities[qpos] # @ todo reads which span multiple chromosomes obs[(self.chromosome, rpos)][qbase].append(1 - np.power(10, -qqual / 10)) return obs
[docs] def deduplicate_majority(self, target_bam, read_name, max_N_span=None): obs = self.get_base_confidence_dict() reads = list(self.get_dedup_reads(read_name, target_bam, obs={reference_position: phredscores_to_base_call(probs) for reference_position, probs in obs.items()}, max_N_span=max_N_span)) self.write_tags_to_psuedoreads([read for read in reads if read is not None]) return reads
[docs] def generate_partial_reads(self, obs, max_N_span=None): CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end = self.get_CIGAR() query_index_start = 0 query_index_end = 0 reference_position = alignment_start # pointer to current position reference_start = alignment_start # pointer to alignment start of current read reference_end = None partial_CIGAR = [] partial_MD = [] partial_sequence = [] partial_phred = [] for operation, amount in CIGAR: if operation == 'N': if max_N_span is not None and amount > max_N_span: yield reference_start, reference_end, partial_sequence, partial_phred, partial_CIGAR, partial_MD # Clear all partial_CIGAR = [] partial_MD = [] partial_sequence = [] partial_phred = [] else: # Increment partial_CIGAR.append(f'{amount}{operation}') query_index_start += sum((len(s) for s in partial_sequence)) reference_position += amount elif operation == 'M': # Consume query and reference query_index_end += amount if len(partial_CIGAR) == 0: reference_start = reference_position start_fetch = reference_position reference_position += amount reference_end = reference_position partial_CIGAR.append(f'{amount}{operation}') predicted_sequence, phred_scores = self.extract_stretch_from_dict(obs, start_fetch, reference_end) # [start .. end) partial_sequence.append(predicted_sequence) partial_phred.append(phred_scores) yield reference_start, reference_end, partial_sequence, partial_phred, partial_CIGAR, partial_MD
[docs] def get_dedup_reads(self, read_name, target_bam, obs, max_N_span=None): if self.chromosome is None: return None # We cannot perform this action for reference_start, reference_end, partial_sequence, partial_phred, partial_CIGAR, partial_MD in self.generate_partial_reads( obs, max_N_span=max_N_span): consensus_read = self.get_consensus_read( read_name=read_name, target_file=target_bam, consensus=''.join(partial_sequence), phred_scores= array('B', np.concatenate(partial_phred)), # Needs to be casted to array cigarstring=''.join(partial_CIGAR), mdstring=create_MD_tag( self.reference.fetch(self.chromosome, reference_start, reference_end), ''.join(partial_sequence) ), start=reference_start, supplementary=False ) consensus_read.is_reverse = self.strand yield consensus_read
[docs] def deduplicate_to_single_CIGAR_spaced_from_dict( self, target_bam, read_name, base_call_dict, # (contig, position) -> (base_call, confidence) max_N_span=300, ): """ Deduplicate all associated reads to a single pseudoread, when the span is larger than max_N_span the read is split up in multi-segments. Uncovered locations are spaced using N's in the CIGAR. Args: target_bam (pysam.AlignmentFile) : file to associate the read with read_name (str) : name of the pseudoread classifier (sklearn classifier) : classifier for consensus prediction Returns: reads( list [ pysam.AlignedSegment ] ) """ # Set all associated reads to duplicate for read in self.iter_reads(): read.is_duplicate = True CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end = self.get_CIGAR() reads = [] query_index_start = 0 query_index_end = 0 reference_position = alignment_start # pointer to current position reference_start = alignment_start # pointer to alignment start of current read reference_end = None supplementary = False partial_CIGAR = [] partial_MD = [] partial_sequence = [] partial_phred = [] for operation, amount in CIGAR: if operation == 'N': # Pop the previous read.. if len(partial_sequence): assert reference_end is not None consensus_read = self.get_consensus_read( read_name=read_name, target_file=target_bam, consensus=''.join(partial_sequence), phred_scores=array('B',np.concatenate(partial_phred)), cigarstring=''.join(partial_CIGAR), mdstring=create_MD_tag( self.reference.fetch(self.chromosome, reference_start, reference_end), ''.join(partial_sequence) ), start=reference_start, supplementary=supplementary ) reads.append(consensus_read) if not supplementary: consensus_read.is_read1 = True supplementary = True reference_start = reference_position partial_CIGAR = [] partial_phred = [] partial_sequence = [] # Consume reference: reference_position += amount partial_CIGAR.append(f'{amount}{operation}') if operation == 'M': # Consume query and reference query_index_end += amount # This should only be reset upon a new read: if len(partial_CIGAR) == 0: reference_start = reference_position reference_position += amount reference_end = reference_position partial_CIGAR.append(f'{amount}{operation}') predicted_sequence, phred_scores = self.extract_stretch_from_dict(base_call_dict, reference_start, reference_end) # [start .. end) partial_sequence.append(predicted_sequence) partial_phred.append(phred_scores) consensus_read = self.get_consensus_read( read_name=read_name, target_file=target_bam, consensus=''.join(partial_sequence), phred_scores= array('B',np.concatenate(partial_phred)), cigarstring=''.join(partial_CIGAR), mdstring=create_MD_tag( self.reference.fetch(self.chromosome, reference_start, reference_end), ''.join(partial_sequence) ), start=reference_start, supplementary=supplementary ) reads.append(consensus_read) if not supplementary: consensus_read.is_read1 = True supplementary = True reference_start = reference_position partial_CIGAR = [] # Write last index tag to last read .. if supplementary: reads[-1].is_read2 = True reads[0].is_read1 = True # Write NH tag (the amount of records with the same query read): for read in reads: read.set_tag('NH', len(reads)) return reads
[docs] def get_base_calling_feature_matrix( self, return_ref_info=False, start=None, end=None, reference=None, NUC_RADIUS=1, USE_RT=True, select_read_groups=None): """ Obtain feature matrix for base calling Args: return_ref_info (bool) : return both X and array with feature information start (int) : start of range, genomic position end (int) : end of range (inclusive), genomic position reference(pysam.FastaFile) : reference to fetch reference bases from, if not supplied the MD tag is used NUC_RADIUS(int) : generate kmer features target nucleotide USE_RT(bool) : use RT reaction features select_read_groups(set) : only use reads from these read groups to generate features """ if start is None: start = self.spanStart if end is None: end = self.spanEnd with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): BASE_COUNT = 5 RT_INDEX = 7 if USE_RT else None STRAND_INDEX = 0 PHRED_INDEX = 1 RC_INDEX = 2 MATE_INDEX = 3 CYCLE_INDEX = 4 MQ_INDEX = 5 FS_INDEX = 6 COLUMN_OFFSET = 0 features_per_block = 8 - (not USE_RT) origin_start = start origin_end = end end += NUC_RADIUS start -= NUC_RADIUS features = np.zeros( (end - start + 1, (features_per_block * BASE_COUNT) + COLUMN_OFFSET)) if return_ref_info: ref_bases = {} for rt_id, fragments in self.get_rt_reactions().items(): # we need to keep track what positions where covered by this RT # reaction RT_reaction_coverage = set() # (pos, base_call) for fragment in fragments: for read in fragment: if select_read_groups is not None: if not read.has_tag('RG'): raise ValueError( "Not all reads in the BAM file have a read group defined.") if not read.get_tag('RG') in select_read_groups: continue # Skip reads outside range if read is None or read.reference_start > ( end + 1) or read.reference_end < start: continue for cycle, q_pos, ref_pos, ref_base in pysamiterators.ReadCycleIterator( read, matches_only=True, with_seq=True, reference=reference): row_index = ref_pos - start if row_index < 0 or row_index >= features.shape[0]: continue query_base = read.seq[q_pos] # Base index block: block_index = 'ACGTN'.index(query_base) # Update rt_reactions if USE_RT: if not ( ref_pos, query_base) in RT_reaction_coverage: features[row_index][RT_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += 1 RT_reaction_coverage.add((ref_pos, query_base)) # Update total phred score features[row_index][PHRED_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += read.query_qualities[q_pos] # Update total reads features[row_index][RC_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += 1 # Update mate index features[row_index][MATE_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += read.is_read2 # Update fragment sizes: features[row_index][FS_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += abs(fragment.span[1] - fragment.span[2]) # Update cycle features[row_index][CYCLE_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += cycle # Update MQ: features[row_index][MQ_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += read.mapping_quality # update strand: features[row_index][STRAND_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] += read.is_reverse if return_ref_info: row_index_in_output = ref_pos - origin_start if row_index_in_output < 0 or row_index_in_output >= origin_end - origin_start + 1: continue ref_bases[ref_pos] = ref_base.upper() # Normalize all and return for block_index in range(BASE_COUNT): # ACGTN for index in ( PHRED_INDEX, MATE_INDEX, CYCLE_INDEX, MQ_INDEX, FS_INDEX, STRAND_INDEX): features[:, index + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] /= features[:, RC_INDEX + COLUMN_OFFSET + features_per_block * block_index] # np.nan_to_num( features, nan=-1, copy=False ) features[np.isnan(features)] = -1 if NUC_RADIUS > 0: # duplicate columns in shifted manner x = features features = np.zeros( (x.shape[0] - NUC_RADIUS * 2, x.shape[1] * (1 + NUC_RADIUS * 2))) for offset in range(0, NUC_RADIUS * 2 + 1): slice_start = offset slice_end = -(NUC_RADIUS * 2) + offset if slice_end == 0: features[:, features_per_block * BASE_COUNT * offset:features_per_block * BASE_COUNT * (offset + 1)] = x[slice_start:, :] else: features[:, features_per_block * BASE_COUNT * offset:features_per_block * BASE_COUNT * (offset + 1)] = x[slice_start:slice_end, :] if return_ref_info: ref_info = [ (self.chromosome, ref_pos, ref_bases.get(ref_pos, 'N')) for ref_pos in range(origin_start, origin_end + 1)] return features, ref_info return features
[docs] def get_CIGAR(self, reference=None): """ Get alignment of all associated reads Returns: y : reference bases CIGAR : alignment of feature matrix to reference tuples (operation, count) reference(pysam.FastaFile) : reference to fetch reference bases from, if not supplied the MD tag is used """ X = None CIGAR = [] prev_end = None alignment_start = None alignment_end = None for start, end in self.get_aligned_blocks(): if prev_end is not None: CIGAR.append(('N', start - prev_end - 1)) CIGAR.append(('M', (end - start + 1))) prev_end = end if alignment_start is None: alignment_start = start alignment_end = end else: alignment_start = min(alignment_start, start) alignment_end = max(alignment_end, end) return CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=4) def get_base_calling_feature_matrix_spaced( self, return_ref_info=False, reference=None, **feature_matrix_args): """ Obtain a base-calling feature matrix for all reference aligned bases. Returns: X : feature matrix y : reference bases CIGAR : alignment of feature matrix to reference tuples (operation, count) reference(pysam.FastaFile) : reference to fetch reference bases from, if not supplied the MD tag is used """ X = None if return_ref_info: y = [] CIGAR = [] prev_end = None alignment_start = None alignment_end = None for start, end in self.get_aligned_blocks(): if return_ref_info: x, y_ = self.get_base_calling_feature_matrix( return_ref_info=return_ref_info, start=start, end=end, reference=reference, **feature_matrix_args ) y += y_ else: x = self.get_base_calling_feature_matrix( return_ref_info=return_ref_info, start=start, end=end, reference=reference, **feature_matrix_args) if X is None: X = x else: X = np.append(X, x, axis=0) if prev_end is not None: CIGAR.append(('N', start - prev_end - 1)) CIGAR.append(('M', (end - start + 1))) prev_end = end if alignment_start is None: alignment_start = start alignment_end = end else: alignment_start = min(alignment_start, start) alignment_end = max(alignment_end, end) if return_ref_info: return X, y, CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end else: return X, CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end
[docs] def get_base_calling_training_data( self, mask_variants=None, might_be_variant_function=None, reference=None, **feature_matrix_args): if mask_variants is not None and might_be_variant_function is None: might_be_variant_function = might_be_variant features, feature_info, _CIGAR, _alignment_start, _alignment_end = self.get_base_calling_feature_matrix_spaced( True, reference=reference, **feature_matrix_args) # Edgecase: it can be that not a single base can be used for base calling # in that case features will be None # when there is no features return None if features is None or len(features) == 0: return None # check which bases should not be used use_indices = [ mask_variants is None or not might_be_variant_function(chrom, pos, mask_variants, base) for chrom, pos, base in feature_info] X_molecule = features[use_indices] y_molecule = [ base for use, (chrom, pos, base) in zip(use_indices, feature_info) if use ] return X_molecule, y_molecule
[docs] def has_valid_span(self): """Check if the span of the molecule is determined Returns: has_valid_span (bool) """ if self.spanStart is not None and self.spanEnd is not None: return True return False
[docs] def get_strand_repr(self, unknown='?'): """Get string representation of mapping strand Args: unknown (str) : set what character/string to return when the strand is not available Returns: strand_repr (str) : + forward, - reverse, ? unknown """ s = self.get_strand() if s is None: return unknown if s: return '-' else: return '+'
[docs] def set_rejection_reason(self, reason, set_qcfail=False): """ Add rejection reason to all fragments associated to this molecule Args: reason (str) : rejection reason to set set_qcfail(bool) : set qcfail bit to True for all associated reads """ for fragment in self: fragment.set_rejection_reason(reason, set_qcfail=set_qcfail)
[docs] def is_valid(self, set_rejection_reasons=False): """Check if the molecule is valid All of the following requirements should be met: - no multimapping - no low mapping mapping_quality (Change molecule.min_max_mapping_quality to set the threshold) - molecule is associated with at least one valid fragment Args: set_rejection_reasons (bool) : When set to True, all reads get a rejection reason (RR tag) written to them if the molecule is rejected. Returns: is_valid (bool) : True when all requirements are met, False otherwise """ if self.is_multimapped(): if set_rejection_reasons: self.set_rejection_reason('multimapping') return False if self.min_max_mapping_quality is not None and \ self.get_max_mapping_qual() < self.min_max_mapping_quality: if set_rejection_reasons: self.set_rejection_reason('MQ') return False if not self.contains_valid_fragment(): if set_rejection_reasons: self.set_rejection_reason('invalid_fragments') return False return True
[docs] def get_aligned_blocks(self): """ get all consecutive blocks of aligned reference positions Returns: sorted list of aligned blocks (list) : [ (start, end), (start, end) ] """ return find_ranges( sorted(list(set( (ref_pos for read in self.iter_reads() for q_pos, ref_pos in read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True, with_seq=False))))) )
[docs] def __len__(self): """Obtain the amount of fragments associated to the molecule""" return len(self.fragments)
[docs] def get_consensus_base_frequencies(self, allow_N=False): """Obtain the frequency of bases in the molecule consensus sequence Returns: base_frequencies (Counter) : Counter containing base frequecies, for example: { 'A':10,'T':3, C:4 } """ return Counter( self.get_consensus( allow_N=allow_N).values())
[docs] def get_feature_vector(self): """ Obtain a feature vector representation of the molecule Returns: feature_vector(np.array) """ return np.array([ len(self), self.get_strand(), self.has_valid_span(), self.get_umi_error_rate(), self.get_consensus_gc_ratio(), len(self.get_raw_barcode_sequences()), self.get_safely_aligned_length(), self.get_max_mapping_qual(), (self.allele is None), self.contains_valid_fragment(), self.is_multimapped(), self.get_undigested_site_count(), self.is_valid() ])
[docs] def get_alignment_tensor(self, max_reads, window_radius=20, centroid=None, mask_centroid=False, refence_backed=False, skip_missing_reads=False ): """ Obtain a tensor representation of the molecule alignment around the given centroid Args: max_reads (int) : maximum amount of reads returned in the tensor, this will be the amount of rows/4 of the returned feature matrix window_radius (int) : radius of bp around centroid centroid(int) : center of extracted window, when not specified the cut location of the molecule is used mask_centroid(bool) : when True, mask reference base at centroid with N refence_backed(bool) : when True the molecules reference is used to emit reference bases instead of the MD tag Returns: tensor_repr(np.array) : (4*window_radius*2*max_reads) dimensional feature matrix """ reference = None if refence_backed: reference = self.reference if self.reference is None: raise ValueError( "refence_backed set to True, but the molecule has no reference assigned. Assing one using pysam.FastaFile()") height = max_reads chromosome = self.chromosome if centroid is None: _, centroid, strand = self.get_cut_site() span_start = centroid - window_radius span_end = centroid + window_radius span_len = abs(span_start - span_end) base_content_table = np.zeros((height, span_len)) base_mismatches_table = np.zeros((height, span_len)) base_indel_table = np.zeros((height, span_len)) base_qual_table = np.zeros((height, span_len)) base_clip_table = np.zeros((height, span_len)) pointer = 0 mask = None if mask_centroid: mask = set((chromosome, centroid)) for _, frags in self.get_rt_reactions().items(): for frag in frags: pointer = frag.write_tensor( chromosome, span_start, span_end, index_start=pointer, base_content_table=base_content_table, base_mismatches_table=base_mismatches_table, base_indel_table=base_indel_table, base_qual_table=base_qual_table, base_clip_table=base_clip_table, height=height, mask_reference_bases=mask, reference=reference, skip_missing_reads=skip_missing_reads) x = np.vstack( [ base_content_table, base_mismatches_table, base_indel_table, base_qual_table, base_clip_table ]) return x
[docs] def get_consensus_gc_ratio(self): """Obtain the GC ratio of the molecule consensus sequence Returns: gc_ratio(float) : GC ratio """ bf = self.get_consensus_base_frequencies() return (bf['G'] + bf['C']) / sum(bf.values())
[docs] def get_umi_error_rate(self): """Obtain fraction of fragments that are associated to the molecule with a exact matching UMI vs total amount of associated fragments Returns: exact_matching_fraction (float) """ mc = 0 other = 0 for i, (umi, obs) in enumerate(self.umi_counter.most_common()): if i == 0: mc = obs else: other += obs return mc / (other + mc)
[docs] def get_barcode_sequences(self): """Obtain (Cell) barcode sequences associated to molecule Returns: barcode sequences (set) : barcode sequence(s) """ return set(read.get_tag('BC') for read in self.iter_reads())
[docs] def get_raw_barcode_sequences(self): """Obtain (Cell) barcode sequences associated to molecule, not hamming corrected Returns: barcode sequences (set) : barcode sequence(s) """ return set(read.get_tag('bc') for read in self.iter_reads())
[docs] def get_strand(self): """Obtain mapping strand of molecule Returns: strand : True,False,None True when strand is REVERSE False when strand is FORWARD None when strand is not determined """ return self.strand
def __repr__(self): max_show = 6 # maximum amount of fragments to show frag_repr = '\n\t'.join([textwrap.indent(str(fragment), ' ' * 4) for fragment in self.fragments[:max_show]]) return f"""{self.__class__.__name__} with {len(self.fragments)} assinged fragments {"Allele :" + (self.allele if self.allele is not None else "No allele assigned")} """ + frag_repr + ( '' if len(self.fragments) < max_show else f'... {len(self.fragments) - max_show} fragments not shown')
[docs] def update_umi(self): """Set UMI sets self.umi (str) sets the most common umi associated to the molecule """ self.umi = self.umi_counter.most_common(1)[0][0]
[docs] def get_umi(self): """Obtain umi of molecule Returns: umi (str): return main umi associated with this molecule """ return self.umi
[docs] def get_sample(self): """Obtain sample Returns: sample (str): Sample associated with the molecule. Usually extracted from SM tag. Calls fragment.get_sample() to obtain the sample """ for fragment in self.fragments: return fragment.get_sample()
[docs] def get_cut_site(self): """For restriction based protocol data, obtain genomic location of cut site Returns: None if site is not available chromosome (str) position (int) strand (bool) """ for fragment in self.fragments: try: site = fragment.get_site_location() except AttributeError: return None if site is not None: return tuple((*site, fragment.get_strand())) return None
[docs] def get_mean_mapping_qual(self): """Get mean mapping quality of the molecule Returns: mean_mapping_qual (float) """ return np.mean([fragment.mapping_quality for fragment in self])
[docs] def get_max_mapping_qual(self): """Get max mapping quality of the molecule Returns: max_mapping_qual (float) """ return max([fragment.mapping_quality for fragment in self])
[docs] def get_min_mapping_qual(self) -> float: """Get min mapping quality of the molecule Returns: min_mapping_qual (float) """ return min([fragment.mapping_quality for fragment in self])
[docs] def contains_valid_fragment(self): """Check if an associated fragment exists which returns True for is_valid() Returns: contains_valid_fragment (bool) : True when any associated fragment is_valid() """ return any( (hasattr(fragment, 'is_valid') and fragment.is_valid() for fragment in self.fragments))
[docs] def is_multimapped(self): """Check if the molecule is multimapping Returns: is_multimapped (bool) : True when multimapping """ for fragment in self.fragments: if not fragment.is_multimapped: return False return True
[docs] def add_molecule(self, other): """ Merge other molecule into this molecule. Merges by assigning all fragments in other to this molecule. """ for fragment in other: self._add_fragment(fragment)
[docs] def get_span_sequence(self, reference=None): """Obtain the sequence between the start and end of the molecule Args: reference(pysam.FastaFile) : reference to use. If not specified `self.reference` is used Returns: sequence (str) """ if self.chromosome is None: return '' if reference is None: if self.reference is None: raise ValueError('Please supply a reference (PySAM.FastaFile)') reference = self.reference return reference.fetch( self.chromosome, self.spanStart, self.spanEnd).upper()
[docs] def get_fragment_span_sequence(self, reference=None): return self.get_span_sequence(reference)
def _add_fragment(self, fragment): # Do not process the fragment when the max_associated_fragments threshold is exceeded if self.max_associated_fragments is not None and len(self.fragments) >= (self.max_associated_fragments): self.overflow_fragments += 1 raise OverflowError() self.match_hash = fragment.match_hash # if we already had a fragment, this fragment is a duplicate: if len(self.fragments) > 1: fragment.set_duplicate(True) self.fragments.append(fragment) # Update span: add_span = fragment.get_span() # It is possible that the span is not defined, then set the respective keys to None # This indicates the molecule is qcfail #if not self.has_valid_span(): # self.spanStart, self.spanEnd, self.chromosome = None,None, None #else: self.spanStart = add_span[1] if self.spanStart is None else min( add_span[1], self.spanStart) self.spanEnd = add_span[2] if self.spanEnd is None else max( add_span[2], self.spanEnd) self.chromosome = add_span[0] self.span = (self.chromosome, self.spanStart, self.spanEnd) if fragment.strand is not None: self.strand = fragment.strand self.umi_counter[fragment.umi] += 1 self.umi_hamming_distance = fragment.umi_hamming_distance self.saved_base_obs = None self.update_umi() return True @property def aligned_length(self) -> int: if self.has_valid_span(): return self.spanEnd - self.spanStart else: return None @property def is_completely_matching(self) -> bool: """ Checks if all associated reads are completely mapped: checks if all cigar operations are M, Returns True when all cigar operations are M, False otherwise """ return all( ( all( [ (operation==0) for operation, amount in read.cigartuples] ) for read in self.iter_reads())) @property def estimated_max_length(self) -> int: """ Obtain the estimated size of the fragment, returns None when estimation is not possible Takes into account removed bases (R2) Assumes inwards sequencing orientation """ max_size = None for frag in self: r = frag.estimated_length if r is None : continue if max_size is None: max_size = r elif r>max_size: max_size = r return max_size
[docs] def get_safely_aligned_length(self): """Get the amount of safely aligned bases (excludes primers) Returns: aligned_bases (int) : Amount of safely aligned bases or None when this cannot be determined because both mates are not mapped """ if self.spanStart is None or self.spanEnd is None: return None start = None end = None contig = None for fragment in self: if not fragment.safe_span: continue if contig is None: contig = fragment.span[0] if contig == fragment.span[0]: f_start, f_end = fragment.get_safe_span() if start is None: start = f_start end = f_end else: start = min(f_start, start) end = min(f_end, end) if end is None: raise ValueError('Not safe') return abs(end - start)
[docs] def add_fragment(self, fragment, use_hash=True): """Associate a fragment with this Molecule Args: fragment (singlecellmultiomics.fragment.Fragment) : Fragment to associate Returns: has_been_added (bool) : Returns False when the fragments which have already been associated to the molecule refuse the fragment Raises: OverflowError : when too many fragments have been associated already control this with .max_associated_fragments attribute """ if len(self.fragments) == 0: self._add_fragment(fragment) self.sample = fragment.sample return True if use_hash: if self == fragment: self._add_fragment(fragment) return True else: for f in self.fragments: if f == fragment: # it matches this molecule: self._add_fragment(fragment) return True return False
[docs] def can_be_yielded(self, chromosome, position): """Check if the molecule is far enough away from the supplied location to be ejected from a buffer. Args: chromosome (str) : chromosome / contig of location to test position (int) : genomic location of location to test Returns: can_be_yielded (bool) : True when the molecule is far enough away from the supplied location to be ejected from a buffer. """ if chromosome is None: return False if chromosome != self.chromosome: return True return position < ( self.spanStart - self.cache_size * 0.5) or position > ( self.spanEnd + self.cache_size * 0.5)
[docs] def get_rt_reactions(self) -> dict: """Obtain RT reaction dictionary returns: rt_dict (dict): {(primer,pos) : [fragment, fragment..] } """ return molecule_to_random_primer_dict(self)
[docs] def get_rt_reaction_fragment_sizes(self, max_N_distance=1): """Obtain all RT reaction fragment sizes Returns: rt_sizes (list of ints) """ rt_reactions = molecule_to_random_primer_dict( self, max_N_distance=max_N_distance) amount_of_rt_reactions = len(rt_reactions) # this obtains the maximum fragment size: frag_chrom, frag_start, frag_end = pysamiterators.iterators.getListSpanningCoordinates( [v for v in itertools.chain.from_iterable(self) if v is not None]) # Obtain the fragment sizes of all RT reactions: rt_sizes = [] for (rt_contig, rt_end, hexamer), fragments in rt_reactions.items(): if rt_end is None: continue rt_chrom, rt_start, rt_end = pysamiterators.iterators.getListSpanningCoordinates( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [fragment for fragment in fragments if fragment is not None and fragment.get_random_primer_hash()[0] is not None])) rt_sizes.append([rt_end - rt_start]) return rt_sizes
[docs] def get_mean_rt_fragment_size(self): """Obtain the mean RT reaction fragment size Returns: mean_rt_size (float) """ return np.nanmean( self.get_rt_reaction_fragment_sizes() )
[docs] def write_pysam(self, target_file, consensus=False, no_source_reads=False, consensus_name=None, consensus_read_callback=None, consensus_read_callback_kwargs=None): """Write all associated reads to the target file Args: target_file (pysam.AlignmentFile) : Target file consensus (bool) : write consensus no_source_reads (bool) : while in consensus mode, don't write original reads consensus_read_callback (function) : this function is called with every consensus read as an arguments consensus_read_callback_kwargs (dict) : arguments to pass to the callback function """ if consensus: reads = self.deduplicate_majority(target_file, f'molecule_{uuid4()}' if consensus_name is None else consensus_name) if consensus_read_callback is not None: if consensus_read_callback_kwargs is not None: consensus_read_callback(reads, **consensus_read_callback_kwargs) else: consensus_read_callback(reads) for read in reads: target_file.write(read) if not no_source_reads: for read in self.iter_reads(): read.is_duplicate=True for fragment in self: fragment.write_pysam(target_file) else: for fragment in self: fragment.write_pysam(target_file)
[docs] def set_methylation_call_tags(self, call_dict, bismark_call_tag='XM', total_methylated_tag='MC', total_unmethylated_tag='uC', total_methylated_CPG_tag='sZ', total_unmethylated_CPG_tag='sz', total_methylated_CHH_tag='sH', total_unmethylated_CHH_tag='sh', total_methylated_CHG_tag='sX', total_unmethylated_CHG_tag='sx', reads=None ): """Set methylation call tags given a methylation dictionary This method sets multiple tags in every read associated to the molecule. The tags being set are the bismark_call_tag, every aligned base is annotated with a zZxXhH or ".", and a tag for both the total methylated C's and unmethylated C's Args: call_dict (dict) : Dictionary containing bismark calls (chrom,pos) : {'context':letter,'reference_base': letter , 'consensus': letter, optiona: 'qual': pred_score (int) } bismark_call_tag (str) : tag to write bismark call string total_methylated_tag (str) : tag to write total methylated bases total_unmethylated_tag (str) : tag to write total unmethylated bases reads (iterable) : reads to write the tags to, when not supplied, the tags are written to all associated reads Returns: can_be_yielded (bool) """ self.methylation_call_dict = call_dict # molecule_XM dictionary containing count of contexts molecule_XM = Counter( list( d.get( 'context', '.') for d in self.methylation_call_dict.values())) # Contruct XM strings if reads is None: reads = self.iter_reads() for read in reads: bis_met_call_string = ''.join([ call_dict.get( (read.reference_name, rpos), {}).get('context', '.') # Obtain all aligned positions from the call dict # iterate all positions in the alignment for qpos, rpos in read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True) if qpos is not None and rpos is not None]) # make sure to ignore non matching positions ? is this neccesary? read.set_tag( # Write the methylation tag to the read bismark_call_tag, bis_met_call_string ) # Set total methylated bases read.set_tag( total_methylated_tag, molecule_XM['Z'] + molecule_XM['X'] + molecule_XM['H']) # Set total unmethylated bases read.set_tag( total_unmethylated_tag, molecule_XM['z'] + molecule_XM['x'] + molecule_XM['h']) # Set total CPG methylated and unmethylated: read.set_tag( total_methylated_CPG_tag, molecule_XM['Z']) read.set_tag( total_unmethylated_CPG_tag, molecule_XM['z']) # Set total CHG methylated and unmethylated: read.set_tag( total_methylated_CHG_tag, molecule_XM['X']) read.set_tag( total_unmethylated_CHG_tag, molecule_XM['x']) # Set total CHH methylated and unmethylated: read.set_tag( total_methylated_CHH_tag, molecule_XM['H']) read.set_tag( total_unmethylated_CHH_tag, molecule_XM['h']) # Set XR (Read conversion string) # @todo: this is TAPS specific, inneficient, ugly try: fwd = 0 rev = 0 for (qpos, rpos, ref_base), call in zip( read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True,with_seq=True), bis_met_call_string): qbase = read.query_sequence[qpos] if call.isupper(): if qbase=='A': rev+=1 elif qbase=='T': fwd+=1 # Set XG (genome conversion string) if rev>fwd: read.set_tag('XR','CT') read.set_tag('XG','GA') else: read.set_tag('XR','CT') read.set_tag('XG','CT') except ValueError: # Dont set the tag pass
[docs] def set_meta(self, tag, value): """Set meta information to all fragments Args: tag (str): 2 letter tag value: value to set """ for f in self: f.set_meta(tag, value)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """Obtain a fragment belonging to this molecule. Args: index (int): index of the fragment [0 ,1 , 2 ..] Returns: fragment (singlecellmultiomics.fragment.Fragment) """ return self.fragments[index]
[docs] def get_alignment_stats(self): """Get dictionary containing mean amount clip/insert/deletion/matches per base Returns: cigar_stats(dict): dictionary { clips_per_bp(int), deletions_per_bp(int), matches_per_bp(int), inserts_per_bp(int), alternative_hits_per_read(int), } """ clips = 0 matches = 0 inserts = 0 deletions = 0 totalbases = 0 total_reads = 0 total_alts = 0 for read in self.iter_reads(): totalbases += read.query_length total_reads += 1 for operation, amount in read.cigartuples: if operation == 4: clips += amount elif operation == 2: deletions += amount elif operation == 0: matches += amount elif operation == 1: inserts += amount if read.has_tag('XA'): total_alts += len(read.get_tag('XA').split(';')) clips_per_bp = clips / totalbases inserts_per_bp = inserts / totalbases deletions_per_bp = deletions / totalbases matches_per_bp = matches / totalbases alt_per_read = total_alts / total_reads return { 'clips_per_bp': clips_per_bp, 'inserts_per_bp': inserts_per_bp, 'deletions_per_bp': deletions_per_bp, 'matches_per_bp': matches_per_bp, 'alt_per_read': alt_per_read, 'total_bases':totalbases, 'total_reads':total_reads, }
[docs] def get_mean_cycle( self, chromosome, position, base=None, not_base=None): """Get the mean cycle at the supplied coordinate and base-call Args: chromosome (str) position (int) base (str) : select only reads with this base not_base(str) : select only reads without this base Returns: mean_cycles (tuple): mean cycle for R1 and R2 """ assert (base is not None or not_base is not None), "Supply base or not_base" cycles_R1 = [] cycles_R2 = [] for read in self.iter_reads(): if read is None or read.reference_name != chromosome: continue for cycle, query_pos, ref_pos in pysamiterators.iterators.ReadCycleIterator( read, with_seq=False): if query_pos is None or ref_pos != position: continue if not_base is not None and read.seq[query_pos] == not_base: continue if base is not None and read.seq[query_pos] != base: continue if read.is_read2: cycles_R2.append(cycle) else: cycles_R1.append(cycle) if len(cycles_R2) == 0 and len(cycles_R1)==0: raise IndexError( "There are no observations if the supplied base/location combination") return (np.mean(cycles_R1) if len(cycles_R1) else np.nan), (np.mean(cycles_R2) if len(cycles_R2) else np.nan)
[docs] def get_mean_base_quality( self, chromosome, position, base=None, not_base=None): """Get the mean phred score at the supplied coordinate and base-call Args: chromosome (str) position (int) base (str) : select only reads with this base not_base(str) : select only reads without this base Returns: mean_phred_score (float) """ assert (base is not None or not_base is not None), "Supply base or not_base" qualities = [] for read in self.iter_reads(): if read is None or read.reference_name != chromosome: continue for query_pos, ref_pos in read.get_aligned_pairs( with_seq=False, matches_only=True): if query_pos is None or ref_pos != position: continue if not_base is not None and read.seq[query_pos] == not_base: continue if base is not None and read.seq[query_pos] != base: continue qualities.append(ord(read.qual[query_pos])) if len(qualities) == 0: raise IndexError( "There are no observations if the supplied base/location combination") return np.mean(qualities)
@cached_property def allele_likelihoods(self): """ Per allele likelihood Returns: likelihoods (dict) : {allele_name : likelihood} """ return self.get_allele_likelihoods()[0] @property def library(self): """ Associated library Returns: library (str) : Library associated with the first read of this molecule """ for read in self.iter_reads(): if read.has_tag('LY'): return read.get_tag('LY') @cached_property def allele_probabilities(self): """ Per allele probability Returns: likelihoods (dict) : {allele_name : prob} """ return likelihood_to_prob( self.get_allele_likelihoods()[0] ) @cached_property def allele_confidence(self) -> int: """ Returns confidence(int) : a phred scalled confidence value for the allele assignment, returns zero when no allele is associated to the molecule """ l = self.allele_probabilities if l is None or len(l) == 0 : return 0 return int(prob_to_phred( Counter(l).most_common(1)[0][1] )) @cached_property def base_confidences(self): return self.get_base_confidence_dict() @cached_property def base_likelihoods(self): return {(chrom, pos):base_probabilities_to_likelihood(probs) for (chrom, pos),probs in self.base_confidences.items()} @cached_property def base_probabilities(self): # Optimization which is equal to {location:likelihood_to_prob(liks) for location,liks in self.base_likelihoods.items()} obs = {} for read in self.iter_reads(): for qpos, rpos in read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True): qbase = read.seq[qpos] qqual = read.query_qualities[qpos] if qbase=='N': continue # @ todo reads which span multiple chromosomes k = (self.chromosome, rpos) p = 1 - np.power(10, -qqual / 10) if not k in obs: obs[k] = {} if not qbase in obs[k]: obs[k][qbase] = [p,1] # likelihood, n obs[k]['N'] = [1-p,1] # likelihood, n else: obs[k][qbase][0] *= p obs[k][qbase][1] += 1 obs[k]['N'][0] *= 1-p # likelihood, n obs[k]['N'][1] += 1 # likelihood, n # Perform likelihood conversion and convert to probs return { location: likelihood_to_prob({ base:likelihood/np.power(0.25,n-1) for base,(likelihood,n) in base_likelihoods.items() }) for location,base_likelihoods in obs.items()} ## This is a duplicate of the above but only calculates for allele informative positions @cached_property def allele_informative_base_probabilities(self): # Optimization which is equal to {location:likelihood_to_prob(liks) for location,liks in self.base_likelihoods.items()} obs = {} for read in self.iter_reads(): for qpos, rpos in read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True): if not self.allele_resolver.has_location( read.reference_name, rpos ): continue qbase = read.seq[qpos] qqual = read.query_qualities[qpos] if qbase=='N': continue # @ todo reads which span multiple chromosomes k = (self.chromosome, rpos) p = 1 - np.power(10, -qqual / 10) if not k in obs: obs[k] = {} if not qbase in obs[k]: obs[k][qbase] = [p,1] # likelihood, n obs[k]['N'] = [1-p,1] # likelihood, n else: obs[k][qbase][0] *= p obs[k][qbase][1] += 1 obs[k]['N'][0] *= 1-p # likelihood, n obs[k]['N'][1] += 1 # likelihood, n # Perform likelihood conversion and convert to probs return { location: likelihood_to_prob({ base:likelihood/np.power(0.25,n-1) for base,(likelihood,n) in base_likelihoods.items() }) for location,base_likelihoods in obs.items()}
[docs] def calculate_allele_likelihoods(self): self.aibd = defaultdict(list) self.obtained_allele_likelihoods = Counter() # Allele -> [prob, prob, prob] for (chrom, pos), base_probs in self.allele_informative_base_probabilities.items(): for base, p in base_probs.items(): if base == 'N': continue assoc_alleles = self.allele_resolver.getAllelesAt(chrom, pos, base) if assoc_alleles is not None and len(assoc_alleles) == 1: allele = list(assoc_alleles)[0] self.obtained_allele_likelihoods[allele] += p self.aibd[allele].append((chrom, pos, base, p))
[docs] def get_allele_likelihoods(self,): """Obtain the allele(s) this molecule maps to Args: allele_resolver(singlecellmultiomics.alleleTools.AlleleResolver) : resolver used return_allele_informative_base_dict(bool) : return dictionary containing the bases used for allele determination defaultdict(list, {'allele1': [ ('chr18', 410937, 'T'), ('chr18', 410943, 'G'), ('chr18', 410996, 'G'), ('chr18', 411068, 'A')]}) Returns: { 'allele_a': likelihood, 'allele_b':likelihood } """ if self.obtained_allele_likelihoods is None: self.calculate_allele_likelihoods() return self.obtained_allele_likelihoods, self.aibd
[docs] def get_allele( self, allele_resolver=None, return_allele_informative_base_dict=False): """Obtain the allele(s) this molecule maps to Args: allele_resolver(singlecellmultiomics.alleleTools.AlleleResolver) : resolver used return_allele_informative_base_dict(bool) : return dictionary containing the bases used for allele determination defaultdict(list, {'allele1': [('chr18', 410937, 'T'), ('chr18', 410943, 'G'), ('chr18', 410996, 'G'), ('chr18', 411068, 'A')]}) Returns: alleles(set( str )) : Set of strings containing associated alleles """ if allele_resolver is None: if self.allele_resolver is not None: allele_resolver = self.allele_resolver else: raise ValueError( "Supply allele resolver or set it to molecule.allele_resolver") alleles = set() if return_allele_informative_base_dict: aibd = defaultdict(list) try: for (chrom, pos), base in self.get_consensus( base_obs=self.get_base_observation_dict_NOREF()).items(): c = allele_resolver.getAllelesAt(chrom, pos, base) if c is not None and len(c) == 1: alleles.update(c) if return_allele_informative_base_dict: aibd[list(c)[0]].append((chrom, pos, base)) except Exception as e: if return_allele_informative_base_dict: return dict() else: return {} if return_allele_informative_base_dict: return aibd return alleles
[docs] def write_allele_phasing_information_tag( self, allele_resolver=None, tag='ap', reads=None): """ Write allele phasing information to ap tag For every associated read a tag wil be written containing: chromosome,postion,base,allele_name|chromosome,postion,base,allele_name|... for all variants found by the AlleleResolver """ if reads is None: reads = self.iter_reads() use_likelihood = (self.allele_assingment_method==1) if not use_likelihood: haplotype = self.get_allele( return_allele_informative_base_dict=True, allele_resolver=allele_resolver) phased_locations = [ (allele, chromosome, position, base) for allele, bps in haplotype.items() for chromosome, position, base in bps] phase_str = '|'.join( [ f'{chromosome},{position},{base},{allele}' for allele, chromosome, position, base in phased_locations]) else: allele_likelihoods, aibd = self.get_allele_likelihoods() allele_likelihoods = likelihood_to_prob(allele_likelihoods) phased_locations = [ (allele, chromosome, position, base, confidence) for allele, bps in aibd.items() for chromosome, position, base, confidence in bps] phase_str = '|'.join( [ f'{chromosome},{position},{base},{allele},{ prob_to_phred(confidence) }' for allele, chromosome, position, base, confidence in phased_locations]) if len(phase_str) > 0: for read in reads: read.set_tag(tag, phase_str) if use_likelihood: read.set_tag('al', self.allele_confidence)
[docs] def get_base_observation_dict_NOREF(self, allow_N=False): ''' identical to get_base_observation_dict but does not obtain reference bases, has to be used when no MD tag is present Args: return_refbases ( bool ): return both observed bases and reference bases Returns: { genome_location (tuple) : base (string) : obs (int) } and { genome_location (tuple) : base (string) if return_refbases is True } ''' base_obs = defaultdict(Counter) used = 0 # some alignments yielded valid calls ignored = 0 for fragment in self: _, start, end = fragment.span for read in fragment: if read is None: continue for cycle, query_pos, ref_pos in pysamiterators.iterators.ReadCycleIterator( read, with_seq=False): if query_pos is None or ref_pos is None or ref_pos < start or ref_pos > end: continue query_base = read.seq[query_pos] if query_base == 'N' and not allow_N: continue base_obs[(read.reference_name, ref_pos)][query_base] += 1 if used == 0 and ignored > 0: raise ValueError('Could not extract any safe data from molecule') return base_obs
[docs] def get_base_observation_dict(self, return_refbases=False, allow_N=False, allow_unsafe=True, one_call_per_frag=False, min_cycle_r1=None, max_cycle_r1=None, min_cycle_r2=None, max_cycle_r2=None, use_cache=True, min_bq=None): ''' Obtain observed bases at reference aligned locations Args: return_refbases ( bool ): return both observed bases and reference bases allow_N (bool): Keep N base calls in observations min_cycle_r1(int) : Exclude read 1 base calls with a cycle smaller than this value (excludes bases which are trimmed before mapping) max_cycle_r1(int) : Exclude read 1 base calls with a cycle larger than this value (excludes bases which are trimmed before mapping) min_cycle_r2(int) : Exclude read 2 base calls with a cycle smaller than this value (excludes bases which are trimmed before mapping) max_cycle_r2(int) : Exclude read 2 base calls with a cycle larger than this value (excludes bases which are trimmed before mapping) Returns: { genome_location (tuple) : base (string) : obs (int) } and { genome_location (tuple) : base (string) if return_refbases is True } ''' # Check if cached is available if use_cache: if self.saved_base_obs is not None : if not return_refbases: return self.saved_base_obs[0] else: if self.saved_base_obs[1] is not None: return self.saved_base_obs base_obs = defaultdict(Counter) ref_bases = {} used = 0 # some alignments yielded valid calls ignored = 0 error = None for fragment in self: _, start, end = fragment.span used += 1 if one_call_per_frag: frag_location_obs = set() for read in fragment: if read is None: continue if allow_unsafe: for query_pos, ref_pos, ref_base in read.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True, with_seq=True): if query_pos is None or ref_pos is None: # or ref_pos < start or ref_pos > end: continue query_base = read.seq[query_pos] # query_qual = read.qual[query_pos] if min_bq is not None and read.query_qualities[query_pos]<min_bq: continue if query_base == 'N': continue k = (read.reference_name, ref_pos) if one_call_per_frag: if k in frag_location_obs: continue frag_location_obs.add(k) base_obs[k][query_base] += 1 if return_refbases: ref_bases[(read.reference_name, ref_pos) ] = ref_base.upper() else: for cycle, query_pos, ref_pos, ref_base in pysamiterators.iterators.ReadCycleIterator( read, with_seq=True, reference=self.reference): if query_pos is None or ref_pos is None: # or ref_pos < start or ref_pos > end: continue # Verify cycle filters: if (not read.is_paired or read.is_read1) and ( ( min_cycle_r1 is not None and cycle < min_cycle_r1 ) or ( max_cycle_r1 is not None and cycle > max_cycle_r1 )): continue if (read.is_paired and read.is_read2) and ( ( min_cycle_r2 is not None and cycle < min_cycle_r2 ) or ( max_cycle_r2 is not None and cycle > max_cycle_r2 )): continue query_base = read.seq[query_pos] # Skip bases with low bq: if min_bq is not None and read.query_qualities[query_pos]<min_bq: continue if query_base == 'N': continue k = (read.reference_name, ref_pos) if one_call_per_frag: if k in frag_location_obs: continue frag_location_obs.add(k) base_obs[(read.reference_name, ref_pos)][query_base] += 1 if return_refbases: ref_bases[(read.reference_name, ref_pos) ] = ref_base.upper() if used == 0 and ignored > 0: raise ValueError(f'Could not extract any safe data from molecule {error}') self.saved_base_obs = (base_obs, ref_bases) if return_refbases: return base_obs, ref_bases return base_obs
[docs] def get_match_mismatch_frequency(self, ignore_locations=None): """Get amount of base-calls matching and mismatching the reference sequence, mismatches in every read are counted Args: ignore_locations (iterable(tuple([chrom(str),pos(int)])) ) : Locations not to take into account for the match and mismatch frequency Returns: matches(int), mismatches(int) """ matches = 0 mismatches = 0 base_obs, ref_bases = self.get_base_observation_dict( return_refbases=True) for location, obs in base_obs.items(): if ignore_locations is not None and location in ignore_locations: continue if location in ref_bases: ref = ref_bases[location] if ref not in 'ACTG': # don't count weird bases in the reference @warn continue matches += obs[ref] mismatches += sum((base_obs for base, base_obs in obs.most_common() if base != ref)) return matches, mismatches
[docs] def get_consensus(self, dove_safe: bool = False, only_include_refbase: str = None, allow_N=False, with_probs_and_obs=False, **get_consensus_dictionaries_kwargs): """ Obtain consensus base-calls for the molecule """ if allow_N: raise NotImplementedError() consensii = defaultdict(consensii_default_vector) # location -> obs (A,C,G,T,N) if with_probs_and_obs: phred_scores = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(list)) for fragment in self: if dove_safe and not fragment.has_R2() or not fragment.has_R1(): continue try: for position, (q_base, phred_score) in fragment.get_consensus( dove_safe=dove_safe,only_include_refbase=only_include_refbase, **get_consensus_dictionaries_kwargs).items(): if q_base == 'N': continue # consensii[position][4] += phred_score # else: if with_probs_and_obs: phred_scores[position][q_base].append(phred_score) consensii[position]['ACGTN'.index(q_base)] += 1 except ValueError as e: # For example: ValueError('This method only works for inwards facing reads') pass if len(consensii)==0: if with_probs_and_obs: return dict(),None,None else: return dict() locations = np.empty(len(consensii), dtype=object) locations[:] = sorted(list(consensii.keys())) v = np.vstack([ consensii[location] for location in locations]) majority_base_indices = np.argmax(v, axis=1) # Check if there is ties, this result in multiple hits for argmax (majority_base_indices), # such a situtation is of course terrible and should be dropped proper = (v == v[np.arange(v.shape[0]), majority_base_indices][:, np.newaxis]).sum(1) == 1 if with_probs_and_obs: return ( dict(zip(locations[proper], ['ACGTN'[idx] for idx in majority_base_indices[proper]])), phred_scores, consensii ) else: return dict(zip(locations[proper], ['ACGTN'[idx] for idx in majority_base_indices[proper]]))
[docs] def get_consensus_old( self, base_obs=None, classifier=None, store_consensus=True, reuse_cached_consensus=True, allow_unsafe=False, allow_N=False): """Get dictionary containing consensus calls in respect to reference. By default mayority voting is used to determine the consensus base. If a classifier is supplied the classifier is used to determine the consensus base. Args: base_obs (defaultdict(Counter)) : { genome_location (tuple) : base (string) : obs (int) } classifier : fitted classifier to use for consensus calling. When no classifier is provided the consensus is determined by majority voting store_consensus (bool) : Store the generated consensus for re-use Returns: consensus (dict) : {location : base} """ consensus = {} # postion -> base , key is not set when not decided if classifier is not None: if reuse_cached_consensus and hasattr( self, 'classifier_consensus') and self.classifier_consensus is not None: return self.classifier_consensus features, reference_bases, CIGAR, alignment_start, alignment_end = self.get_base_calling_feature_matrix_spaced( True) if features is None: # We cannot determine the consensus as there are no features... return dict() base_calling_probs = classifier.predict_proba(features) predicted_sequence = ['ACGT'[i] for i in np.argmax(base_calling_probs, 1)] reference_sequence = ''.join( [base for chrom, pos, base in reference_bases]) phred_scores = np.rint( -10 * np.log10(np.clip(1 - base_calling_probs.max(1), 0.000000001, 0.999999999) )).astype('B') consensus = {(chrom, pos): consensus_base for ( chrom, pos, ref_base), consensus_base in zip(reference_bases, predicted_sequence)} if store_consensus: self.classifier_consensus = consensus self.classifier_phred_scores = phred_scores return consensus if base_obs is None: try: base_obs, ref_bases = self.get_base_observation_dict( return_refbases=True, allow_N=allow_N, allow_unsafe=allow_unsafe) except ValueError as e: # We cannot determine safe regions raise for location, obs in base_obs.items(): votes = obs.most_common() if len(votes) == 1 or votes[1][1] < votes[0][1]: consensus[location] = votes[0][0] if store_consensus: self.majority_consensus = consensus return consensus
[docs] def get_consensus_base(self, contig, position, classifier=None): """Obtain base call at single position of the molecule Args: contig (str) : contig to extract base call from position (int) : position to extract base call from (zero based) classifier (obj) : base calling classifier Returns: base_call (str) : base call, or None when no base call could be made """ try: c = self.get_consensus(classifier) except ValueError: return None return c.get((contig, position), None)
# when enabled other calls (non ref non alt will be set None)
[docs] def check_variants(self, variants, exclude_other_calls=True): """Verify variants in molecule Args: variants (pysam.VariantFile) : Variant file handle to extract variants from Returns: dict (defaultdict( Counter )) : { (chrom,pos) : ( call (str) ): observations (int) } """ variant_dict = {} for variant in variants.fetch( self.chromosome, self.spanStart, self.spanEnd): variant_dict[(variant.chrom, variant.pos - 1) ] = (variant.ref, variant.alts) variant_calls = defaultdict(Counter) for fragment in self: _, start, end = fragment.span for read in fragment: if read is None: continue for cycle, query_pos, ref_pos in pysamiterators.iterators.ReadCycleIterator( read): if query_pos is None or ref_pos is None or ref_pos < start or ref_pos > end: continue query_base = read.seq[query_pos] k = (read.reference_name, ref_pos) if k in variant_dict: call = None ref, alts = variant_dict[k] if query_base == ref: call = ('ref', query_base) elif query_base in alts: call = ('alt', query_base) if not exclude_other_calls or call is not None: variant_calls[k][call] += 1 return variant_calls
[docs] def get_aligned_reference_bases_dict(self): """Get dictionary containing all reference bases to which this molecule aligns Returns: aligned_reference_positions (dict) : { (chrom,pos) : 'A', (chrom,pos):'T', .. } """ aligned_reference_positions = {} for read in self.iter_reads(): for read_pos, ref_pos, ref_base in read.get_aligned_pairs( with_seq=True, matches_only=True): aligned_reference_positions[( read.reference_name, ref_pos)] = ref_base.upper() return aligned_reference_positions
[docs] def iter_reads(self): """Iterate over all associated reads Returns: generator (pysam.AlignedSegment) """ for fragment in self.fragments: for read in fragment: if read is not None: yield read
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over all associated fragments Yields: singlecellmultiomics.fragment.Fragment """ for fragment in self.fragments: yield fragment
@property def span_len(self): return abs(self.spanEnd - self.spanStart)
[docs] def get_methylated_count(self, context=3): """Get the total amount of methylated bases Args: context (int) : 3 or 4 base context Returns: r (Counter) : sum of methylated bases in contexts """ r = Counter()
[docs] def get_html( self, reference=None, consensus=None, show_reference_sequence=True, show_consensus_sequence=True, reference_bases=None): """Get html representation of the molecule Returns: html_rep(str) : Html representation of the molecule """ html = f"""<h3>{self.chromosome}:{self.spanStart}-{self.spanEnd} sample:{self.get_sample()} {'valid molecule' if self[0].is_valid() else 'Non valid molecule'}</h3> <h5>UMI:{self.get_umi()} Mapping qual:{round(self.get_mean_mapping_qual(), 1)} Cut loc: {"%s:%s" % self[0].get_site_location()} </h5> <div style="white-space:nowrap; font-family:monospace; color:#888">""" # undigested:{self.get_undigested_site_count()} consensus = self.get_consensus() # Obtain reference bases dictionary: if reference_bases is None: if reference is None: reference_bases = self.get_aligned_reference_bases_dict() else: # obtain reference_bases from reference file raise NotImplementedError() for fragment in itertools.chain(*self.get_rt_reactions().values()): html += f'<h5>{fragment.get_R1().query_name}</h5>' for readid, read in [ (1, fragment.get_R1()), (2, fragment.get_R2())]: # go over R1 and R2: # This is just the sequence: if read is None: continue html += fragment.get_html( self.chromosome, self.spanStart, self.spanEnd, show_read1=(readid == 1), show_read2=(readid == 2) ) + '<br />' # Obtain reference sequence and consensus sequence: if consensus is None: consensus = self.get_consensus() span_len = self.spanEnd - self.spanStart visualized = ['.'] * span_len reference_vis = ['?'] * span_len for location, query_base in consensus.items(): try: if reference_bases is None or reference_bases.get( location, '?') == query_base: visualized[location[1] - self.spanStart] = query_base if reference_bases is not None: # or reference_bases.get(location,'?') reference_vis[location[1] - self.spanStart] = query_base else: visualized[location[1] - self.spanStart] = style_str(query_base, color='red', weight=800) if reference_bases is not None: reference_vis[location[1] - self.spanStart] = style_str( reference_bases.get(location, '?'), color='black', weight=800) except IndexError as e: pass # Tried to visualize a base outside view if show_consensus_sequence: html += ''.join(visualized) + '<br />' if show_reference_sequence: html += ''.join(reference_vis) + '<br />' html += "</div>" return html
[docs] def get_methylation_dict(self): """Obtain methylation dictionary Returns: methylated_positions (Counter): (read.reference_name, rpos) : times seen methylated methylated_state (dict): {(read.reference_name, rpos) : 1/0/-1 } 1 for methylated 0 for unmethylated -1 for unknown """ methylated_positions = Counter() # chrom-pos->count methylated_state = dict() # chrom-pos->1, 0, -1 for fragment in self: for read in fragment: if read is None or not read.has_tag('XM'): continue methylation_status_string = read.get_tag('XM') i = 0 for qpos, rpos, ref_base in read.get_aligned_pairs( with_seq=True): if qpos is None: continue if ref_base is None: continue if rpos is None: continue methylation_status = methylation_status_string[i] if methylation_status.isupper(): methylated_positions[(read.reference_name, rpos)] += 1 if methylated_state.get( (read.reference_name, rpos), 1) == 1: methylated_state[(read.reference_name, rpos)] = 1 else: methylated_state[(read.reference_name, rpos)] = -1 else: if methylation_status == '.': pass else: if methylated_state.get( (read.reference_name, rpos), 0) == 0: methylated_state[( read.reference_name, rpos)] = 0 else: methylated_state[( read.reference_name, rpos)] = -1 i += 1 return methylated_positions, methylated_state
def _get_allele_from_reads(self) -> str: """ Obtain associated allele based on the associated reads of the molecule """ allele = None for frag in self: for read in frag: if read is None or not read.has_tag('DA'): continue allele = read.get_tag('DA') return allele return None