Source code for singlecellmultiomics.modularDemultiplexer.demultiplexModules.NLAIII

from singlecellmultiomics.modularDemultiplexer.baseDemultiplexMethods import UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod, NonMultiplexable

# NLAIII, 96 well format with 3bp UMI

[docs]class NLAIII_96w_c8_u3(UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod): def __init__(self, barcodeFileParser, **kwargs): self.barcodeFileAlias = 'lennart96NLA' UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.__init__( self, umiRead=0, umiStart=0, umiLength=3, random_primer_read=1, random_primer_length=6, barcodeRead=0, barcodeStart=3, barcodeLength=8, barcodeFileAlias=self.barcodeFileAlias, barcodeFileParser=barcodeFileParser, **kwargs) self.shortName = 'NLAIII96C8U3' self.longName = 'NLAIII, 96well CB: 8bp UMI: 3bp RP: 6bp' self.autoDetectable = True self.description = '96 well format. 3bp umi followed by 8bp barcode. R2 starts with a 6bp random primer'
# NLAIII, 384 well format with 3bp UMI
[docs]class NLAIII_384w_c8_u3(UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod): def __init__(self, barcodeFileParser, **kwargs): self.barcodeFileAlias = 'maya_384NLA' UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.__init__( self, umiRead=0, umiStart=0, umiLength=3, barcodeRead=0, barcodeStart=3, barcodeLength=8, random_primer_read=1, random_primer_length=6, barcodeFileAlias=self.barcodeFileAlias, barcodeFileParser=barcodeFileParser, **kwargs) self.shortName = 'NLAIII384C8U3' self.longName = 'NLAIII, 384well CB: 8bp UMI: 3bp RP:6bp' self.autoDetectable = True self.description = '384 well format. 3bp umi followed by 8bp barcode. R2 starts with a 6bp random primer'
[docs] def demultiplex(self, records, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('probe') and records[0].sequence[self.barcodeLength + \ self.umiLength: self.barcodeLength + self.umiLength + 4] != 'CATG': raise NonMultiplexable taggedRecords = UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.demultiplex( self, records, **kwargs) return taggedRecords
# NLAIII, 384 well format with 3bp UMI, single end, because? Why? Lets make ourselves unable to deduplicate IVT
[docs]class NLAIII_384w_c8_u3_SINGLE_END(UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod): def __init__(self, barcodeFileParser, **kwargs): self.barcodeFileAlias = 'maya_384NLA' UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.__init__( self, umiRead=0, umiStart=0, umiLength=3, barcodeRead=0, barcodeStart=3, barcodeLength=8, random_primer_read=None, random_primer_length=None, barcodeFileAlias=self.barcodeFileAlias, barcodeFileParser=barcodeFileParser, **kwargs) self.shortName = 'NLAIII384C8U3SE' self.longName = 'NLAIII, 384well CB: 8bp UMI: 3bp RP:6bp, single ended' self.autoDetectable = True self.description = '384 well format. 3bp umi followed by 8bp barcode. Single end: R2 is sadly missing'
[docs] def demultiplex(self, records, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('probe') and records[0].sequence[self.barcodeLength + \ self.umiLength: self.barcodeLength + self.umiLength + 4] != 'CATG' or len(records)!=1: raise NonMultiplexable taggedRecords = UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.demultiplex( self, records, **kwargs) return taggedRecords
[docs]class NLAIII_96w_c8_u3_SINGLE_END(UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod): def __init__(self, barcodeFileParser, **kwargs): self.barcodeFileAlias = 'lennart96NLA' UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.__init__( self, umiRead=0, umiStart=0, umiLength=3, barcodeRead=0, barcodeStart=3, barcodeLength=8, random_primer_read=None, random_primer_length=None, barcodeFileAlias=self.barcodeFileAlias, barcodeFileParser=barcodeFileParser, **kwargs) self.shortName = 'NLAIII96C8U3SE' self.longName = 'NLAIII, 96 well CB: 8bp UMI: 3bp RP:6bp, single ended' self.autoDetectable = True self.description = '96 well format. 3bp umi followed by 8bp barcode. Single end: R2 is missing'
[docs] def demultiplex(self, records, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('probe') and records[0].sequence[self.barcodeLength + \ self.umiLength: self.barcodeLength + self.umiLength + 4] != 'CATG' or len(records)!=1: raise NonMultiplexable taggedRecords = UmiBarcodeDemuxMethod.demultiplex( self, records, **kwargs) return taggedRecords