Source code for singlecellmultiomics.libraryDetection.sequencingLibraryListing

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import glob
import os
import re
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Back
from colorama import Style

[docs]def formatColor(string): return( string.replace("[GREEN]", Fore.GREEN) .replace("[RED]", Fore.RED) .replace("[DIM]", Style.DIM) .replace("[RESET]", Style.RESET_ALL) .replace("[BRIGHT]", Style.BRIGHT) .replace("[NORMAL]", Style.NORMAL) )
[docs]class SequencingLibraryLister(): def __init__(self, verbose=True): self.verbose = verbose # Function which replaces the substring(s) in library within replace
[docs] def libraryReplace(self, library, replace): if replace is None: return library for k in replace: origin, replace = k.split(',') library = library.replace(origin, replace) return library
[docs] def detect(self, filesToList, replace=None, slib=None, merge=None, se=False, ignore=False, args=None): if args is not None: replace = args.replace slib = args.slib merge = args.merge se = ignore = args.ignore fastqfiles = filesToList if replace: try: if self.verbose: print("Library name replacement:") for k in replace: origin, replace = k.split(',') print( formatColor( " -> [DIM]looking for[RESET] '%s' [DIM]replace with:[RESET]'%s'" % (origin, replace))) except Exception as e: if self.verbose: print(e) self.libraries = {} mergeReport = False # Glob expansion: if any('*' in path for path in fastqfiles): fqfiles = [] for path in fastqfiles: fqfiles += list(glob.glob(path)) else: fqfiles = fastqfiles for path in fqfiles: completefastqFileName = os.path.basename(path) fastqFileName = completefastqFileName.replace( '.fastq', '').replace( '.gz', '').replace( '.fq', '') # Base Clear format: # Organoid-VG-diff_32158_TTAGGCATTCTTTCCC_L001_R2_001_BHGFKLBCX2.filt.fastq.gz if fastqFileName.endswith('.filt'): fastqFileName = fastqFileName.rsplit('_', 1)[0] # Check if we are dealing with a raw illumina or SRR fastq file: if fastqFileName.endswith('_R1') or fastqFileName.endswith('_R2'): lane = '0' # Create "fake" lane library = self.libraryReplace( fastqFileName.rsplit('_R', 1)[0], replace) r1ORr2 = fastqFileName.rsplit('_', 1)[-1] if library not in self.libraries: self.libraries[library] = {lane: {}} if lane not in self.libraries[library]: self.libraries[library][lane] = {} if r1ORr2 not in self.libraries[library][lane]: self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2] = [] self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2].append(path) #print(path, library, r1ORr2, self.libraries) elif fastqFileName.endswith('R1') or fastqFileName.endswith('R2'): lane = '0' # Create "fake" lane library = self.libraryReplace( fastqFileName.rsplit('R', 1)[0], replace) r1ORr2 = 'R' + fastqFileName[-1] if library not in self.libraries: self.libraries[library] = {lane: {}} if lane not in self.libraries[library]: self.libraries[library][lane] = {} if r1ORr2 not in self.libraries[library][lane]: self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2] = [] self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2].append(path) #print(path, library, r1ORr2, self.libraries) elif fastqFileName.startswith("SRR"): library, r1ORr2 = fastqFileName.split('_') library = self.libraryReplace(library, replace) r1ORr2 = 'R%s' % r1ORr2 # The demultiplexer expects the format 'R1' if slib is not None: lane = library library = slib else: lane = '0' if library not in self.libraries: self.libraries[library] = {lane: {}} if lane not in self.libraries[library]: self.libraries[library][lane] = {} if r1ORr2 not in self.libraries[library][lane]: self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2] = [] self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2].append(path) else: library = self.libraryReplace( re.sub( r'_L[0-9]{3}_R(1|2)_[0-9]{3}', '', fastqFileName), replace) if slib is not None: lane = library library = slib if merge: delim = merge[0] nThSplit = int(merge[1:]) if len( merge) > 1 else 1 newLibraryName = "".join( library.split(merge[0])[:nThSplit]) if not mergeReport: #print("Library merger: %sSplitting on '%s%s%s%s', until part %s%s%s, %s %s->%s %s" % (Style.DIM, Style.RESET_ALL, delim, Style.DIM, Style.RESET_ALL, nThSplit, Style.DIM, Style.RESET_ALL, library, Style.DIM, Style.RESET_ALL, newLibraryName)) if self.verbose: print( formatColor("Library merger: [DIM]Splitting on '[RESET]%s[DIM]', until part [RESET]%s[DIM], [RESET]%s[DIM] -> [RESET]%s") % (delim, nThSplit, library, newLibraryName)) mergeReport = True library = newLibraryName if library not in self.libraries: self.libraries[library] = {} lane = re.sub(r'_R(1|2)_[0-9]{3}', '', fastqFileName) if lane not in self.libraries[library]: self.libraries[library][lane] = {} # Obtaining that it is R1 or R2: r1ORr2 = re.sub( r'_[0-9]{3}', '', fastqFileName.replace( '%s_' % lane, '')) if r1ORr2 not in self.libraries[library][lane]: self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2] = [] self.libraries[library][lane][r1ORr2].append(path) inconsistent = False ignoreFiles = [] for idx, lib in enumerate(sorted(self.libraries)): if self.verbose: print(('%s%s%s %s' % ('\n' if idx > 0 else '', lib, Style.DIM, Style.RESET_ALL))) inconsistentLane = False for lane in sorted(self.libraries[lib]): if self.verbose: print((" %s%s%s" % (Style.DIM, lane, Style.RESET_ALL))) if len(self.libraries[lib][lane]) != 2: if not se: inconsistent = True inconsistentLane = True if ignore: ignoreFiles.append((lib, lane)) if self.verbose: print(('%s %s IGNORED FILE.. BOTH MATES NOT AVAILABLE or no mates? %s' % ( Fore.RED, lib, Style.RESET_ALL))) else: if self.verbose: print(('%s %s BOTH MATES NOT AVAILABLE%s' % (Fore.RED, lib, Style.RESET_ALL))) prevSize = None for R1R2 in sorted(self.libraries[lib][lane]): if prevSize is not None and prevSize != len( self.libraries[lib][lane][R1R2]): # Missing a mate file inconsistent = True if self.verbose: print(("%s %s %s%s" % (Fore.RED, R1R2, ', '.join( self.libraries[lib][lane][R1R2]), Style.RESET_ALL))) if ignore: ignoreFiles.append((lib, lane)) else: prevSize = len(self.libraries[lib][lane][R1R2]) # Correct library if self.verbose: print(("%s %s %s%s" % (Fore.RED if inconsistentLane else Fore.GREEN, R1R2, ', '.join( self.libraries[lib][lane][R1R2]), Style.RESET_ALL))) if inconsistent: if ignore: if self.verbose: print( "Mate information missing for some files. --ignore was supplied, ignoring these files:") for ignore in ignoreFiles: print("%s %s" % (ignore[0], ignore[1])) del self.libraries[ignore[0]][ignore[1]] # Drop empty self.libraries: dropLibs = [] for lib in self.libraries: if len(self.libraries[lib]) == 0: dropLibs.append(lib) for d in list(set(dropLibs)): try: del self.libraries[d] except BaseException: pass else: if self.verbose: print( ( '%sExitting, mate-information missing%s. Supply --se to allow single end reads or --ignore to ignore these files.' % (Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL))) exit() return self.libraries