Source code for singlecellmultiomics.features.features

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import gzip
import itertools
import re
import functools
import pysam
from singlecellmultiomics.utils import Prefetcher
from copy import copy
import collections
import pandas as pd

[docs]def get_gene_id_to_gene_name_conversion_table(annotation_path_exons, featureTypes=['gene_name']): """Create a dictionary converting a gene id to other gene features, such as gene_name/gene_biotype etc. Arguments: annotation_path_exons(str) : path to GTF file (can be gzipped) featureTypes(list) : list of features to convert to, for example ['gene_name','gene_biotype'] Returns: conversion_dict(dict) : { gene_id : 'firstFeature_secondFeature'} """ conversion_table = {} with (, 'rt') if annotation_path_exons.endswith('.gz') else open(annotation_path_exons, 'r')) as t: for i, line in enumerate(t): parts = line.rstrip().split(None, 8) keyValues = {} for part in parts[-1].split(';'): kv = part.strip().split() if len(kv) == 2: key = kv[0] value = kv[1].replace('"', '') keyValues[key] = value # determine the conversion name: if 'gene_id' in keyValues and any( [feat in keyValues for feat in featureTypes]): conversion_table[keyValues['gene_id']] = '_'.join([ keyValues.get(feature, 'None') for feature in featureTypes]) return conversion_table
[docs]class FeatureContainer(Prefetcher): def __init__(self, verbose=False): self.args = locals().copy() self.startCoordinates = {} # dict of np.array() self.features = {} self.endCoordinates = {} self.sorted = True # Flag containing if the features are all coordinate sorted # When set to true, the class will be (very) verbose self.debug = False self.remapKeys = {} # {'chrMT':'chrM','MT':'chrM'} Use this to convert chromosome names between the GTF and requested locations self.verbose = verbose self.preload_list = []
[docs] def debugMsg(self, msg): if self.verbose: print(msg)
def __repr__(self): s= 'FeatureContainer,' if len(self.preload_list): s+= ' Preloaded files:\n' for f in self.preload_list: s+=str(f)+'\n' if len(self.features): s+=f'Features in memory for {len(self.features)} contigs\n' else: s+='No features in memory\n' return s def __len__(self): return sum(len(f) for f in self.features.values())
[docs] def preload_GTF(self, **kwargs): self.preload_list.append( {'gtf':kwargs} )
[docs] def get_gene_to_location_dict(self, meta_key='gene_name', with_strand=False): """ generate dictionary, {gene_name: contig,start,end} Args: meta_key(str): key of the meta information used to use as primary key for the returned gene_locations Returns: gene_locations(dict) """ location_map = {} for contig, start, end, name, strand, meta in self: meta =dict(meta) try: if with_strand: location_map[ meta[meta_key]] = (contig, start,end,strand) else: location_map[ meta[meta_key]] = (contig, start,end) except Exception as e: pass return location_map
def __iter__(self): for contig, contig_features in self.features.items(): for feature in contig_features: yield (contig,)+ feature
[docs] def instance(self, arg_update): if 'self' in self.args: del self.args['self'] clone = FeatureContainer(**self.args) for cmd in self.preload_list: for preload_type, kwargs in cmd.items(): kwargs_copy = copy(kwargs) kwargs_copy.update(arg_update) if preload_type=='gtf': clone.loadGTF(**kwargs_copy) else: raise ValueError() return clone
[docs] def prefetch(self, contig, start, end): return self.instance( {'contig':contig, 'region_start':start, 'region_end':end})
[docs] def loadGTF(self, path, thirdOnly=None, identifierFields=['gene_id'], ignChr=False, select_feature_type=None, exon_select=None, head=None, store_all=False, contig=None, offset=-1, region_start=None, region_end=None): """Load annotations from a GTF file. ignChr: ignore the chr part of the Annotation chromosome """ if region_end is not None or region_start is not None: assert contig is not None and region_end is not None and region_start is not None self.loadedGtfFeatures = thirdOnly #pattern = '^(.*) "(.*).*"' #prog = re.compile(pattern) if self.verbose: if contig is None: print(f"Loading {path} completely") elif region_start is None: print(f"Loading {path}, for contig {contig}") else: print(f"Loading {path}, for contig {contig}:{region_start}-{region_end}") added = 0 with (, 'rt') if path.endswith('.gz') else open(path, 'r')) as f: for line_id, line in enumerate(f): if head is not None and added > head: break if line[0] != '#': parts = line.rstrip().split(None, 8) chrom = parts[0] if contig is not None and chrom != contig: continue if thirdOnly is not None: if parts[2] not in thirdOnly: continue # Example line: (gene) # 1 havana gene 11869 14409 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; gene_version "5"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; gene_source "havana"; gene_biotype "transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene"; havana_gene "OTTHUMG00000000961"; havana_gene_version "2"; # Example line (exon) # 1 havana exon 11869 12227 . + . gene_id "ENSG00000223972"; gene_version "5"; transcript_id "ENST00000456328"; transcript_version "2"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; gene_source "havana"; gene_biotype "transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene"; havana_gene "OTTHUMG00000000961"; havana_gene_version "2"; transcript_name "DDX11L1-002"; transcript_source "havana"; transcript_biotype "processed_transcript"; havana_transcript "OTTHUMT00000362751"; havana_transcript_version "1"; exon_id "ENSE00002234944"; exon_version "1"; tag "basic"; transcript_support_level "1"; #Part, info # 0 Chromosome # 1 Source # 2 Feature type (matches thirdOnly) # 3 Feature Start # 4 Feature End # 5 . # 6 Strand # 7 . # 8 KEY "VALUE"; #keyValues = { part.strip().split()[0]:part.strip().split()[1].replace('"','') for part in parts[-1].split(';') } #keyValues = { : for i in (prog.match(j) for j in parts[-1].split('; '))} if select_feature_type is not None and not parts[2] in select_feature_type: continue exon = parts[7] if exon_select is not None and exon not in exon_select: continue keyValues = {} for part in parts[-1].split(';'): kv = part.strip().split() if len(kv) == 2: key = kv[0] value = kv[1].replace('"', '') keyValues[key] = value #self.addFeature( self.remapKeys.get(parts[0], parts[0]), int(parts[3]), int(parts[4]), parts[9].replace('"','').replace(';','')) chrom = self.remapKeys.get(chrom, chrom) chromosome = chrom if ignChr == False else chrom.replace( 'chr', '') if identifierFields is None: if parts[2] == 'exon': featureName = keyValues['exon_id'] #featureName = ','.join([keyValues['exon_id'],keyValues['transcript_id']]) elif parts[2] == 'gene': featureName = keyValues['gene_id'] elif parts[2] == 'transcript': featureName = keyValues['transcript_id'] else: featureName = ','.join( [parts[2], parts[3], parts[4], keyValues['transcript_id']]) else: featureName = ','.join( [keyValues.get(i, 'none') for i in identifierFields if i in keyValues]) start = int( parts[3] ) + offset end = int( parts[4] ) + offset if region_end is not None and region_start is not None and ( end<region_start or start>region_end): continue if store_all: keyValues['type'] = parts[2] self.addFeature( self.remapKeys.get( chromosome, chromosome),start,end, strand=parts[6], name=featureName, data=tuple( keyValues.items())) else: self.addFeature( self.remapKeys.get( chromosome, chromosome), start,end, strand=parts[6], name=featureName, data=','.join( (':'.join( ('type', parts[2])), ':'.join( ('gene_id', keyValues['gene_id']))))) added += 1 if self.verbose: print("Loaded %s features, now sorting" % sum([len(self.features[c]) for c in self.features])) self.sort() if self.verbose: print("done sorting") if self.verbose: print("The following chromosomes are available:") print(', '.join(sorted(list(self.startCoordinates.keys()))))
[docs] def annotateUTRs(self, utrs=['three_prime_utr', 'five_prime_utr']): """flag the exons that contain a utr""" chromosomes = self.features.keys() typeRegex = re.compile('.*type:([^,]*).*') for c in chromosomes: print('chromosome:%s' % (c)) types = np.array([typeRegex.match(f[-1]).group(1) for f in self.features[c]]) featStartEndStrand = np.array([[f[0] for f in self.features[c]], [ f[1] for f in self.features[c]], [f[3] for f in self.features[c]]]) fe = np.where(types == 'exon')[0] names = np.array([f[2] for f in self.features[c]])[fe] starts = featStartEndStrand[0, :][fe] for utr in utrs: isUtrF = 'is_' + utr + ':False' isUtrT = 'is_' + utr + ':True' utrRegex = re.compile(isUtrF) for position in fe: (hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data) = self.features[c][position] data = ','.join((data, isUtrF)) self.features[c][position] = ( hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data) lu = np.where(types == utr)[0] if lu.size: foo, idx = np.unique( featStartEndStrand[:, lu], axis=1, return_index=True) lu = lu[idx] for i in lu: hits = self.findFeaturesBetween( c, self.features[c][i][0], self.features[c][i][0], self.features[c][i][3]) hitNames = np.array([h[2] for h in hits]) hitStarts = np.array([h[0] for h in hits]) for index, n in enumerate(hitNames): fl = starts == hitStarts[index] fn = names[fl] == n positions = fe[fl][fn] for position in positions: (hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data) = self.features[c][position] data = utrRegex.sub(isUtrT, data) self.features[c][position] = ( hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data)
# hitTypes = np.array([typeRegex.match(h[-1]).group(1) for h in hits])#np.array([h[-1]['type'] for h in hits]) #hitNames = np.array([h[2] for h in hits]) #fh = hitTypes=='exon' # if np.any(fh): # hitNames=np.unique(hitNames[fh]) # for n in hitNames: # fn = names==n # positions = fe[fn] # for position in positions: # (hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data) = self.features[c][position] # data = utrRegex.sub(isUtrT,data) # self.features[c][position] = (hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data)
[docs] def loadBED(self, path, ignChr=False, parseBlocks=True): """Load UCSC based table. """ """ parseBlocks ; parse the defined blocks as separate features """ with (, 'rt') if '.gz' in path else open(path, 'r')) as f: # chr1 14662 187832 calJac3:ENSCJAT00000061222.1-1.1 943 - # 187832 187832 0 9 5,129,69,110,42,23,133,202,78, # 0,38,307,1133,1243,1944,1970,172713,173092, for line_idx,line in enumerate(f): if line.split()[0] == "track": continue blockAvail = False parts = line.strip().split() strand = None name = None score = None if len(parts)==12: chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, score, strand, thickStart, thickEnd, itemRGB, blockCount, blockSizes, blockStarts = parts blockAvail = True elif len(parts)==10: chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, score, strand, itemRGB, blockCount, blockSizes, blockStarts = parts blockAvail = True elif len(parts)==6: chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, score, strand = parts elif len(parts)>=4: chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, value = parts[:4] name = value elif len(parts)==3: chrom, chromStart, chromEnd = parts[:3] name = str(line_idx) else: raise ValueError('Could not read the supplied bed file, it has too little columns, expecting at least 3 columns: contig,start,end[,value]') chrom = self.remapKeys.get(chrom, chrom) chrom = chrom if ignChr == False else chrom.replace('chr', '') if blockAvail and parseBlocks: blockStarts = blockStarts.split(',') blocks = [ (int( blockStarts[index]) + int(chromStart), int(blockSize)) for index, blockSize in enumerate( blockSizes.split(',')) if len(blockSize) > 0] if len(blocks) != int(blockCount): raise ValueError( 'BlockCount at line %s do not match actual amount of blocks present' % line) else: blocks = [ (int(chromStart), int(chromEnd) - int(chromStart),)] # Report very big annotations? if self.debug: if max((e - s for s, e in blocks)) > 10000: print('') print(line, chromStart, chromEnd, blocks) for start, length in blocks: self.addFeature( chrom, start, start + length, name, strand=strand, data=None) print("Loaded %s features, now sorting" % sum([len(self.features[c]) for c in self.features])) self.sort() print("done sorting")
[docs] def getReferenceList(self): return(list(self.startCoordinates.keys()))
[docs] def addFeature(self, chromosome, start, end, name, strand=None, data=None): if strand is not None and strand not in ['+', '-']: raise ValueError('Invalid strand specified: %s' % strand) if not isinstance(start, int) or not isinstance(end, int): raise ValueError('Start and end coordinates should be integers') if self.debug: self.debugMsg( "Adding feature: chromosome:%s, start:%s, end:%s, name:%s, strand:%s, data:%s" % (chromosome, start, end, name, strand, data)) if chromosome not in self.features: self.features[chromosome] = list() self.features[chromosome].append((start, end, name, strand, data)) self.sorted = False
[docs] def getCentroids(self): centroids = {} for chromosome in self.startCoordinates: centroids[chromosome] = {} for start, end, name, strand, data in self.features[chromosome]: centroids[chromosome][name] = (end - start) / 2 + start return(centroids)
[docs] def findFeaturesBetween( self, chromosome, sampleStart, sampleEnd, strand=None): if chromosome not in self.startCoordinates: if self.debug: self.debugMsg( "Chromosome %s is not present in the annotations" % chromosome) return([]) startIndex = max( 0, np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], sampleStart, 'left') - 1) startIndex = min( startIndex, max( 0, np.searchsorted( self.endCoordinates[chromosome], sampleEnd, 'left'))) hits = set() x = True while(x and startIndex < len(self.features[chromosome])): d = self.features[chromosome][startIndex] (hitStart, hitEnd, name, hitStrand, data) = d if hitStart > sampleEnd: x = False else: # Does the feature overlap the sampling region if(max(sampleStart, hitStart) <= min(sampleEnd, hitEnd)): #print(sampleStart,sampleEnd, hitStart,hitEnd, name) # Check the strand if strand is None or (strand == hitStrand): hits.add(d) startIndex += 1 hits.update(set(self.findFeaturesAt(chromosome, sampleStart, strand))) hits.update(set(self.findFeaturesAt(chromosome, sampleEnd, strand))) return(list(hits))
[docs] def sort(self): """ Build coordinate sorted datastructure to perform fast lookups.""" self.endIndexes = {} self.endIndexLookup = {} self.fastIndex = {} self.maxFeatureSizes = {} self.sorted = True for chromosome in self.features.keys(): # Sort in place and return new indices self.features[chromosome].sort() self.startCoordinates[chromosome] = np.fromiter( (tup[0] for tup in self.features[chromosome]), dtype=np.int64) self.endCoordinates[chromosome] = np.fromiter( (tup[1] for tup in self.features[chromosome]), dtype=np.uint64) self.endIndexes[chromosome] = np.argsort( self.endCoordinates[chromosome]) self.endCoordinates[chromosome] = self.endCoordinates[chromosome][self.endIndexes[chromosome]] self.endIndexLookup[chromosome] = { inR: orig for orig, inR in enumerate( self.endIndexes[chromosome])} ####################### perform magic indexing #################### maxLengthFeature = np.max([tup[1] - tup[0] for tup in self.features[chromosome]]) self.maxFeatureSizes[chromosome] = maxLengthFeature lowestStarts = np.fromiter( (min( (f[0] for f in self.findFeaturesAt( chromosome, feature[0], optim='nb'))) for feature in self.features[chromosome]), dtype=np.int64) self.fastIndex[chromosome] = np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], lowestStarts, 'left')
######################## # find the longest feature """Return a feature left of the lookupCoordinate"""
[docs] def findNearestLeftFeature( self, chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=None): if chromosome not in self.features: return([]) if not self.sorted: self.sort() """ Find closest feature left of the supplied coordinate """ index = np.clip( np.searchsorted( self.endCoordinates[chromosome], lookupCoordinate, side='left'), 0, len( self.endCoordinates)) self.debugMsg( "Looking up %s, Initial index is %s (start: %s, end %s)" % (lookupCoordinate, index, self.features[chromosome][index][0] if index < len( self.features[chromosome]) else 'No feature hit', self.features[chromosome][index][1] if index < len( self.features[chromosome]) else 'No feature hit')) #index = np.clip(index, 1, len(self.endCoordinates)-1) # Check if the index is zero, and this feature is actually more right: if index > (len(self.features[chromosome]) - 1): self.debugMsg("overflow INDEX condition, decreasing index") index -= 1 if self.features[chromosome][index][0] > lookupCoordinate: self.debugMsg("Zero INDEX condition. Rejected feature.") return([]) hitStrand = self.features[chromosome][index][3] # Find first feature which is on the same strand... while strand is not None and (hitStrand != strand) and index > 0: index -= 1 if index > 0: hitStrand = self.features[chromosome][index][3] if index < 0: return([]) return([self.features[chromosome][index]])
[docs] def findNearestRightFeature( self, chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=None): if chromosome not in self.features: return([]) if not self.sorted: self.sort() """ Find closest feature left of the supplied coordinate """ index = np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], lookupCoordinate + 1, side='left') self.debugMsg( "Looking up %s, Initial index is %s (start: %s, end %s), strand %s" % (lookupCoordinate, index, self.features[chromosome][index][0] if index < len( self.features[chromosome]) else 'No feature hit', self.features[chromosome][index][1] if index < len( self.features[chromosome]) else 'No feature hit', strand)) # Check if the index is maxlen, and this feature is actually more right while not index < len(self.features[chromosome]): self.debugMsg("No feature on the right") return([]) index -= 1 self.debugMsg("Index is now %s" % index) if self.features[chromosome][index][1] < lookupCoordinate: self.debugMsg("Zero INDEX condition. Rejected feature.") return([]) # print(self.features[chromosome][index]) hitStrand = self.features[chromosome][index][3] # Find first feature which is on the same strand... while strand is not None and (hitStrand != strand): index += 1 if not index < len(self.features[chromosome]): self.debugMsg("No feature on the right") return([]) hitStrand = self.features[chromosome][index][3] if index < 0: return([]) return([self.features[chromosome][index]])
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=512) def findNearestFeature(self, chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=None): s = self.findFeaturesAt(chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=None) if len(s): self.debugMsg( 'Issued nearest feature search, but the coordinate lies within %s feature(s), returning those' % len(s)) return(s) fr = self.findNearestRightFeature( chromosome, lookupCoordinate=lookupCoordinate, strand=strand) fl = self.findNearestLeftFeature( chromosome, lookupCoordinate=lookupCoordinate, strand=strand) self.debugMsg( 'Feature R presence %s, feature L presence: %s' % (len(fr), len(fl))) if len(fr) == 0 and len(fl) == 0: self.debugMsg("Returning no hits") return([]) elif len(fr) == 0: self.debugMsg("Returning Left as right is empty") return(fl) elif len(fl) == 0: self.debugMsg("Returning Right as left is empty") return(fr) else: distanceR, distanceL = fr[0][0] - \ lookupCoordinate, lookupCoordinate - fl[0][1] self.debugMsg("Distances: %s and %s" % (distanceR, distanceL)) if distanceR < distanceL: return([fr[0]]) elif distanceL < distanceR: return([fl[0]]) else: return([fl[0], fr[0]])
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=512) def findFeaturesAt( self, chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=None, optim='bdbnb'): return self._findFeaturesAt( chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=strand, optim=optim)
def _findFeaturesAt( self, chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand=None, optim='bdbnb'): if not self.sorted: self.sort() """Obtain the features at a give coordinate and optionally strand.""" if chromosome not in self.startCoordinates: if self.debug: self.debugMsg( "Chromosome %s is not present in the annotations" % chromosome) return([]) s = np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], lookupCoordinate + 1, side='left') if optim == 'bdbnb': startRange = self.fastIndex[chromosome][s - 1] # We stop looking at the rightmost h endRange = min(s, len(self.features[chromosome])) if self.debug: self.debugMsg("index: %s" % self.fastIndex[chromosome]) self.debugMsg("Fast index result: %s" % self.fastIndex[chromosome][s - 1]) ml = lookupCoordinate - self.maxFeatureSizes[chromosome] self.debugMsg( "Vanilla index result: %s" % np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], ml, side='left')) self.debugMsg("Start looking from %s" % startRange) self.debugMsg("To %s" % endRange) return([self.features[chromosome][i] for i in range(startRange, endRange) if (self.features[chromosome][i][1] >= lookupCoordinate and (strand is None or self.features[chromosome][i][3] == strand))]) elif optim == 'nb': # Be smarter: take only segments where the end coordinate is bigger # than the lookupCoordinate # We start looking from the most left index possible given our # knowledge of the longest feature: ml = lookupCoordinate - self.maxFeatureSizes[chromosome] startRange = np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], ml, side='left') # Find where the left most index lies # For more optimalisation we want to skip the searchsorted and # prefetch the lookup array? # We stop looking at the leftmost h endRange = min(s, len(self.features[chromosome])) if self.debug: self.debugMsg("Start looking from %s" % startRange) self.debugMsg("To %s" % endRange) #self.debugMsg("start is %s"%self.startIndexLookup[chromosome][k]) candidates = set(self.features[chromosome][i] for i in range( startRange, endRange) if self.features[chromosome][i][1] >= lookupCoordinate) elif optim == 'optim': s = np.searchsorted( self.startCoordinates[chromosome], lookupCoordinate + 1, side='left') # Be smarter: take only segments where the end coordinate is bigger # than the lookupCoordinate candidates = set( self.features[chromosome][i] for i in range( 0, min( s, len( self.features[chromosome]))) if self.features[chromosome][i][1] >= lookupCoordinate) else: e = np.searchsorted( self.endCoordinates[chromosome], lookupCoordinate - 1, side='right') leftSet = set( self.features[chromosome][i] for i in range( 0, min( s, len( self.features[chromosome])))) rightSet = set(self.features[chromosome][self.endIndexLookup[chromosome][i]] for i in range( min(e, len(self.features[chromosome])), len(self.features[chromosome]))) candidates = leftSet.intersection(rightSet) return([candidate for candidate in candidates if (strand is None or candidate[3] == strand)]) """ if self.debug: self.debugMsg("Looking up %s %s %s Hit %s %s" % (chromosome, lookupCoordinate, strand, s, e)) self.debugMsg(self.startCoordinates[chromosome]) hits = [] for i in range(s, self.endIndexLookup[chromosome][e] ): #min(s+1, len(self.features[chromosome])) if self.features[chromosome][i][0]<=lookupCoordinate and self.features[chromosome][i][1]>=lookupCoordinate: if self.debug: self.debugMsg(" Strandless Hit feature %s %s %s [%s %s]" % (self.features[chromosome][i][0], self.features[chromosome][i][1], self.features[chromosome][i][2], self.features[chromosome][i][3], self.features[chromosome][i][4])) if strand is None or strand==self.features[chromosome][i][3]: hits.append(self.features[chromosome][i]) elif self.debug: self.debugMsg(" Strand miss %s for %s %s" % (strand, i, self.features[chromosome][i][3] )) elif self.debug: self.debugMsg(" Missed feature %s %s %s [%s %s]" % (self.features[chromosome][i][0], self.features[chromosome][i][1], self.features[chromosome][i][2], self.features[chromosome][i][3], self.features[chromosome][i][4])) self.debugMsg(" reason:" "%s <= coord" % self.features[chromosome][i][0] if self.features[chromosome][i][0]<=lookupCoordinate else "%s > coord" % self.features[chromosome][i][1] ) return(hits) """
[docs] def findFeaturesAtPysamAlign(self, pysamRead, strand=None, method=1): """Obtain all features mapping the pysam aligned segment. method 0: Query EVERY base method 1: Query every subsequent block of reads (pysam aligned segment .get_blocks) """ if pysamRead.reference_name not in self.startCoordinates: if self.debug: self.debugMsg( "Chromosome %s is not present in the annotations" % pysamRead.reference_name) return([]) if method == 0: hits = set() for queryPos, referencePos in pysamRead.get_aligned_pairs( matches_only=True, with_seq=False): hits.update(set(self.findFeaturesAt( pysamRead.reference_name, referencePos, strand=strand))) return(hits) else: return(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable([ self.findFeaturesBetween( pysamRead.reference_name, lookupCoordinateStart, lookupCoordinateEnd, strand=strand) for lookupCoordinateStart, lookupCoordinateEnd in pysamRead.get_blocks()])))
[docs] def findFeaturesBetweenBRK( self, chromosome, lookupCoordinateStart, lookupCoordinateEnd, strand=None): """Obtain all features between Start and end coordinate.""" if chromosome not in self.startCoordinates: if self.debug: self.debugMsg( "Chromosome %s is not present in the annotations" % chromosome) return([]) """Find all features which are present at both the supplied start and end coordinate""" startHits = self.findFeaturesAt( chromosome, lookupCoordinateStart, strand) endHits = self.findFeaturesAt(chromosome, lookupCoordinateEnd, strand) if self.debug: self.debugMsg("Hits at %s %s %s" % (chromosome, lookupCoordinateEnd, strand)) self.debugMsg(" %s" % startHits) self.debugMsg(" %s" % endHits) return(list(set(startHits).intersection(set(endHits))))
[docs] def loadSNPSFromVcf(self, vcfFilePath, locations=None): for rec in pysam.VariantFile(vcfFilePath): if locations is None or (rec.chrom, rec.pos) in locations: for sample in rec.samples: # get genotypes: for allele in rec.samples[sample].alleles: try: self.addVariant( chromosome=rec.chrom, start=rec.pos, value=allele, name='SNP', variantType='SNP', end=None) except BaseException: pass
[docs] def addVariant( self, chromosome, start, value=None, name='SNP', variantType='SNP', end=None): end = end if end is not None else start + 1 if value not in ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']: raise ValueError('%s is not a base' % value) self.addFeature(chromosome, start, end, name=name, data=('SNP', value))
[docs]def massIdConvert( baseIds, pathToIdMapping='/media/sf_data/references/human/', targetCol=1): """Convert GENE identifiers into another format. Get a conversion table from """ converted = {} baseIds = set(baseIds) h = for l in h: line = l.decode('utf8') for identifier in baseIds: if identifier in line: convertedTo = line.split()[targetCol] if len(convertedTo): if identifier not in converted: converted[identifier] = [] converted[identifier].append(convertedTo) return(converted)
[docs]class FeatureAnnotatedObject(): def __init__(self, features, stranded, capture_locations, auto_set_intron_exon_features ): self.features = features self.hits = collections.defaultdict(set) # feature -> hit_bases self.stranded = stranded self.is_annotated = False self.capture_locations = capture_locations if capture_locations: self.feature_locations = {} #feature->locations (chrom,start,end, strand) self.junctions = set() self.genes = set() self.introns = set() self.exons = set() self.exon_hit_gene_names = set() # readable names self.is_spliced = None if auto_set_intron_exon_features: self.set_intron_exon_features()
[docs] def set_spliced(self, is_spliced): """ Set wether the transcript is spliced, False has priority over True """ if self.is_spliced and not is_spliced: # has already been set self.is_spliced = False else: self.is_spliced = is_spliced
[docs] def get_hit_df(self): """Obtain dataframe with hits Returns: pd.DataFrame """ if not self.is_annotated: self.set_intron_exon_features() d = {} tabulated_hits = [] for hit, locations in self.hits.items(): if not isinstance(hit, tuple): continue meta = dict(list(hit)) for location in locations: location_dict = { 'chromosome': location[0], 'start': location[1][0], 'end': location[1][1]} location_dict.update(meta) tabulated_hits.append(location_dict) return pd.DataFrame(tabulated_hits)
[docs] def write_tags(self): if len(self.exons) > 0: self.set_meta('EX', ','.join(sorted([str(x) for x in self.exons]))) else: self.set_meta('EX',None) if len(self.introns) > 0: self.set_meta('IN', ','.join( sorted([str(x) for x in self.introns]))) else: self.set_meta('IN',None) if len(self.genes) > 0: self.set_meta('GN', ','.join(sorted([str(x) for x in self.genes]))) else: self.set_meta('GN',None) if len(self.junctions) > 0: self.set_meta('JN', ','.join( sorted([str(x) for x in self.junctions]))) # Is transcriptome self.set_meta('IT', 1) elif len(self.genes) > 0: # Maps to gene but not junction self.set_meta('IT', 0.5) self.set_meta('JN',None) else: # Doesn't map to gene self.set_meta('IT', 0) self.set_meta('JN', None) if self.is_spliced is True: self.set_meta('SP', True) elif self.is_spliced is False: self.set_meta('SP', False) if len(self.exon_hit_gene_names): self.set_meta('gn', ';'.join(list(self.exon_hit_gene_names))) else: self.set_meta('gn',None)
[docs] def set_intron_exon_features(self): if not self.is_annotated: self.annotate() # Collect all hits: hits = self.hits.keys() # (gene, transcript) -> set( exon_id .. ) exon_hits = collections.defaultdict(set) intron_hits = collections.defaultdict(set) for hit, locations in self.hits.items(): if not isinstance(hit, tuple): continue meta = dict(list(hit)) if 'gene_id' not in meta: continue if meta.get('type') == 'exon': if 'transcript_id' not in meta: continue self.genes.add(meta['gene_id']) self.exons.add(meta['exon_id']) if 'transcript_id' not in meta: raise ValueError( "Please use an Intron GTF file generated using -id 'transcript_id'") exon_hits[(meta['gene_id'], meta['transcript_id'])].add( meta['exon_id']) if 'gene_name' in meta: self.exon_hit_gene_names.add(meta['gene_name']) elif meta.get('type') == 'intron': self.genes.add(meta['gene_id']) self.introns.add(meta['gene_id']) # Find junctions and add all annotations to annotation sets debug = [] for (gene, transcript), exons_overlapping in exon_hits.items(): # If two exons are detected from the same gene we detected a # junction: if len(exons_overlapping) > 1: self.junctions.add(gene) # We found two exons and an intron: if gene in self.introns: self.set_spliced(False) else: self.set_spliced(True) debug.append( f'{gene}_{transcript}:' + ','.join( list(exons_overlapping))) # Write exon dictionary: self.set_meta('DB', ';'.join(debug))
if __name__ == "__main__": """The following are all test functions for the annotation class""" from colorama import Fore # ,Back, Style from colorama import Back from colorama import Style from colorama import init init(autoreset=True) def formatColor(string): return(string.replace("[GREEN]", Fore.GREEN).replace("[RED]", Fore.RED).replace("[DIM]", Style.DIM).replace("[RESET]", Style.RESET_ALL).replace("[BRIGHT]", Style.BRIGHT).replace("[NORMAL]", Style.NORMAL)) def printFormatted(string): print(formatColor(str(string))) def printFormattedDim(string): print(formatColor(" [DIM]%s" % str(string))) """Self tests:""" # addFeature( chromosome, start, end, name, strand=None, data=None): # Build the reference: print( """ .......(1)----------------------> ..............<----------------(2) chr1 100 110 200 .......(3)----------------------> .......(4)-----> .......(5)<------------- chr2 100 110 150 200 . """ ) def expect(result, desired, presenceTestOnly=False): if presenceTestOnly: printFormatted( "Expecting %s, %s" % (desired, ("[BRIGHT][GREEN] SUCCES [RESET][DIM]%s\n" % result) if any( r[2] in desired for r in result) else '[RED]FAIL %s\n' % result)) return if desired is None: printFormatted( "Expecting %s, %s" % (desired, ("[BRIGHT][GREEN] SUCCES [RESET][DIM]%s\n" % result) if len(result) == 0 else '[RED]FAIL %s' % result)) elif isinstance(desired, list): printFormatted( "Expecting %s, %s" % (desired, ("[BRIGHT][GREEN] SUCCES [RESET][DIM]%s\n" % result) if len(result) == len(desired) and all( r[2] in desired for r in result) else '[RED]FAIL %s\n' % result)) else: printFormatted( "Expecting %s, %s" % (desired, ("[BRIGHT][GREEN] SUCCES [RESET][DIM]%s\n" % result) if len(result) == 1 and result[0][2] == desired else '[RED]FAIL %s\n' % result)) f = FeatureContainer() f.debug = True f.debugMsg = printFormattedDim f.addFeature('chrY', 1, 3, 'A', '+', '') f.addFeature('chrY', 5, 8, 'B', '+', '') f.sort() expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 0, '+'), None) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 1, '+'), 'A') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 2, '+'), 'A') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 3, '+'), 'A') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 4, '+'), None) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 5, '+'), 'B') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 6, '+'), 'B') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrY', 8, '+'), 'B') f = FeatureContainer() f.debug = True f.debugMsg = printFormattedDim f.addFeature('chrX', 10, 1000, 'parentB', '+', '') f.addFeature('chrX', 500, 900, 'nestedB', '+', '') f.addFeature('chrX', 10000, 12000, 'C', '+', '') f.addFeature('chrX', 100000, 120000, 'D', '+', '') f.sort() print(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 550, '+')) print(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 10000, '+')) print(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 100000000, '+')) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 9, '+'), None) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 12001, '+'), None) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 12000, '+'), 'C') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 120000, '+'), 'D') expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chrX', 10, '+'), 'parentB') f = FeatureContainer() f.debug = True f.debugMsg = printFormattedDim f.addFeature( 'chr1', 100, 200, '1', '+', 'A forward feature from 100 to 200 chr1') f.addFeature( 'chr1', 110, 200, '2', '-', 'A reverse feature from 110 to 200 chr1') f.addFeature( 'chr2', 100, 200, '3', '+', 'A forward feature from 100 to 200 chr2') f.addFeature( 'chr2', 100, 110, '4', '+', 'A forward feature from 100 to 110 chr2') f.addFeature( 'chr2', 100, 150, '5', '-', 'A reverse feature from 100 to 150 chr2') f.addFeature('chr3', 100, 150, '6', '-', 'feature 6') f.addFeature('chr3', 200, 250, '7', '-', 'feature 7') f.addFeature('chr3', 200, 450, '8', '-', 'feature 8') f.addFeature('chr3', 10, 15, '9', '-', 'feature 9') printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test for reference presence:") result = f.getReferenceList() desired = ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3'] printFormatted( "Expecting %s, %s" % (desired, ("[BRIGHT][GREEN] SUCCES [RESET][DIM]%s\n" % result) if len(result) == len(desired) and all( r in desired for r in result) else '[RED]FAIL %s\n' % result)) printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test on leftmost start:") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', 100, '+'), '1') printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test on rightmost end:") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', 200, '+'), '1') printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test on random location within feature:") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', 120, '+'), '1') printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test on random location within feature:") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr2', 120, '+'), '3') printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test on limit location of feature:") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr2', 200, '+'), '3') printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test on non matching location (match available on other side, and one base left of coord):") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr2', 151, '-'), None) printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Tests on double matching locations without strand spec") expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', 120), ['1', '2']) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr2', 105), ['3', '4', '5']) printFormatted("[BRIGHT] ==== Range tests... ====") printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for matching start and end coordinates overlapping one feature") expect(f.findFeaturesBetween('chr2', 102, 200, '+'), ['3', '4']) printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test for matching all features on chromosome") expect(f.findFeaturesBetween('chr2', 0, 20000, None), ['3', '4', '5']) printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for matching all but one features on chromosome") expect(f.findFeaturesBetween('chr3', 151, 20000, None), ['8', '7']) printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for matching all but one features on chromosome") expect(f.findFeaturesBetween('chr3', 0, 195, None), ['6', '9']) printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test for range finding non-existent feature") expect(f.findFeaturesBetween('chr2', 2001, 2000, '+'), None) printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for finding non-existent feature LEFT NEXT to the point") expect(f.findNearestLeftFeature('chr2', 50, '+'), None) printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for finding existent feature LEFT NEXT to the point") expect(f.findNearestLeftFeature('chr2', 250, None), '3') printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for finding non-existent feature RIGHT NEXT to the point") expect(f.findNearestRightFeature('chr2', 250, '+'), None) printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test for finding existent feature RIGHT NEXT to the point") expect(f.findNearestRightFeature('chr2', 0, '-'), '5') printFormatted("[BRIGHT]Test for finding closest feature") print(f.findNearestFeature('chr1', 0, None)) expect(f.findNearestFeature('chr1', 0, None), '1') # Sharing related stuff """from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager import multiprocessing # Share the genome annotations over multiple processes: class bdbsSharedObjectManager(BaseManager): pass def Manager(): m = bdbsSharedObjectManager() m.start() return m # initialisation # bdbsSharedObjectManager.register('FeatureContainer', FeatureContainer) sharedDataManager = Manager() f = sharedDataManager.FeatureContainer() def findFeaturesAt(args): featureContainer, chromosome, position, strand = args featureContainer.findFeaturesAt(chromosome, position, strand ) print('Running with pool') pool = multiprocessing.Pool(8) print("With index:") bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=N) for q,result in enumerate(pool.imap( findFeaturesAt, ( (f, 'chr1', q, '+') for q in range(N) ),1000)): bar.update(q) #expect( f.findFeaturesAt('chr1',q,'+'), '1', True) bar.finish() exit() """ ####################################### import random import progressbar print('Creating random features') N = 1000000 f.debug = False printFormatted( "[BRIGHT]Test with %s random features added to the chromosome" % N) expect(f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', 100, '+'), '1', True) for i in range(0, N): s = random.randint(0, 100_000_000) f.addFeature('chr1', s, s + random.randint(1, 1000), 'art_%s' % i, ['-', '+'][random.randint(0, 1)], 'A random feature') #f.findNearestFeature('chr1', random.randint(0,1000), '+') print('Constructing index...') f.sort() ####################################### print("With index:") bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=N) for q in range(N): f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', q, '+') bar.update(q) #expect( f.findFeaturesAt('chr1',q,'+'), '1', True) bar.finish() print("Without index:") bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=N) for q in range(N): f.findFeaturesAt('chr1', q, '+', optim='nb') bar.update(q) #expect( f.findFeaturesAt('chr1',q,'+'), '1', True) bar.finish()