Source code for singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.variantStats

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pysam
import singlecellmultiomics.molecule
import singlecellmultiomics.fragment
import singlecellmultiomics.pyutils
import pysamiterators
import collections
import glob
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from colorama import Fore, Style
from singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.bamFunctions import sorted_bam_file, sort_and_index, get_reference_from_pysam_alignmentFile, add_readgroups_to_header, write_program_tag, GATK_indel_realign
from singlecellmultiomics.pyutils import meanOfCounter
import argparse
import os
import sys
import traceback
f'Please use an environment with python 3.6 or higher!'

[docs]def obtain_variant_statistics( alignment_file_paths, cell_obs, statistics, cell_call_data, reference, chromosome, ssnv_position, gsnv_position, haplotype_scores, WINDOW_RADIUS, out, min_read_obs, read_groups, umi_hamming_distance, args ): """ Obtain statistics from known gsnv-phased variant location Args: alignment_file_paths (list) : List of handles to Pysam.Alignment files from which to extract molecules cell_obs ( collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict( collections.Counter) ) ) statistics ( collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict( collections.Counter) ) ) cell_call_data(collections.defaultdict(dict) ) haplotype_scores(dict) reference (pysamiterators.CachedFasta) chromosome (str) ssnv_position (int) : zero based ssnv position gsnv_position (int) : zero based gsnv position WINDOW_RADIUS(int) out(pysam.AlignmentFile ) min_read_obs(int) read_groups(set) umi_hamming_distance(int) args """ sSNV_ref_base = reference.fetch( chromosome, ssnv_position, ssnv_position + 1) gSNV_ref_base = reference.fetch( chromosome, gsnv_position, gsnv_position + 1) window_molecules = [] cell_read_obs = collections.defaultdict( collections.Counter) # sample -> tuple -> amount of reads region_start = ssnv_position - WINDOW_RADIUS region_end = ssnv_position + WINDOW_RADIUS for pathi, alignment_path in enumerate(alignment_file_paths): # Perform re-alignment: if args.realign: target_bam = f'align_{chromosome}_{region_start}_{region_end}.bam' if not os.path.exists(target_bam): temp_target_bam = f'{target_bam}.temp.bam' temp_target_bai = f'{target_bam}.temp.bai' GATK_indel_realign( alignment_path, temp_target_bam, chromosome, region_start, region_end, args.indelvcf, gatk_path=args.gatk3_path, interval_path=None, java_cmd=f'java -jar -Xmx{args.realign_mem}G', reference=reference.handle.filename.decode('utf8'), interval_write_path=f'./align_{chromosome}_{region_start}_{region_end}.intervals') print(f'Renaming {temp_target_bam} > {target_bam}') os.rename(temp_target_bam,target_bam) os.rename(temp_target_bai,target_bam.replace('.bam','.bai')) alignment_path = target_bam with pysam.AlignmentFile(alignment_path, ignore_truncation=args.ignore_bam_issues) as alignments: for molecule_id, molecule in enumerate( singlecellmultiomics.molecule.MoleculeIterator(alignments, fragment_class_args={ 'umi_hamming_distance': umi_hamming_distance, }, molecule_class_args={ 'reference': reference }, molecule_class=singlecellmultiomics.molecule.NlaIIIMolecule, fragment_class=singlecellmultiomics.fragment.NlaIIIFragment, start=ssnv_position - WINDOW_RADIUS, end=ssnv_position + WINDOW_RADIUS, contig=chromosome )): # For every molecule obtain the consensus from which to extract # the gSNV and sSNV: try: consensus = molecule.get_consensus() except Exception as e: if str(e) == 'Could not extract any safe data from molecule': statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ]['R2_unmapped'][True] += 1 else: print(e) continue # Extract the gSNV and sSNV: ssnv_state = consensus.get((chromosome, ssnv_position)) gsnv_state = consensus.get((chromosome, gsnv_position)) # Store all used molecules in the window for inspection: window_molecules.append((molecule, ssnv_state, gsnv_state)) # If both the ssnv and gsnv are none there is no information we # can use. if ssnv_state is None and gsnv_state is None: continue # Store the observation # the amount of reads of evidence is len(molecule) cell_obs[(chromosome, ssnv_position)][molecule.get_sample()][( ssnv_state, gsnv_state)] += 1 cell_read_obs[molecule.get_sample()][( ssnv_state, gsnv_state)] += len(molecule) # Store statistics statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ]['max_mapping_quality'][molecule.get_max_mapping_qual()] += 1 statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ]['fragment_size'][molecule.get_safely_aligned_length()] += 1 statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['ivt_dups'][len( molecule.get_rt_reactions())] += 1 statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ]['undigested'][molecule.get_undigested_site_count()] += 1 statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ]['reads'][len(molecule)] += 1 statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['molecules'][1] += 1 # Store alignment statistics: for operation, per_bp in molecule.get_alignment_stats().items(): statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ][operation][per_bp] += 1 try: statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['ssnv_ref_phred'][molecule.get_mean_base_quality( chromosome, ssnv_position, sSNV_ref_base)] += 1 except BaseException: pass try: statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['ssnv_alt_phred'][molecule.get_mean_base_quality( chromosome, ssnv_position, not_base=sSNV_ref_base)] += 1 except BaseException: pass try: statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['gsnv_ref_phred'][molecule.get_mean_base_quality( chromosome, gsnv_position, gSNV_ref_base)] += 1 except BaseException: pass try: statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['gsnv_any_alt_phred'][molecule.get_mean_base_quality( chromosome, gsnv_position, not_base=gSNV_ref_base)] += 1 except BaseException: pass # After finishing iteration over all molecules assign genotypes chrom, pos = chromosome, ssnv_position obs_for_cells = cell_obs[(chrom, pos)] sSNV_alt_base = None gSNV_alt_base = None genotype_obs = collections.Counter() complete_genotype_obs = collections.Counter() sSNV_obs_phased = collections.Counter() gSNV_obs_phased = collections.Counter() sSNV_obs = collections.Counter() gSNV_obs = collections.Counter() for cell, cell_data in obs_for_cells.items(): for ssnv, gsnv in cell_data: genotype_obs[(ssnv, gsnv)] += 1 gSNV_obs[gsnv] += 1 sSNV_obs[ssnv] += 1 if ssnv is not None and gsnv is not None: complete_genotype_obs[(ssnv, gsnv)] += 1 # Only count these when the germline variant is detected gSNV_obs_phased[gsnv] += 1 sSNV_obs_phased[ssnv] += 1 print( Style.BRIGHT + f'Genotype observations for variant {chrom}:{pos}' + Style.RESET_ALL) print('som\tgerm\tobs') for (ssnv, gsnv), obs in complete_genotype_obs.most_common(): print(f' {ssnv}\t{gsnv}\t{obs}') if len(complete_genotype_obs) <= 2: print(f'not enough genotype observations for a variant call (<=2)') ### Conbase algorithm : ### # # determine if there is an alternative base in the first place # a fraction of the reads in a cell need to vote for a tuple, # this fraction is stored in the alpha parameter , or a minimum amount of reads, stored in the beta parameter # determine tp*, the alleles we expect observe # ϴ τ α γ κ λ ν ξ ρ ϕ α = 0.2 # minimum relative abundance of sSNV voting reads in single sample β = 3 # minimum amount of sSSNV reads in cell, or in total if α is exceeded γ = 0.9 # minimum amount of votes for sSNV ε = 2 # minimum amount of cells voting for sSNV ω = 0.9 # gsnv majority sSNV_votes = collections.Counter() # { sSNV_alt_base : votes } total_samples_which_voted = 0 for sample, observed_tuples in cell_read_obs.items(): # First we create a Counter just counting the amount of evidence per # base for this sample : evidence_total_reads = collections.Counter() total_reads = 0 for (sSNV_state, gSNV_state), reads in observed_tuples.most_common(): if sSNV_state is None: continue evidence_total_reads[sSNV_state] += reads total_reads += reads # this is the amount of reads which contain evidence for the reference # base ref_sSNV_reads = evidence_total_reads[sSNV_ref_base] votes_for_this_sample = set() # the alternative bases this sample votes for for sSNV_state, sSNV_supporting_reads in evidence_total_reads.most_common(): # The reference base does not vote. if sSNV_state == sSNV_ref_base or sSNV_state is None: continue # check if at least alpha reads vote for the sSNV alpha_value = 0 if ref_sSNV_reads==0 else sSNV_supporting_reads/ref_sSNV_reads vote = ( 1 if ( alpha_value >= α and ( sSNV_supporting_reads + ref_sSNV_reads) >= β) or ( alpha_value < α and sSNV_supporting_reads >= β) else 0) print(f'{sample}\tsSNV alt:{sSNV_state}\t{sSNV_supporting_reads}\tsSNV ref:{ref_sSNV_reads}\t{ref_sSNV_reads}\tα:{alpha_value}\t{"votes" if vote else "no vote"}') if vote: votes_for_this_sample.add(sSNV_state) sSNV_votes[sSNV_state] += 1 total_samples_which_voted += 1 # done voting. # the most probable variant base is at least 90% voted for (lambda parameter) # and at least ε cells need to vote for it statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position) ]['total_samples_voted'] = total_samples_which_voted if total_samples_which_voted < ε: # We don't have enough votes print(f'Not enough votes {total_samples_which_voted} < ε:{ε}') return else: print(f'Enough votes {total_samples_which_voted} >= ε:{ε}') sSNV_alt_base, sSNV_alt_obs = sSNV_votes.most_common()[0] statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['sSNV_alt_vote_ratio'] = ( sSNV_alt_obs / total_samples_which_voted) if (sSNV_alt_obs / total_samples_which_voted) < γ: # The ratio of votes is below threshold print(f'sSNV alt is {sSNV_alt_base}, ratio threshold γ:{γ} , not met with {sSNV_alt_obs / total_samples_which_voted}') return print(f'sSNV alt is {sSNV_alt_base}, γ: {sSNV_alt_obs / total_samples_which_voted} >= {γ}') ### Here the "Stats" part of Conbase ends ### ############################################# # Now we determined the sSNV alt base, # now determine the linked gSNV gSNV_alt_base = None # Lazy not defined before for basecall, obs in gSNV_obs_phased.most_common(): if basecall != gSNV_ref_base: gSNV_alt_base = basecall break if sSNV_alt_base is None or gSNV_alt_base is None: # No phased alt base found ... print(f'No phased allele found') return # Determine the phase (most common genotypes) sSNV_phase = None wt_allele_gSNV = None snv_allele_gSNV = None sSNV_phased_votes = sum((obs for (sSNV_state, gSNV_state), obs in complete_genotype_obs.most_common() if sSNV_state == sSNV_alt_base and gSNV_state is not None )) if sSNV_phased_votes==0: print('No votes cast for phasing the selected alternative allele') return # Find the phased germline variant: for (sSNV_state, gSNV_state), this_phase_obs in complete_genotype_obs.most_common(): if sSNV_state != sSNV_alt_base or gSNV_state is None: continue print(f'There are {sSNV_phased_votes} votes for the haplotype {sSNV_state} {gSNV_state}, ratio:{this_phase_obs / sSNV_phased_votes} ') if (this_phase_obs / sSNV_phased_votes) < ω: print(f'This does not pass the threshold ω {ω} ') return else: print(f'This does pass the threshold ω {ω} ') break sSNV_phase = (sSNV_state, gSNV_state) phased_gSNV = gSNV_state snv_allele_gSNV = None if gSNV_state == gSNV_ref_base: # the reference allele is alt wt_allele_gSNV = gSNV_alt_base snv_allele_gSNV = gSNV_ref_base else: wt_allele_gSNV = gSNV_ref_base snv_allele_gSNV = gSNV_alt_base # the reference allele is ref # break ? why? statistics[(chromosome, ssnv_position)]['sSNV_gSNV_phase'] = snv_allele_gSNV if snv_allele_gSNV is None: print("No germline variant was phased") return # The valid tuples are thus: uninformative_allele = (sSNV_ref_base, wt_allele_gSNV) informative_allele_wt = (sSNV_ref_base, snv_allele_gSNV) valid_tuples = [sSNV_phase, # mutated informative_allele_wt, # wt uninformative_allele] # As we have umi's we just have a threshold for the least amount of reads # we want to observe for a molecule to be taken into account # Count how often we found valid and invalid genotypes valid = 0 invalid = 0 valid_var = 0 invalid_var = 0 for (ssnv, gsnv), tuple_obs in complete_genotype_obs.most_common(): if ssnv == sSNV_alt_base: # variant: if (ssnv, gsnv) in valid_tuples: valid_var += tuple_obs else: invalid_var += tuple_obs if (ssnv, gsnv) in valid_tuples: valid += tuple_obs else: invalid += tuple_obs phase_ratio = 0 if valid_var + invalid_var > 0: phase_ratio = valid_var / (valid_var + invalid_var) # Score Tuples with evidence for variant haplotype_scores[(chrom, pos)] = { 'valid_tuples': valid, 'invalid_tuples': invalid, 'valid_var_tuples': valid_var, 'invalid_var_tuples': invalid_var, 'phasing_ratio': phase_ratio, 'gSNV_allelic_bias': gSNV_obs[gSNV_ref_base] / (gSNV_obs[gSNV_ref_base] + gSNV_obs[gSNV_alt_base]) } print(f'Germline variant obs: {gSNV_ref_base} {gSNV_alt_base}') print(f'sSNV obs: {sSNV_ref_base} {sSNV_alt_base}') if sSNV_phase is not None: print(f'sSNV variant is phased with {phased_gSNV}') print(Style.BRIGHT + 'Valid tuples:' + Style.RESET_ALL) for g, s in valid_tuples: print(f' {g}\t{s}') print(Style.BRIGHT + 'Scores:' + Style.RESET_ALL) for name, obs in haplotype_scores[(chrom, pos)].items(): print(f' {name}\t{obs}') # Create the cell call dictionary uninformative_obs = 0 # This is important, otherwise we might use a SNP .. for cell, observed_tuples in cell_read_obs.items(): print(cell, observed_tuples) total_reads = 0 phased_variant_support_reads = 0 unphased_variant_support_reads = 0 variant_neg_support_reads = 0 uninformative_reads = 0 conflict_reads = 0 for (sSNV_state, gSNV_state), reads in observed_tuples.items(): if sSNV_state is None: continue total_reads += reads if sSNV_state == sSNV_alt_base: if gSNV_state == wt_allele_gSNV: conflict_reads += reads elif gSNV_state == snv_allele_gSNV: # reads containing the sSNV and gSNV as expected phased_variant_support_reads += reads elif gSNV_state is None: # reads containing sSNV but not overlapping with gSNV unphased_variant_support_reads += reads elif sSNV_state == sSNV_ref_base: if gSNV_state == snv_allele_gSNV: # reads on informative allele where we found evidence # of the sSNV not being present variant_neg_support_reads += reads elif gSNV_state == wt_allele_gSNV: uninformative_reads += reads uninformative_obs += 1 if total_reads==0: continue if variant_neg_support_reads>0: cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] = 0 if (unphased_variant_support_reads + phased_variant_support_reads) / total_reads > 0.1: cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] = 1 if unphased_variant_support_reads + phased_variant_support_reads >= 3: cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] = 10 if (phased_variant_support_reads) / total_reads > 0.1: cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] = 2 if phased_variant_support_reads >= 3: cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] = 20 #if uninformative_reads / total_reads > 0.1: # # 0.1 for ref allele obs # cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] += 0.1 if conflict_reads / (total_reads) > 0.2: cell_call_data[(chrom, pos)][cell] = -1 # invalid haplotype_scores[(chrom, pos)]['uninformative_obs'] = uninformative_obs # Annotate every molecule... for molecule_id, (m, ssnv_state, gsnv_state) in enumerate( window_molecules): m.set_meta('mi', molecule_id) if gsnv_state is None: m.set_meta('gv', '?') else: m.set_meta('gv', gsnv_state) if ssnv_state is None: m.set_meta('sv', '?') else: m.set_meta('sv', ssnv_state) if ssnv_state is None: m.set_meta('VD', 'NO_SNV_OVERLAP') continue if gsnv_state is not None and not ( ssnv_state, gsnv_state) in valid_tuples: m.set_meta('VD', 'INVALID_PHASE') continue if ssnv_state == sSNV_alt_base: m.set_meta('VD', 'SNV_ALT') continue if ssnv_state == sSNV_ref_base and gsnv_state == phased_gSNV: m.set_meta('VD', 'SNV_REF') continue if gsnv_state != phased_gSNV: m.set_meta('VD', 'UNINFORMATIVE_ALLELE') continue m.set_meta('VD', 'REJECTED') # write for m, ssnv_state, gsnv_state in window_molecules: m.write_tags() m.write_pysam(out) # Update read groups for fragment in m: read_groups.add(fragment.get_read_group())
if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description=""" Known variant locations extraction tool """) argparser.add_argument('bamfiles', nargs='+') argparser.add_argument( '-ssnv', help="sSNV bed file, or single sSNV location chr:pos", type=str, required=True) argparser.add_argument( '-gsnv', help="gSNV bed file, or single gSNV location chr:pos", type=str, required=True) argparser.add_argument( '-reference', help="reference fasta file", type=str, required=True) argparser.add_argument('-head', type=int) argparser.add_argument('-min_read_obs', type=int, default=2) argparser.add_argument( '--realign', action='store_true', help='Perform re-alignment using GATK') argparser.add_argument( '--ignore_bam_issues', action='store_true', help='') argparser.add_argument( '-gatk3_path', type=str, default='GenomeAnalysisTK.jar') argparser.add_argument('-indelvcf', type=str) argparser.add_argument('-prefix', type=str, default='') argparser.add_argument('-window_radius', type=int, default=250) argparser.add_argument('-realign_mem', type=int, default=25) argparser.add_argument('--cluster', action='store_true') args = argparser.parse_args() if args.realign and args.indelvcf is None: raise ValueError("supply -indelvcf") WINDOW_RADIUS = args.window_radius paths = args.bamfiles # Load probed variants probed_variants = {} if ':' in args.ssnv: chrom, snv_pos = args.ssnv.strip().split(':') chrom_g, gsnv_pos = args.gsnv.strip().split(':') assert chrom==chrom_g, 'germline SNV should be on the same chromosome as the sSNV' probed_variants[(chrom, int(snv_pos))] = int( gsnv_pos) else: with open(args.ssnv) as s, \ open(args.gsnv) as g: for i, (ssnv_line, gsnv_line) in enumerate(zip(s, g)): if ssnv_line.startswith('track name'): continue chrom, snv_pos, _ = ssnv_line.strip().split() _, gsnv_pos, __ = gsnv_line.strip().split() snv_pos, gsnv_pos = int(snv_pos), int(gsnv_pos) probed_variants[(chrom, snv_pos)] = gsnv_pos if args.cluster: for i,((chrom, snv_pos), gsnv_pos) in enumerate(probed_variants.items()): arguments = " ".join( [x for x in sys.argv if x != '--cluster' and '.bed' not in x and '-ssnv'!=x and '-gsnv'!=x ]) job_name = f'vstat_{i}' out_folder = './variantStats' if not os.path.exists(out_folder): os.makedirs(out_folder) print('' + f' -y --py36 -time 50 -t 1 -m 50 -N {job_name} "{arguments} -ssnv {chrom}:{snv_pos} -gsnv {chrom}:{gsnv_pos} -prefix {out_folder}/{chrom}_{snv_pos}" ') exit() reference = pysamiterators.CachedFasta(pysam.FastaFile(args.reference)) cell_obs = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict( collections.Counter)) statistics = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict( collections.Counter)) cell_call_data = collections.defaultdict(dict) # location->cell->haplotype haplotype_scores = {} read_groups = set() # Store unique read groups in this set with sorted_bam_file(f'{args.prefix}_evidence.bam', origin_bam=pysam.AlignmentFile(paths[0], ignore_truncation=args.ignore_bam_issues), read_groups=read_groups) as out: for variant_index, ((chromosome, ssnv_position), potential_gsnv_position) in enumerate( probed_variants.items()): try: obtain_variant_statistics( alignment_file_paths=paths, cell_obs=cell_obs, cell_call_data=cell_call_data, statistics=statistics, reference=reference, chromosome=chromosome, ssnv_position=ssnv_position, gsnv_position=potential_gsnv_position, WINDOW_RADIUS=WINDOW_RADIUS, haplotype_scores=haplotype_scores, out=out, min_read_obs=args.min_read_obs, read_groups=read_groups, args=args, umi_hamming_distance=1 ) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() if args.head and (variant_index > args.head - 1): print( f'Stopping at variant {variant_index+1} because head was supplied ') break lambda_free_dict = {} for key, stats in statistics.items(): lambda_free_dict[key] = { 'mean_clip_pbp': meanOfCounter(stats['clips_per_bp']), 'mean_ins_pbp': meanOfCounter(stats['inserts_per_bp']), 'mean_del_pbp': meanOfCounter(stats['deletions_per_bp']), 'mean_matches_pbp': meanOfCounter(stats['matches_per_bp']), 'mean_alt_mapping_per_read': meanOfCounter(stats['alt_per_read']), 'ssnv_ref_phred': meanOfCounter(stats['ssnv_ref_phred']), 'ssnv_alt_phred': meanOfCounter(stats['ssnv_alt_phred']), 'gsnv_ref_phred': meanOfCounter(stats['gsnv_ref_phred']), 'gsnv_any_alt_phred': meanOfCounter(stats['gsnv_any_alt_phred']), 'mean_max_mapping_quality': meanOfCounter(stats['max_mapping_quality']), 'mean_ivt_dups': meanOfCounter(stats['ivt_dups']), 'mean_undigested': meanOfCounter(stats['undigested']), 'R2_unmapped': stats['R2_unmapped'][True], 'mean_fragment_size': meanOfCounter(stats['fragment_size']), 'mean_reads': meanOfCounter(stats['reads']), 'total_reads': sum((amount * frequency for amount, frequency in stats['reads'].most_common())), 'total_molecules': sum((amount * frequency for amount, frequency in stats['molecules'].most_common())) } print('Writing final site table') try: site_stats = pd.DataFrame(lambda_free_dict).T.join( pd.DataFrame(haplotype_scores).T) except Exception as e: print(e) site_stats = pd.DataFrame(lambda_free_dict).T site_stats.to_pickle(f'{args.prefix}_site_stats.pickle.gz') site_stats.to_csv(f'{args.prefix}_site_stats.csv') print('Writing final cell table') try: cell_call_df = pd.DataFrame(cell_call_data) cell_call_df.to_pickle(f'{args.prefix}_cell_calls.pickle.gz') cell_call_df.to_csv(f'{args.prefix}_cell_calls.csv') except Exception as e: print(e)