Source code for singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.bamToCountTable

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import singlecellmultiomics.modularDemultiplexer
import os
import sys
import pysam
import collections
import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
import singlecellmultiomics.modularDemultiplexer.baseDemultiplexMethods
import gzip  # for loading blacklist bedfiles
TagDefinitions = singlecellmultiomics.modularDemultiplexer.baseDemultiplexMethods.TagDefinitions

[docs]def coordinate_to_sliding_bin_locations(dp, bin_size, sliding_increment): """ Convert a single value to a list of overlapping bins Parameters ---------- point : int coordinate to look up bin_size : int bin size sliding_increment : int sliding window offset, this is the increment between bins Returns ------- start : int the start coordinate of the first overlapping bin end :int the end of the last overlapping bin start_id : int the index of the first overlapping bin end_id : int the index of the last overlapping bin """ start_id = int(np.ceil(((dp - bin_size) / sliding_increment))) start = start_id * sliding_increment end_id = int(np.floor(dp / sliding_increment)) end = end_id * sliding_increment + bin_size return start, end, start_id, end_id
[docs]def coordinate_to_bins(point, bin_size, sliding_increment): """ Convert a single value to a list of overlapping bins Parameters ---------- point : int coordinate to look up bin_size : int bin size sliding_increment : int sliding window offset, this is the increment between bins Returns ------- list: [(bin_start,bin_end), .. ] """ start, end, start_id, end_id = coordinate_to_sliding_bin_locations( point, bin_size, sliding_increment) return [(i * sliding_increment, i * sliding_increment + bin_size) for i in range(start_id, end_id + 1)]
[docs]def read_has_alternative_hits_to_non_alts(read): if read.has_tag('XA'): for alt_align in read.get_tag('XA').split(';'): if len(alt_align) == 0: # Sometimes this tag is empty for some reason continue hchrom, hpos, hcigar, hflag = alt_align.split(',') if not hchrom.endswith('_alt'): return True return False
[docs]def readTag(read, tag, defective='None'): try: value = singlecellmultiomics.modularDemultiplexer.metaFromRead( read, tag) except Exception as e: value = defective return value
# define if a read should be used
[docs]def read_should_be_counted(read, args, blacklist_dic = None): """ Check if a read should be counted given the filter arguments Parameters ---------- read : pysam.AlignedSegment or None read to check if it should be counted Returns ------- bool """ if args.r1only and read.is_read2: return False if args.r2only and read.is_read1: return False if args.filterMP: if not read.has_tag('mp'): return False if read.get_tag('mp')!='unique': return False if read is None or read.is_qcfail: return False # Mapping quality below threshold if read.mapping_quality < args.minMQ: return False if args.proper_pairs_only and not read.is_proper_pair: return False if args.no_indels and ('I' in read.cigarstring or 'D' in read.cigarstring): return False if args.max_base_edits is not None and read.has_tag('NM') and int(read.get_tag('NM'))>args.max_base_edits: return False if args.no_softclips and 'S' in read.cigarstring: return False # Read has alternative hits if args.filterXA: if read_has_alternative_hits_to_non_alts(read): return False # Read is a duplicate # (args.dedup and ( not read.has_tag('RC') or (read.has_tag('RC') and read.get_tag('RC')!=1))): if read.is_unmapped or (args.dedup and ( read.has_tag("RR") or read.is_duplicate)): return False # Read is in blacklist if blacklist_dic is not None: if read.reference_name in blacklist_dic: # iterate through tuples of startend to check for startend in blacklist_dic[read.reference_name]: # start is 0-based inclusive, end is 0-based exclusive start_bad = read.reference_start >= startend[0] and read.reference_start < startend[1] end_bad = read.reference_end >= startend[0] and read.reference_end < startend[1] if start_bad or end_bad: return False return True
[docs]def tagToHumanName(tag, TagDefinitions): if tag not in TagDefinitions: return tag return TagDefinitions[tag].humanName
[docs]def assignReads( read, countTable, args, joinFeatures, featureTags, sampleTags, more_args=[], blacklist_dic = None): assigned = 0 if not read_should_be_counted(read, args, blacklist_dic): return assigned # Get the sample to which this read belongs sample = tuple(readTag(read, tag) for tag in sampleTags) # Decide how many counts this read yields countToAdd = 1 if args.r1only or args.r2only: countToAdd = 1 elif not args.doNotDivideFragments: # not not = True # IF the read is paired, and the mate mapped, we should count 0.5, and will end up # with 1 in total countToAdd = (0.5 if (read.is_paired and not read.mate_is_unmapped) else 1) assigned += 1 if args.divideMultimapping: if read.has_tag('XA'): countToAdd = countToAdd / len(read.get_tag('XA').split(';')) elif read.has_tag('NH'): countToAdd = countToAdd / int(read.get_tag('NH')) else: countToAdd = countToAdd # Define what counts to add to what samples # [ (sample, feature, increment), .. ] count_increment = [] feature_dict = {} joined_feature = [] used_features = [] for tag in featureTags: feat = str(readTag(read, tag)) feature_dict[tag] = feat if args.bin is not None and args.binTag == tag: continue if args.byValue is not None and tag == args.byValue: continue joined_feature.append(feat) used_features.append(tag) if joinFeatures: if args.splitFeatures: # Obtain all key states: key_states = [] for tag in featureTags: value = feature_dict.get(tag) key_states.append(value.split(args.featureDelimiter)) for state in itertools.product(*key_states): joined_feature = [] feature_dict = { feature: value for feature, value in zip(featureTags, state) } for feature, value in zip(featureTags, state): if args.bin is not None and args.binTag == feature: continue if len(value) > 0: joined_feature.append(value) else: joined_feature.append('None') if args.byValue is not None: raise NotImplementedError( 'By value is not implemented for --splitFeatures') else: count_increment.append({ 'key': tuple(joined_feature), 'features': feature_dict, 'samples': [sample], 'increment': countToAdd}) joined_feature[0] else: if args.byValue is not None: try: add = float(feature_dict.get(args.byValue, 0)) except ValueError: add = 0 count_increment.append({ 'key': tuple(joined_feature), 'features': feature_dict, 'samples': [sample], 'increment': add}) else: count_increment.append({ 'key': tuple(joined_feature), 'features': feature_dict, 'samples': [sample], 'increment': countToAdd}) else: if args.bin is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Try using -joinedFeatureTags') for feature, value in feature_dict.items(): if args.byValue is not None and feature == args.byValue: try: add = float(feature_dict.get(args.byValue, 0)) except ValueError: add = 0 count_increment.append({ 'key': tuple(joined_feature), 'features': feature_dict, 'samples': [sample], 'increment': add}) elif args.splitFeatures: for f in value.split(args.featureDelimiter): count_increment.append({ 'key': (f), 'features': {feature: f}, 'samples': [sample], 'increment': countToAdd }) else: count_increment.append({ 'key': (value, ), 'features': {feature: value}, 'samples': [sample], 'increment': countToAdd}) """ Now we have a list of dicts: { 'key':feature, 'features':{feature:value}, 'samples':[sample], 'increment':countToAdd}) } """ # increment the count table accordingly: if args.bin is not None: for dtable in count_increment: key = dtable['key'] countToAdd = dtable['increment'] samples = dtable['samples'] value_to_be_binned = dtable['features'].get(args.binTag, None) if value_to_be_binned is None or value_to_be_binned == 'None': continue for start, end in coordinate_to_bins( int(value_to_be_binned), args.bin, args.sliding): # Reject bins outside boundary if not args.keepOverBounds and ( start < 0 or end > args.ref_lengths[read.reference_name]): continue for sample in samples: countTable[sample][tuple( list(key) + [start, end])] += countToAdd elif args.bedfile is not None: for dtable in count_increment: if args.byValue: key = [args.byValue] else: key = dtable['key'] countToAdd = dtable['increment'] samples = dtable['samples'] # Get features from bedfile start, end, bname = more_args[0], more_args[1], more_args[2] jfeat = tuple(list(key) + [start, end, bname]) if len(key): countTable[sample][jfeat] += countToAdd # else: this will also emit non assigned reads # countTable[sample][ 'None' ] += countToAdd else: for dtable in count_increment: key = dtable['key'] countToAdd = dtable['increment'] samples = dtable['samples'] for sample in samples: if len(key) == 1: countTable[sample][key[0]] += countToAdd else: countTable[sample][key] += countToAdd return assigned
[docs]def create_count_table(args, return_df=False): if len(args.alignmentfiles) == 0: raise ValueError("Supply at least one bam file") if args.bedfile is not None: assert(os.path.isfile(args.bedfile)) if args.sliding is None: args.sliding = args.bin if not return_df and args.o is None and args.alignmentfiles is not None: args.showtags = True if args.showtags: # Find which tags are available in the file: head = 1000 tagObs = collections.Counter() for bamFile in args.alignmentfiles: with pysam.AlignmentFile(bamFile) as f: for i, read in enumerate(f): tagObs += collections.Counter([k for k, v in read.get_tags(with_value_type=False)]) if i == (head - 1): break import colorama print( f'{colorama.Style.BRIGHT}Tags seen in the supplied bam file(s):{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}') for observedTag in tagObs: tag = observedTag if observedTag in TagDefinitions: t = TagDefinitions[observedTag] humanName = t.humanName isPhred = t.isPhred else: t = observedTag isPhred = False humanName = f'{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}<No information available>' allReadsHaveTag = (tagObs[tag] == head) color = colorama.Fore.GREEN if allReadsHaveTag else colorama.Fore.YELLOW print( f'{color}{ colorama.Style.BRIGHT}{tag}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}\t{color+humanName}\t{colorama.Style.DIM}{"PHRED" if isPhred else ""}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}' + f'\t{"" if allReadsHaveTag else "Not all reads have this tag"}') print(f'{colorama.Style.BRIGHT}\nAVO lab tag list:{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}') for tag, t in TagDefinitions.items(): print(f'{colorama.Style.BRIGHT}{tag}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}\t{t.humanName}\t{colorama.Style.DIM}{"PHRED" if t.isPhred else ""}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}') exit() if args.o is None and not return_df: raise ValueError('Supply an output file') if args.alignmentfiles is None: raise ValueError('Supply alignment (BAM) files') joinFeatures = False featureTags = [] if args.featureTags is not None: featureTags = args.featureTags.split(',') if args.joinedFeatureTags is not None: featureTags = args.joinedFeatureTags.split(',') joinFeatures = True # When -byValue is used, and joined feature tags are supplied, automatically append the args.byValue tag, otherwise it will get lost if args.byValue is not None and len(featureTags)>0 and args.byValue not in featureTags: featureTags.append(args.byValue) if args.bin is not None and args.binTag not in featureTags: print("The bin tag was not supplied as feature, automatically appending the bin feature.") featureTags.append(args.binTag) if len(featureTags) == 0: raise ValueError( "No features supplied! Please supply -featureTags -joinedFeatureTags and or -binTag") sampleTags = args.sampleTags.split(',') countTable = collections.defaultdict( collections.Counter) # cell->feature->count if args.blacklist is not None: # create blacklist dictionary {chromosome : [ (start1, end1), ..., (startN, endN) ]} # used to check each read and exclude if it is within any of these start end sites # blacklist_dic = {} print("Creating blacklist dictionary:") with open(args.blacklist, mode='r') as blfile: for row in blfile: parts = row.strip().split() chromo, start, end = parts[0], int(parts[1]), int(parts[2]) if chromo not in blacklist_dic: # init chromo blacklist_dic[chromo] = [] # list of tuples blacklist_dic[chromo].append( (start, end) ) print(blacklist_dic) else: blacklist_dic = None assigned = 0 for bamFile in args.alignmentfiles: with pysam.AlignmentFile(bamFile) as f: i = 0 # make sure i is defined if args.bin: # Obtain the reference sequence lengths ref_lengths = { r: f.get_reference_length(r) for r in f.references} args.ref_lengths = ref_lengths if args.bedfile is None: # for adding counts associated with a tag OR with binning if args.contig is not None: pysam_iterator = f.fetch(args.contig) else: pysam_iterator = f for i, read in enumerate(pysam_iterator): if i % 1_000_000 == 0: print( f"{bamFile} Processed {i} reads, assigned {assigned}, completion:{100*(i/(0.001+f.mapped+f.unmapped+f.nocoordinate))}%") if args.head is not None and i > args.head: break assigned += assignReads(read, countTable, args, joinFeatures, featureTags, sampleTags, blacklist_dic = blacklist_dic) else: # args.bedfile is not None # for adding counts associated with a bedfile with open(args.bedfile, "r") as bfile: #breader = csv.reader(bfile, delimiter = "\t") for row in bfile: parts = row.strip().split() chromo, start, end, bname = parts[0], int(float( parts[1])), int(float(parts[2])), parts[3] if args.contig is not None and chromo != args.contig: continue for i, read in enumerate(f.fetch(chromo, start, end)): if i % 1_000_000 == 0: print( f"{bamFile} Processed {i} reads, assigned {assigned}, completion:{100*(i/(0.001+f.mapped+f.unmapped+f.nocoordinate))}%") assigned += assignReads(read, countTable, args, joinFeatures, featureTags, sampleTags, more_args=[start, end, bname], blacklist_dic = blacklist_dic) if args.head is not None and i > args.head: break print( f"Finished: {bamFile} Processed {i} reads, assigned {assigned}") print(f"Finished counting, now exporting to {args.o}") df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(countTable) # Set names of indices if not args.noNames: df.columns.set_names([tagToHumanName(t, TagDefinitions) for t in sampleTags], inplace=True) try: if args.bin is not None: index_names = [tagToHumanName( t, TagDefinitions) for t in featureTags if t != args.binTag] + ['start', 'end'] df.index.set_names(index_names, inplace=True) elif args.bedfile is not None: index_names = [tagToHumanName( t, TagDefinitions) for t in featureTags if t != args.binTag] + ['start', 'end', 'bname'] df.index.set_names(index_names, inplace=True) elif joinFeatures: index_names = [ tagToHumanName( t, TagDefinitions) for t in featureTags] df.index.set_names(index_names, inplace=True) else: index_names = ','.join( [tagToHumanName(t, TagDefinitions) for t in featureTags]) df.index.set_names(index_names, inplace=True) except Exception as e: pass print(index_names) if return_df: return df if args.bulk: sum_row = df.sum(axis=1) df = pd.DataFrame(sum_row) df.columns = ["Bulkseq"] if args.o.endswith('.pickle') or args.o.endswith('.pickle.gz'): df.to_pickle(args.o) else: df.to_csv(args.o) return args.o print("Finished export.")
if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Convert BAM file(s) which has been annotated using featureCounts or otherwise to a count matrix') argparser.add_argument( '-o', type=str, help="output csv path, or pandas dataframe if path ends with pickle.gz", required=False) argparser.add_argument( '-featureTags', type=str, default=None, help='Tag(s) used for defining the COLUMNS of the matrix. Single dimension.') argparser.add_argument( '-joinedFeatureTags', type=str, default=None, help='These define the COLUMNS of your matrix. For example if you want allele (DA) and restriction site (DS) use DA,DS. If you want a column containing the chromosome mapped to use "chrom" as feature. Use this argument if you want to use a multidimensional index') argparser.add_argument( '-sampleTags', type=str, default='SM', help='Comma separated tags defining the names of the ROWS in the output matrix') argparser.add_argument('alignmentfiles', type=str, nargs='*') argparser.add_argument( '-head', type=int, help='Run the algorithm only on the first N reads to check if the result looks like what you expect.') argparser.add_argument( '--bulk', action='store_true', help='Include this when making a count table for bulkseq data. This operation will sum the counts of all sampleTags into a single column.') argparser.add_argument( '--r1only', action='store_true', help='Only count R1') argparser.add_argument( '--r2only', action='store_true', help='Only count R2') argparser.add_argument( '--splitFeatures', action='store_true', help='Split features by , . For example if a read has a feature Foo,Bar increase counts for both Foo and Bar') argparser.add_argument('-featureDelimiter', type=str, default=',') argparser.add_argument( '-contig', type=str, help='Run only on this chromosome') multimapping_args = argparser.add_argument_group('Multimapping', '') multimapping_args.add_argument( '--divideMultimapping', action='store_true', help='Divide multimapping reads over all targets. Requires the XA or NH tag to be set.') multimapping_args.add_argument( '--doNotDivideFragments', action='store_true', help='When used every read is counted once, a fragment will count as two reads. 0.5 otherwise') binning_args = argparser.add_argument_group('Binning', '') #binning_args.add_argument('-offset', type=int, default=0, help="Add offset to bin. If bin=1000, offset=200, f=1999 -> 1200. f=4199 -> 3200") binning_args.add_argument( '-sliding', type=int, help="make bins overlapping, the stepsize is equal to the supplied value here. If nothing is supplied this value equals the bin size") binning_args.add_argument( '--keepOverBounds', action='store_true', help="Keep bins which go over chromsome bounds (start<0) end > chromsome length") binning_args.add_argument( '-bin', type=int, help="Devide and floor to bin features. If bin=1000, f=1999 -> 1000.") # binning_args.add_argument('--showBinEnd', action='store_true', help="If # True, then show DS column as 120000-220000, otherwise 120000 only. This # specifies the bin range in which the read was counted" ) this is now # always on! binning_args.add_argument('-binTag', default='DS') binning_args.add_argument( '-byValue', type=str, help='Extract the value from the supplied tag and use this as count to add') binning_args.add_argument('-blacklist', metavar='BED FILE BLACKLIST TO FILTER OUT', help = 'Bedfile of blacklist regions to exclude', default=None) bed_args = argparser.add_argument_group('Bedfiles', '') bed_args.add_argument( '-bedfile', type=str, help="Bed file containing 3 columns, chromo, start, end to be read for fetching counts") filters = argparser.add_argument_group('Filters', '') filters.add_argument( '--proper_pairs_only', action='store_true', help='Only count reads mapped in a proper pair (within the expected insert size range)') filters.add_argument( '--no_softclips', action='store_true', help='Only count reads without softclips') filters.add_argument( '-max_base_edits', type=int, help='Count reads with at most this value of bases being different than the reference') filters.add_argument( '--no_indels', action='store_true', help='Only count reads without indels') filters.add_argument( '--dedup', action='store_true', help='Count only the first occurence of a molecule. Requires RC tag to be set. Reads without RC tag will be ignored!') filters.add_argument( '-minMQ', type=int, default=0, help="minimum mapping quality") filters.add_argument( '--filterMP', action= 'store_true', help="Filter reads which are not uniquely mappable, this is based on presence on the `mp` tag, which can be generated by ") filters.add_argument( '--filterXA', action='store_true', help="Do not count reads where the XA (alternative hits) tag has been set for a non-alternative locus.") argparser.add_argument( '--noNames', action='store_true', help='Do not set names of the index and columns, this simplifies the resulting CSV/pickle file') argparser.add_argument( '--showtags', action='store_true', help='Show a list of commonly used tags') args = argparser.parse_args() create_count_table(args)