Source code for singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.bamFunctions

import os
import pysam
import time
import contextlib
from shutil import which, move
from singlecellmultiomics.utils import BlockZip, Prefetcher, get_file_type
import uuid
import os
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.pileup import pileup_truncated
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Generator
from multiprocessing import Pool

[docs]def get_index_path(bam_path: str): """ Obtain path to bam index Returns: path_to_index(str) : path to the index file, None if not available """ for p in [bam_path+'.bai', bam_path.replace('.bam','.bai')]: if os.path.exists(p): return p for p in [bam_path+'.csi', bam_path.replace('.bam','.csi')]: if os.path.exists(p): return p return None
def _get_r1_counts_per_cell(args): """Obtain the amount of unique read1 reads per cell (Function is used as Pool chunk) Args: args: bam_path, contig, prefix Returns: cell_obs (Counter) : {sampleA:n_molecules, sampleB:m_molecules, ...} """ bam_path, contig, prefix = args cell_obs = Counter() with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path) as alignments: for read in alignments.fetch(contig): if read.is_qcfail or read.is_duplicate or not read.is_read1: continue if prefix is not None: cell_obs[prefix, read.get_tag('SM')]+=1 else: cell_obs[read.get_tag('SM')]+=1 return cell_obs
[docs]def get_r1_counts_per_cell(bam_path, prefix_with_bam=False): """Obtain the amount of unique read1 reads per cell Args: bam_path : str prefix_with_bam(bool) : add bam name as prefix of cell name Returns: cell_obs (Counter) : {sampleA:n_molecules, sampleB:m_molecules, ...} """ if type(bam_path)==str: bam_paths = [bam_path] else: bam_paths=bam_path cell_obs = Counter() def generate_commands(bam_paths, prefix_with_bam): for bam_path in bam_paths: if prefix_with_bam: prefix = bam_path.split('/')[-1].replace('.bam','') else: prefix=None for contig in get_contigs_with_reads(bam_path): yield (bam_path, contig, prefix) with Pool() as workers: for cell_obs_for_contig in workers.imap_unordered( _get_r1_counts_per_cell, generate_commands(bam_paths, prefix_with_bam)): cell_obs += cell_obs_for_contig return cell_obs
[docs]def get_contigs(bam: str) -> Generator : """ Get all contigs listed in the bam file header Args: bam_path(str): path to bam file or pysam handle Returns: contigs(str) list """ if type(bam) is str: with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as a: references = a.references return references elif type(bam) is pysam.AlignmentFile: return bam.references raise ValueError('Supply either path to bam or pysam.AlignmentFile')
[docs]def get_contigs_with_reads(bam_path: str, with_length: bool = False) -> Generator : """ Get all contigs with reads mapped to them Args: bam_path(str): path to bam file with_length(bool): also yield the length of the contig Yields: contig(str) """ for line in pysam.idxstats(bam_path).split('\n'): try: contig, contig_len, mapped_reads, unmapped_reads = line.strip().split() mapped_reads, unmapped_reads = int(mapped_reads), int(unmapped_reads) if mapped_reads>0 or unmapped_reads>0: if with_length: yield contig, int(contig_len) else: yield contig except ValueError: pass
[docs]def merge_bams( bams: list, output_path: str, threads: int=4 ): """Merge bamfiles to output_path When a single bam file is supplied, the bam file is moved to output_path All input bam files are removed Args: bams : list or tuple containing paths to bam files to merge output_path (str): target path Returns: output_path (str) """ assert threads>=1 if len(bams) == 1: assert os.path.exists(bams[0]+'.bai'), 'Only indexed files can be merged' move(bams[0], output_path) move(bams[0]+'.bai', output_path+'.bai') else: assert all((os.path.exists(bams[0]+'.bai') for bam in bams)), 'Only indexed files can be merged' if which('samtools') is None: pysam.merge(output_path, *bams, f'-@ {threads} -f -p -c') #-c to only keep the same id once else: # This above command can have issues... os.system(f'samtools merge {output_path} {" ".join(bams)} -@ {threads} -f -p -c') pysam.index(output_path, f'-@ {threads}') for o in bams: os.remove(o) os.remove(o+'.bai') return output_path
[docs]def verify_and_fix_bam(bam_path): """ Check if the bam file is not truncated and indexed. Also regenerates index when its older than the bam file If not, apply index Args: bam_path(str) : path to bam file Raises: ValueError : when the file is corrupted and a fix could not be applied """ index_missing = False if not os.path.exists(bam_path): raise ValueError(f"The bam file {bam_path} does not exist") with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path, "rb") as alignments: if alignments.check_truncation(): raise ValueError(f"The bam file {bam_path} is truncated") # This raises and error: try: if not alignments.check_index(): # Try to index the input file.. print( f"The bam file {bam_path} does not have an index, attempting an index build ..") index_missing = True except Exception as e: index_missing = True # Check index modification time if not index_missing: index_path = get_index_path(bam_path) if index_path is None or os.path.getmtime(index_path) < os.path.getmtime(bam_path): index_missing = True if index_missing: print(f"The bam file {bam_path} has no or an older index, attempting an index re-build ..") pysam.index(bam_path) print(f"Succes!") if index_missing: with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path, "rb") as alignments: if not alignments.check_index(): raise ValueError( f'The file {bam_path} is not sorted or damaged in some way')
def _get_samples_from_bam(handle): """Get a list of samples present in the bam_file private: please use get_samples_from_bam() Args: bam_file(pysam.AlignmentFile) : path to bam file or pysam object Returns: samples (set) : set containing all sample names """ try: return set([entry['SM'] for entry in handle.header.as_dict()['RG']]) except Exception as e: samples = set() for read in handle: samples.add( read.get_tag('SM') ) return samples
[docs]def get_sample_to_read_group_dict(bam): """ Obtain a dictionary containing {'sample name' : ['read groupA', 'read group B'], ...} Args: bam_file(pysam.AlignmentFile) or path to bam file or pysam object """ if isinstance(bam, str): with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as pysam_AlignmentFile_handle: return _get_sample_to_read_group_dict(pysam_AlignmentFile_handle) elif isinstance(bam, pysam.AlignmentFile): return _get_sample_to_read_group_dict(bam) else: raise ValueError( 'Supply either a path to a bam file or pysam.AlignmentFile object')
[docs]def get_read_group_to_sample_dict(bam): """ Obtain a dictionary containing {'read_group' : 'sample' , ...} Args: bam_file(pysam.AlignmentFile) or path to bam file or pysam object """ d = get_sample_to_read_group_dict(bam) r2s = {} for sample, read_groups in d.items(): for rg in read_groups: r2s[rg] = sample return r2s
[docs]def get_read_group_format(bam): """Obtain read group format Args: bam (str) : path to bam file Returns: type (int) : read group format Raises: ValueError : when read group format cannot be determined """ with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as f: d = f.header.as_dict() format_type_obs = Counter() for read_group_dict in d['RG']: if read_group_dict.get('LB','')==read_group_dict.get('SM',''): format_type_obs[1]+=1 else: format_type_obs[0]+=1 if len(format_type_obs)==1: return format_type_obs.most_common(1)[0][0] raise ValueError('Failed to indentify read group format ')
def _get_sample_to_read_group_dict(handle): """ Obtain a dictionary containing {'sample name' : ['read groupA', 'read group B']} Args: bam_file(pysam.AlignmentFile) : path to bam file or pysam object """ sample_to_read_group_dict = defaultdict(list) # Traverse the read groups; for entry in handle.header.as_dict()['RG']: sample_to_read_group_dict[ entry['SM'] ].append(entry['ID']) return sample_to_read_group_dict
[docs]def get_contig_size(bam, contig): """Extract the length of a contig from a bam file Args: bam (str or pysam.AlignmentFile) : handle to bam file or path to bam file contig (str) Returns: length (int) """ if type(bam) is str: with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as a: size = get_contig_size(a, contig) return size elif type(bam) is pysam.AlignmentFile: for c,length in zip(bam.references, bam.lengths): if c==contig: return length else: raise ValueError( 'Supply either a path to a bam file or pysam.AlignmentFile object') return None
[docs]def get_contig_sizes(bam): """Extract lengths of all contigs from a bam file Args: bam (str or pysam.AlignmentFile) : handle to bam file or path to bam file Returns: contig_lengths : dict (contig:length (int) ) """ if type(bam) is str: with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as a: sizes = get_contig_sizes(a) return sizes elif type(bam) is pysam.AlignmentFile: return dict(zip(bam.references, bam.lengths)) else: raise ValueError( 'Supply either a path to a bam file or pysam.AlignmentFile object')
[docs]def get_samples_from_bam(bam): """Get a list of samples present in the bam_file Args: bam_file(str) or pysam.AlignmentFile : path to bam file or pysam object Returns: samples (set) : set containing all sample names """ if isinstance(bam, str): with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as pysam_AlignmentFile_handle: return _get_samples_from_bam(pysam_AlignmentFile_handle) elif isinstance(bam, pysam.AlignmentFile): return _get_samples_from_bam(bam) else: raise ValueError( 'Supply either a path to a bam file or pysam.AlignmentFile object')
[docs]def get_reference_from_pysam_alignmentFile( pysam_AlignmentFile, ignore_missing=False): """Extract path to reference from pysam handle Args: pysam_AlignmentFile (pysam.AlignmentFile) ignore_missing(bool) : Check if the file exists, if not return None Returns: path : path to bam file (if exists or ignore_missing is supplied) or None """ try: for x in pysam_AlignmentFile.header.as_dict()['PG']: if x.get('ID') != 'bwa': continue for argument in x.get('CL').split(): if (argument.endswith('.fa') or argument.endswith('.fasta') or argument.endswith( '.fasta.gz') or argument.endswith('.fa.gz')) and (ignore_missing or os.path.exists(argument)): return argument except Exception as e: pass
[docs]def get_reference_path_from_bam(bam, ignore_missing=False): """Extract path to reference from bam file Args: bam(str) or pysam.AlignmentFile : path to bam file ignore_missing(bool) : Check if the file exists, if not return None Returns: path : path to bam file (if exists or ignore_missing is supplied) or None """ if isinstance(bam, str): with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam) as pysam_AlignmentFile_handle: return get_reference_from_pysam_alignmentFile( pysam_AlignmentFile_handle, ignore_missing=ignore_missing) elif isinstance(bam, pysam.AlignmentFile): return get_reference_from_pysam_alignmentFile( bam, ignore_missing=ignore_missing) else: raise ValueError( 'Supply either a path to a bam file or pysam.AlignmentFile object')
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def sorted_bam_file( write_path, origin_bam=None, header=None, read_groups=None, local_temp_sort=True, input_is_sorted=False, mode='wb', fast_compression=False, # Use fast compression for merge (-1 flag) temp_prefix = 'SCMO', **kwargs ): """ Get writing handle to a sorted bam file Args: write_path (str) : write to a bam file at this path origin_bam (pysam.AlignmentFile ) : bam file to copy header for or header (dict) : header for the bam file to write read_groups(set/dict) : set or dictionary which contains read groups. The dictionary should have the format { read_group_id (str) { 'ID': ID, 'LB':library, 'PL':platform, 'SM':sampleLib, 'PU':readGroup } local_temp_sort(bool) : create temporary files in current directory input_is_sorted(bool) : Assume the input is sorted, no sorting will be applied mode (str) : Output mode, use wbu for uncompressed writing. **kwargs : arguments to pass to the new pysam.AlignmentFile output handle Example: >>> # This example assumes molecules are generated by `molecule_iterator` >>> read_groups = set() # Store unique read groups in this set >>> with sorted_bam_file('test_output.bam', header=input_header,read_groups=read_groups) as out: >>> for molecule in molecule_iterator: >>> molecule.write_tags() >>> molecule.write_pysam(out) >>> for fragment in molecule: >>> read_groups.add(fragment.get_read_group()) test_output.bam will be written, with read groups defined, sorted and indexed. Write some pysam reads to a sorted bam file Example: >>> import pysam >>> from singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing import sorted_bam_file >>> test_sam = pysam.AlignmentFile('test.sam','w',reference_names=['chr1','chr2'],reference_lengths=[1000,1000]) >>> read_A = pysam.AlignedSegment(test_sam.header) >>> read_A.reference_name = 'chr2' >>> read_A.reference_start = 100 >>> read_A.query_sequence = 'TTGCA' >>> read_A.query_name= 'READ_A' >>> read_A.cigarstring = '5M' >>> read_A.query_qualities = [30] * len(read_A.query_sequence) >>> read_A.set_tag('RG','HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_1') >>> read_B = pysam.AlignedSegment(test_sam.header) >>> read_B.reference_name = 'chr1' >>> read_B.reference_start = 100 >>> read_B.query_sequence = 'ATCGGG' >>> read_B.cigarstring = '6M' >>> read_B.query_name= 'READ_B' >>> read_B.query_qualities = [30] * len(read_B.query_sequence) >>> read_B.set_tag('RG','HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_2') >>> read_groups = set(( 'HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_2','HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_1')) >>> with sorted_bam_file('out.bam', header=test_sam.header,read_groups=read_groups) as out: >>> out.write(read_A) >>> out.write(read_B) Results in the bam file: @HD VN:1.6 SO:coordinate @SQ SN:chr1 LN:1000 @SQ SN:chr2 LN:1000 @RG ID:HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_2 SM:MYLIBRARY_2 LB:MYLIBRARY PU:HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_2 PL:ILLUMINA @RG ID:HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_1 SM:MYLIBRARY_1 LB:MYLIBRARY PU:HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_1 PL:ILLUMINA READ_B 0 chr1 101 0 6M * 0 0 ATCGGG ?????? RG:Z:HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_2 READ_A 0 chr2 101 0 5M * 0 0 TTGCA ????? RG:Z:HVKCCBGXB.4.MYLIBRARY_1 """ unsorted_path = None unsorted_alignments = None target_dir = None unsorted_path = f'{write_path}.unsorted' # Create output folder if it does not exists target_dir = os.path.dirname(unsorted_path) if not os.path.exists(target_dir) and len(target_dir)>0 and target_dir!='.': try: os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: pass if header is not None: pass elif type(origin_bam) is str: with pysam.AlignmentFile(origin_bam) as ain: header = ain.header.copy() elif origin_bam is not None: header = origin_bam.header.copy() else: raise ValueError("Supply a header or origin_bam object") try: # Try to open the temp unsorted file: unsorted_alignments = pysam.AlignmentFile( unsorted_path, mode, header=header, **kwargs) except Exception: # Raise when this fails raise # Yield a handle to the alignments, # this handle will be released when the handle runs out of scope yield unsorted_alignments unsorted_alignments.close() if read_groups is not None: add_readgroups_to_header(unsorted_path, read_groups) # Write, sort and index if input_is_sorted is False: sort_and_index( unsorted_path, write_path, remove_unsorted=True, local_temp_sort=local_temp_sort, fast_compression=fast_compression, prefix=temp_prefix ) else: os.rename(unsorted_path, write_path)
[docs]def write_program_tag(input_header, program_name, command_line, description, version ): """Write Program Tag to bam file header Args: input_header (dict): header to write PG tag to program_name (str) : value to write to PN tag command_line (str) : value to write to CL tag version (str) : value to write to VN tag description (str) : value to write to DS tag """ if 'PG' not in input_header: input_header['PG'] = [] blocked = set() for prog_entry in input_header['PG']: if prog_entry.get('PN','') == program_name: blocked.add( prog_entry.get('ID','') ) proposed_id = program_name i = 0 while proposed_id in blocked: proposed_id= f'{program_name}_{i}' i+=1 input_header['PG'].append({ 'ID': proposed_id, 'PN': program_name, 'CL': command_line, 'VN': version, 'DS': description })
[docs]def add_blacklisted_region(input_header, contig=None, start=None, end=None, source='auto_blacklisted'): if 'CO' not in input_header: # Blacklisted regions, as freetext comment input_header['CO'] = [] input_header['CO'].append(f'scmo_blacklisted\t{contig}:{start} {end}\tsource:{source}')
[docs]def get_blacklisted_regions_from_bam(bam_path): blacklisted = {} with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path) as alignments: if 'CO' in alignments.header: for record in alignments.header['CO']: parts = record.strip().split('\t') if parts[0]!='scmo_blacklisted': continue region = parts[1] contig, span = region.split(' ') start, end = span.split('-') start = int(start) end = int(end) if not contig in blacklisted: blacklisted[contig] = [] blacklisted[contig].append( (start,end) ) return blacklisted
[docs]def bam_is_processed_by_program(alignments, program='bamtagmultiome'): """Check if bam file has been processed by the supplied program This function checks if there is an entry available in the 'PG' block in header of the bam file where PN matches the program supplied. Args: alignments(pysam.AlignmentFile) : handle to bam file program(str) : program to look for Returns: program_present(bool) : the program was used to process the bam file """ for program_dict in alignments.header.as_dict()['PG']: if program_dict.get('PN','') == program: return True return False
[docs]def sort_and_index( unsorted_path, sorted_path, remove_unsorted=False, local_temp_sort=True, fast_compression=False, prefix='TMP' ): """ Sort and index a bam file Args: unsorted_path (str) : path to unsorted bam file sorted_path (str) : write sorted file here remove_unsorted (bool) : remove the unsorted file local_temp_sort(bool): create temporary files in target directory Raises: SamtoolsError when sorting or indexing fails """ if prefix is None: raise 'prefix cannot be None' if local_temp_sort: base_directory = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(sorted_path) ) prefix = f'{prefix}.{uuid.uuid4()}' temp_path_first = f'{base_directory}/{prefix}' if temp_path_first.startswith('/TMP'): # Perform sort in current directory temp_path_first = f'./{prefix}' # Try to sort at multiple locations, if sorting fails try the next until all locations have been tried temp_paths = [temp_path_first, f'/tmp/{prefix}', f'./{prefix}' ] for i, temp_path in enumerate(temp_paths): failed = False try: pysam.sort( '-o', sorted_path, '-T', f'{temp_path}', # Current directory with a random prefix unsorted_path, ('-l 1' if fast_compression else '-l 3') ) except Exception as e: print(f'Sorting failed at temp: {temp_path}') failed = True if i==len(temp_paths)-1: raise if not failed: break else: pysam.sort("-o", sorted_path, unsorted_path, ('-l 1' if fast_compression else '-l 3')) pysam.index(sorted_path, '-@ 4') if remove_unsorted: os.remove(unsorted_path)
[docs]class MapabilityReader(Prefetcher): def __init__(self, mapability_safe_file_path, read_all=False, dont_open=True): self.args = locals().copy() self.handle = None del self.args['self'] self.mapability_safe_file_path = mapability_safe_file_path if not dont_open: self.handle = BlockZip(mapability_safe_file_path, 'r')
[docs] def instance(self, arg_update=None): if 'self' in self.args: del self.args['self'] if arg_update is not None: self.args.update(arg_update) clone = MapabilityReader(**self.args, dont_open=False) return clone
# Todo: exit statements
[docs] def prefetch(self, contig, start, end): clone = self.instance() clone.handle.read_contig_to_cache( contig, region_start=start, region_end=end) return clone
def __getitem__(self, contig_ds_strand): if self.handle is None: self.handle = BlockZip(self.mapability_safe_file_path, 'r') contig, ds, strand = contig_ds_strand return self.handle[contig, ds, strand]
[docs] def site_is_mapable(self, contig, ds, strand): if self.handle is None: self.handle = BlockZip(self.mapability_safe_file_path, 'r') """ Obtain if a restriction site is mapable or not Args: contig (str) : contig of site to look up ds (int) : zero based coordinate of site to look up strand (bool) : strand of site to look up (False: FWD, True: REV) Returns: site_is_mapable (bool) : True when the site is uniquely mapable, False otherwise """ if self.handle[contig, ds, strand] == 'ok': return True return False
[docs]def GATK_indel_realign(origin_bam, target_bam, contig, region_start, region_end, known_variants_vcf_path, # realignerTargetCreatorArgs=None, # indelRealignerArgs=None, gatk_path='GenomeAnalysisTK.jar', interval_path=None, java_cmd='java -jar -Xmx40G', reference=None, interval_write_path=None ): """ Re-align a specified region in a bam file using GenomeAnalysisTK origin_bam (str) : path to extract region from to re-align target_bam(str) : path to write re-aligned reads to contig (str) : contig of selected region region_start (int) : start coordinate of region to re align (1 based) region_end (int) :end coordiante of selected region (1 based) known_variants_vcf_path (str) : path to vcf containing reference variants interval_path (str) : Use this intervals to perform realignment, when not specified intervals are generated using RealignerTargetCreator interval_write_path (str) : when interval_path is not supplied, write the interval file here java_cmd (str) : Command to open java gatk_path (str) : path to GenomeAnalysisTK.jar reference (str) : path to reference Fasta file """ if not os.path.exists('./gatk_tmp'): try: os.path.makedirs('./gatk_tmp') except Exception as e: pass # Detect reference from bam file if reference is None: reference = get_reference_path_from_bam(origin_bam) if reference is None: raise ValueError('Supply a path to a reference Fasta file (reference)') if interval_path is None: if interval_write_path is None: interval_write_path = f"{target_bam.replace('.bam','')}.intervals" target_creator_cmd = f'{java_cmd} {gatk_path} \ -T RealignerTargetCreator \ -R {reference} \ -L {contig}:{region_start}-{region_end} \ -known {known_variants_vcf_path} \ -I {origin_bam} \ -o {interval_write_path}' # Create the intervals file os.system(target_creator_cmd) interval_path = interval_write_path # Perform realignment realign_cmd = f'{java_cmd} {gatk_path} \ -T IndelRealigner \ -R {reference} \ -targetIntervals {interval_path} \ -known {known_variants_vcf_path} \ -L {contig}:{region_start}-{region_end} \ -I {origin_bam} \ -o {target_bam} \ -dcov 1000000 \ -maxReads 2000000' os.system(realign_cmd) return target_bam
[docs]def get_random_locations(bam, n): """Select random locations in the supplied bam file bam(str or pysam.AlignmentFile) n(int) : amount of locations to generate returns: generator of (contig,position) tuples """ cs = get_contig_sizes(bam) # Obtain cumulative amount of bases per contig: cumulative_size = np.cumsum([size for contig,size in cs.items()]) cs_contigs = np.array( list(cs.keys()) ) random_locations = np.random.randint(0, cumulative_size[-1], n) indices = np.searchsorted(cumulative_size, random_locations) random_positions = random_locations-np.concatenate( ([0], cumulative_size))[indices] random_contigs = cs_contigs[indices] return zip(random_contigs, random_positions)
[docs]def sam_to_bam(sam_in, bam_out, threads = 4): """ Convert sam file to sorted bam file Args: sam_in(str) : input sam file path bam_out(str) : output bam file path """ os.system(f'samtools view {sam_in} -b | samtools sort -@ {threads} > {bam_out}; samtools index {bam_out};')
[docs]def sample_location(handle, contig, pos,dedup=True, qc=True): """ Obtain dictionary containing the coverage for every sample Args: handle (pysam.AlignmentFile) : File to obtain reads from contig (str) : contig to sample pos (int) : coordinate to sample (zero based) dedup(bool) : ignore duplicated reads qc(bool) : ignore qc failed reads Returns: samples (dict) : dictionary with amount of reads at the selected locations """ overlap = {} # sample -> coverage for column in pileup_truncated(handle, contig, pos, pos+1): for pileread in column.pileups: if not pileread.is_del and not pileread.is_refskip: sample = pileread.alignment.get_tag('SM') if dedup and pileread.alignment.is_duplicate: continue if qc and pileread.alignment.is_qcfail: continue if not sample in overlap: overlap[sample]=1 else: overlap[sample]+=1 return overlap
[docs]def get_read_group_from_read(read, format, with_attr_dict=False): rg_id=None platform = read.get_tag('Fc') if read.has_tag('Fc') else 'NONE' lane = read.get_tag('La') if read.has_tag('La') else 'NONE' library = read.get_tag('LY') if read.has_tag('LY') else 'NONE' if format==0: sample = read.get_tag('SM') elif format==1: sample = read.get_tag('LY') else: raise ValueError(f'{format} is an unknown read group format') rg_id = f'{platform}.{lane}.{sample}' if with_attr_dict: rg_dict = { 'ID':rg_id, 'LB':library, 'PL':platform, 'SM':sample, 'PU': rg_id } if rg_id is None: raise ValueError('No read group information could be extracted') if with_attr_dict: return rg_id, rg_dict return rg_id
[docs]def random_sample_bam(bam,n,**sample_location_args): """Sample a bam file at random locations Args: bam (pysam.AlignmentFile) : bam to sample from n (int) : Amount of locations to sample *sample_location_args : arguments to pass to sample_location Returns: samples (dict) : dictionary with amount of reads at the selected locations """ r = [sample_location(bam, contig, pos,**sample_location_args) for contig, pos in get_random_locations(bam, n)] return pd.DataFrame(r)
[docs]def replace_bam_header(origin_bam_path, header, target_bam_path=None, header_write_mode='auto'): if target_bam_path is None: target_bam_path = origin_bam_path # Write the re-headered bam file to this path complete_temp_path = origin_bam_path.replace('.bam', '') + '.rehead.bam' # When header_write_mode is auto, when samtools is available, samtools # will be used, otherwise pysam if header_write_mode == 'auto': if which('samtools') is None: header_write_mode = 'pysam' else: header_write_mode = 'samtools' if header_write_mode == 'pysam': with pysam.AlignmentFile(complete_temp_path, "wb", header=header) as out, \ pysam.AlignmentFile(origin_bam_path) as origin: for read in origin: out.write(read) os.rename(complete_temp_path, target_bam_path) elif header_write_mode == 'samtools': # Write the new header to this sam file: headerSamFilePath = origin_bam_path.replace( '.bam', '') + '.header.sam' # Write the sam file with the complete header: with pysam.AlignmentFile(headerSamFilePath, 'w', header=header): pass # Concatenate and remove origin rehead_cmd = f"""{{ cat {headerSamFilePath}; samtools view {origin_bam_path}; }} | samtools view -b > {complete_temp_path} ; mv {complete_temp_path } {target_bam_path};rm {headerSamFilePath}; """ os.system(rehead_cmd) else: raise ValueError( 'header_write_mode should be either, auto, pysam or samtools')
[docs]def add_readgroups_to_header( origin_bam_path, readgroups_in, target_bam_path=None, header_write_mode='auto'): """ Add the readgroups in the set readgroups to the header of origin_bam_path. This function first loads the header of the origin to memory. The supplied readgroups are added to this header. The new header is then exported to a SAM file. The SAM file is then concatenated to the original bam file. Args: origin_bam_path(str) : path to bam file to which to add readgroups to header readgroups_in(set/dict) : set or dictionary which contains read groups. The dictionary should have the format { read_group_id (str) { 'ID': ID, 'LB':library, 'PL':platform, 'SM':sampleLib, 'PU':readGroup } target_bam_path(str) : path to write bam file including the readgrouped header to. When not supplied the output is written to the input bam file """ # Create a read group dictionary if isinstance(readgroups_in, set): readGroupsDict = {} for readGroup in readgroups_in: flowCell, lane, sampleLib = readGroup.split('.') try: library, _ = sampleLib.rsplit('_', 1) except Exception as e: # the library is not part of the sample name: library = 'undefinedLibrary' readGroupsDict[readGroup] = { 'ID': readGroup, 'LB': library, 'PL': 'ILLUMINA', 'SM': sampleLib, 'PU': readGroup} elif isinstance(readgroups_in, dict): readGroupsDict = readgroups_in else: raise ValueError("supply a set or dict for readgroups_in") with pysam.AlignmentFile(origin_bam_path, "rb") as origin: header = origin.header.copy() hCopy = header.to_dict() hCopy['RG'] = list(readGroupsDict.values()) replace_bam_header(origin_bam_path, hCopy, target_bam_path=target_bam_path, header_write_mode=header_write_mode)
[docs]def mate_iter(alignments, **kwargs): buffer = dict() for read in alignments.fetch(**kwargs): if not read.is_paired or not read.is_proper_pair: yield [read, None] if read.is_qcfail or read.is_supplementary: continue #yield read if read.query_name in buffer: if read.is_read1: yield read, buffer.pop(read.query_name) elif read.is_read2: yield buffer.pop(read.query_name), read else: buffer[read.query_name] = read