Source code for singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing.alignment_view

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pysamiterators.iterators as pysamiterators
import itertools
import html

[docs]def cstr(s, color='black', weight=300): return f'<text style="color:{color}; font-weight:{weight}" >{s}</text>'
""" Convert molecule to HTML representation """
[docs]def visualise_molecule(molecule, reference=None, # pysam handle to reference show_reference=False, # Show reference sequence margin_bases=0, start_span=None, end_span=None, show_quals=True, R1PrimerLength=4, R2PrimerLength=6, highlight=set() ): html_str = f'<div style="font-family:monospace;line-height: 10px; font-size:12px; white-space: nowrap;">' reference_sequence = None molecule_flattened = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(molecule)) chrom, _start_span, _end_span = pysamiterators.getListSpanningCoordinates( molecule_flattened) # Calculate start and end of visualisation if not supplied by user: if end_span is None: end_span = _end_span end_span += margin_bases if start_span is None: start_span = _start_span start_span -= margin_bases start_span = max(0, start_span) # todo : end span end = end_span start = start_span # Obtain reference sequence if reference is not None and show_reference: reference_sequence = reference.fetch(chrom, start_span, end_span) html_str += f'ref : {reference_sequence}<br />' for R1, R2 in molecule: try: s, e = pysamiterators.getPairGenomicLocations( R1, R2, R1PrimerLength=4, R2PrimerLength=6) keep = range(s, e + 1) except Exception as e: keep = None for read in [R1, R2]: visBases = ['.'] * (end - start) visQuals = ['.'] * (end - start) emittedRef = ['.'] * (end - start) it = pysamiterators.ReadCycleIterator( read, with_seq=True, matches_only=True, reference=reference) for i, (cycle, qpos, refpos, refbase) in enumerate(it): if i == 0: firstCycle = cycle visPos = refpos - start if not (visPos >= 0 and visPos < (end - start)): continue refbase = refbase.upper() emittedRef[visPos] = refbase #print(qpos,refpos,refbase ,visPos,start, end) qbase = read.query_sequence[qpos] qqual = read.qual[qpos] if read.is_read2 and cycle < R2PrimerLength: weight = 100 visBases[visPos] = cstr(qbase, color='blue', weight=weight) visQuals[visPos] = cstr( html.escape( str(qqual)), color='black', weight=weight) elif keep is not None and refpos not in keep: weight = 200 c = '#CCC' visBases[visPos] = cstr(qbase, color=c, weight=weight) visQuals[visPos] = cstr( html.escape( str(qqual)), color=c, weight=weight) elif refpos in highlight: if qbase != refbase: weight = 700 visBases[visPos] = cstr( qbase, color='red', weight=weight) weight = 400 visQuals[visPos] = cstr( html.escape( str(qqual)), color='black', weight=weight) else: weight = 700 visBases[visPos] = cstr( qbase, color='green', weight=weight) weight = 400 visQuals[visPos] = cstr( html.escape( str(qqual)), color='black', weight=weight) else: if qbase != refbase: weight = 700 # +'/'+cstr(refbase,color='red',weight=weight) visBases[visPos] = cstr( f'{qbase}', color='orange', weight=weight) weight = 400 visQuals[visPos] = cstr( html.escape( str(qqual)), color='black', weight=weight) else: weight = 100 visBases[visPos] = cstr( qbase, color='grey', weight=weight) visQuals[visPos] = cstr( html.escape( str(qqual)), color='#CCC', weight=weight) html_str += f'{"RD1 " if read.is_read1 else "RD2 "}: ' + \ ''.join(visBases) + f' cycle:{firstCycle}:{cycle} {it.start} {it.len}' html_str += ' ' + cstr( f'SEQ:{read.get_tag("Is")}:{read.get_tag("Fc")}:{read.get_tag("La")}:{read.get_tag("Ti")}', 'brown') + cstr( f' MD:{read.get_tag("MD")}', 'black') html_str += '<br />' if show_quals: html_str += 'rdQ : ' + ''.join(visQuals) + '<br />' # if showEmittedRef: # html_str+='eref: ' +''.join(emittedRef)+'<br />' #html_str+=f'<br />pred: {"".join(visPredict)}<br />conf: {"".join(visConf)}<br /><br /><br />' return html_str